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In 1984 an even stronger attack against Common Modulus RSA was discov-<br />

ered by DeLaurentis[12]. He proved that you don’t even need two encryptions<br />

of a plain text to actually decrypt all the encrypted messages. The theorem<br />

states that any user of the system can actually create a new private key which<br />

will work with any other chosen public key. Here is the result:<br />

Theorem 20. Let < e, N > be a valid RSA public key with corresponding<br />

private key < d, N >. Let < e1, N > be the public key from another user such<br />

that e1 = e. Then a private key < d1, N > corresponding to < e1, N > can be<br />

computed by:<br />

d1 = e −1<br />

1<br />

in time polynomial in log(N).<br />

Proof. We rewrite the key equation<br />

(mod<br />

ed − 1<br />

) (39)<br />

(e1, ed − 1)<br />

ed ∼ = 1 (mod φ(N)) ⇔ ed − 1 = kφ(N) (40)<br />

and notice also that, as e1 is a public exponent it satisfies (e1, φ(N)) = 1 and<br />

therefore (e1, kφ(N)) = k ′ for some k ′ that divides k. Now let k ′′ = k<br />

k ′ . The<br />

modulus in computation (39) can be written as:<br />

So e1 and d1 satisfy:<br />

ed − 1 kφ(N)<br />

=<br />

(e1, ed − 1) k ′ = k′′ φ(N) (41)<br />

d1 ∼ = e −1<br />

1 (mod k ′′ φ(N)) =⇒ d1e1 ∼ = 1 (mod φ(N)) (42)<br />

Therefore d1 is a valid private exponent corresponding to e1. All computations<br />

can be done in time polynomial in log(N).<br />

The implementation of this attack is presented in the appendix. The experi-<br />

mental results obtained, again for different values of the size of n are represented<br />

in Table 3.<br />

The abnormal values for n = 32 and n = 64 are probably due to the fact that<br />

the only relevant operation depending on the size of N timed was a modular<br />

exponentiation.<br />

There is one approach even more simple. Using his pair of private/public<br />

keys, any user can compute a multiple of φ(N) through the key equation<br />

ed − 1 = kφ(N). Then, by the results of Miller [33], he can use a probabilistic<br />


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