Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai - Cucurbit Breeding ...

Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai - Cucurbit Breeding ... Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai - Cucurbit Breeding ...
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Norton, J.D., R.D. Cosper, D.A. Smith, and K.S. Rymal. 1986. 'AU-Jubilant' and 'AU-Producer' watermelons. HortScience. 21: 1460-1461. Poole, C.F. 1944. Genetics of cultivated cucurbits. Journal of Heredity. 35: 122-128. Poole, C.F. and P.C. Grimball. 1945. Interaction of sex, shape, and weight genes in watermelon. Journal of Agricultural Research, U.S. 71: 533-552. Poole, C.F., P.C. Grimball, and D.R. Porter. 1941. Inheritance of seed characters in watermelon. Journal of Agricultural Research, U.S. 63: 433-456. Porter, D.R. 1937. Inheritance of certain fruit and seed characters in watermelons. Hilgardia. 10: 489-509. Provvidenti, R. 1991. Inheritance of resistance to the Florida strain of zucchini yellow mosaic virus in watermelon. HortScience. 26: 407-408. Provvidenti, R. 1992. Cold resistance in accessions of watermelon from Zimbabwe. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 15: 67-68. Provvidenti, R. 2003. Naming the gene conferring resistance to cool temperatures in watermelon. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 26: 31. Rajendran, P.C. and S. Thamburaj. 1993. Heterosis in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb. Mansf.). The Madras Agricultural Journal. 80: 40-46. Rhodes, B. and F. Dane. 1999. Gene list for watermelon. Cucurbit Genetics Cooperative Report. 22: 61-77. Robinson, R.W., R. Provvidenti, and J.W. Shail. 1975. Inheritance of susceptibility to powdery mildew in the watermelon. Journal of Heredity. 66: 310-311. Rosa, J.T. 1928. The inheritance of flower types in Cucumis and Citrullus. Hilgardia. 3: 233-250. Sachan, S.C.P. and P. Nath. 1976. Combining ability of some quantitative characters in 10 x 10 diallel crosses of watermelon, Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf. Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytology. 5: 65-79. Sharma, R.R. and B. Choudhury. 1988. Studies on some quantitative characters in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus Thunb. Mansf.). I. Inheritance of earliness and fruit weight. Indian Journal of Horticulture. 45: 80-84. 13

Shimotsuma, M. 1963. Cytogenetical studies in the genus Citrullus. VII. Inheritance of several characters in watermelon. Japanese Journal of Breeding. 13: 235-240. Sidhu, A.S. and J.S. Brar. 1977. Heterosis and combining ability of yield and its components in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mansf.). Journal of Research. 14: 52-58. Sidhu, A.S. and J.S. Brar. 1985. Genetic divergence and hybrid performance in watermelon. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 55: 459-461. Sidhu, A.S., J.S. Brar, and S.P.S. Gill. 1977a. Mode of inheritance and gene action for yield and its components in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thumb) Mansf). Journal of Research of Punjab Agriculture University. 14: 419-422. Sidhu, A.S., J.S. Brar, and S.P.S. Gill. 1977b. Mode of inheritance of earliness and quality characters in watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thumb) Mansf). Journal of Research of Punjab Agriculture University. 14: 423-426. Tanaka, T., S. Wimol, and T. Mizutani. 1995. Inheritance of fruit shape and seed size of watermelon. Journal of Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. 64: 543-548. USDA-ARS. 2001. Statistics of vegetables and melons. Agricultural Statistics. 1: 1-38. USDA-ARS. 2002. Statistics of vegetables and melons. Agricultural Statistics. 1: IV.1-IV.38. USDA-ARS. 2003. Statistics of vegetables and melons. Agricultural Statistics: IV.1-IV.38. USDA-ARS. 2004a. Agricultural statistics data base - QuickSTAT [Online]. Available by USDA-ARS (verified 11/15/2004). USDA-ARS. 2004b. Statistics of vegetables and melons. Agricultural Statistics: IV.1-IV.36. Vashistha, R.N. and B. Choudhury. 1972. Inheritance of resistance to red punpkin beetle in muskmelon, bottle gourd and watermelon. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Sub-Tropical and Tropical Horticulture: 75-81. Warid, A. and A.A. Abd el Hafez. 1976. Inheritance of marker genes of leaf color and ovary shape in watermelon. The Lybian Journal of Science. 6: 1-8. Watts, W.M. 1962. A marked male-sterile mutant in watermelon. Proceedings of American Society for Horticultural Science. 81: 498-505. 14

Norton, J.D., R.D. Cosper, D.A. Smith, and K.S. Rymal. 1986. 'AU-Jubilant' and 'AU-Producer' watermelons.<br />

HortScience. 21: 1460-1461.<br />

Poole, C.F. 1944. Genetics of cultivated cucurbits. Journal of Heredity. 35: 122-128.<br />

Poole, C.F. and P.C. Grimball. 1945. Interaction of sex, shape, and weight genes in watermelon. Journal of<br />

Agricultural Research, U.S. 71: 533-552.<br />

Poole, C.F., P.C. Grimball, and D.R. Porter. 1941. Inheritance of seed characters in watermelon. Journal of<br />

Agricultural Research, U.S. 63: 433-456.<br />

Porter, D.R. 1937. Inheritance of certain fruit and seed characters in watermelons. Hilgardia. 10: 489-509.<br />

Provvidenti, R. 1991. Inheritance of resistance to the Florida strain of zucchini yellow mosaic virus in<br />

watermelon. HortScience. 26: 407-408.<br />

Provvidenti, R. 1992. Cold resistance in accessions of watermelon from Zimbabwe. <strong>Cucurbit</strong> Genetics<br />

Cooperative Report. 15: 67-68.<br />

Provvidenti, R. 2003. Naming the gene conferring resistance to cool temperatures in watermelon. <strong>Cucurbit</strong><br />

Genetics Cooperative Report. 26: 31.<br />

Rajendran, P.C. and S. Thamburaj. 1993. Heterosis in watermelon (<strong>Citrullus</strong> <strong>lanatus</strong> <strong>Thunb</strong>. Mansf.). The<br />

Madras Agricultural Journal. 80: 40-46.<br />

Rhodes, B. and F. Dane. 1999. Gene list for watermelon. <strong>Cucurbit</strong> Genetics Cooperative Report. 22: 61-77.<br />

Robinson, R.W., R. Provvidenti, and J.W. Shail. 1975. Inheritance of susceptibility to powdery mildew in the<br />

watermelon. Journal of Heredity. 66: 310-311.<br />

Rosa, J.T. 1928. The inheritance of flower types in Cucumis and <strong>Citrullus</strong>. Hilgardia. 3: 233-250.<br />

Sachan, S.C.P. and P. Nath. 1976. Combining ability of some quantitative characters in 10 x 10 diallel crosses<br />

of watermelon, <strong>Citrullus</strong> <strong>lanatus</strong> (<strong>Thunb</strong>.) Mansf. Egyptian Journal of Genetics and Cytology. 5: 65-79.<br />

Sharma, R.R. and B. Choudhury. 1988. Studies on some quantitative characters in watermelon (<strong>Citrullus</strong><br />

<strong>lanatus</strong> <strong>Thunb</strong>. Mansf.). I. Inheritance of earliness and fruit weight. Indian Journal of Horticulture. 45:<br />

80-84.<br />


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