The Colombian Species of Tetrorchidium - CNCFlora

The Colombian Species of Tetrorchidium - CNCFlora

The Colombian Species of Tetrorchidium - CNCFlora


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Colombian</strong> <strong>Species</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Tetrorchidium</strong><br />

Author(s): Jose Cuatrecasas<br />

Reviewed work(s):<br />

Source: Brittonia, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Jul. 30, 1957), pp. 76-82<br />

Published by: Springer on behalf <strong>of</strong> the New York Botanical Garden Press<br />

Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2804772 .<br />

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Departtment <strong>of</strong> Botany, Smithsonian Institution<br />

Washingtoni, D. C.<br />

Of tweilty species recognized today by taxonomists in the tropical genus<br />

<strong>Tetrorchidium</strong> Poepp. & Endl. (Euphorbiaceae), eight are to be found in Colombia,<br />

six <strong>of</strong> them being <strong>Colombian</strong> endeniisms. Pax listed only four species for<br />

the genus in his part <strong>of</strong> the monograph <strong>of</strong> the Euphorbiaceae published in 1912<br />

[Planzenireich 147 (4) :291: T. andintin ]N. Arg., T. mnacrophyl/lwn M. Arg., T.<br />

rubrivenitrn, Poepp. & Endl., and T. parvu,lu,m, M. Arg., all American. In 1919<br />

Pax and H<strong>of</strong>fman added four species more to <strong>Tetrorchidium</strong> by joining to it the<br />

African genus Hasskarlia [Pflainzenreieh 147 (6 additt.) 531. At the same time<br />

he created a section <strong>of</strong> this name for the African species and the section EKtetrorchidi,ium)<br />

Pax & H<strong>of</strong>f. for the American ones.<br />

Sinee then the sectioll Eutetrorchidimn has been very miLich enlarged, by<br />

Pax and H<strong>of</strong>fman with one species (Brazil), by Croizat with four species (Colonibia,<br />

Jamaica), by Ducke with one (Brazil), by Standley with two (Central<br />

Air erica), anid by Staiidley anid Steyermiark with one (Guatemala). Finally I<br />

am ldescribingo, in this paper three new species from recent <strong>Colombian</strong> collections.<br />

As a result the present kniown distribuLtion <strong>of</strong> the section Eutetrorchidium, is:<br />

one species stretched from Central America to Peru and Brazil, one from Mexico<br />

to Honduras, one in Guatemala, one in Jamaica, four in Brazil, one in Ecuador,<br />

one from Colombia and Ecuador, anid six limited to Colombia.In short the range<br />

<strong>of</strong> the genus in America goes fromii soutlhern AMexico southward to Peru and<br />

southeastward to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.<br />

Tetrorchidimm belongs to the subfamily Crotoinoideae (onie ovLtle in each cell<br />

<strong>of</strong> the ovary) and tribe Geloniieae (flowers apetalous, sepals imbricate, small,<br />

herbaceous, filaments straight). <strong>The</strong>y are trees or large shruLbs; the male flowers<br />

with short stamens, the anthers with four cells. <strong>The</strong>y grow in the tropics usually<br />

in lowlaiids or in the lower miiounitaini belt between sea level and 4500 feet <strong>of</strong><br />

altitude; onily exceptioniallv cani they be found at higher elevations.<br />

<strong>The</strong> followinig key comnprises the eight species known today livinog in Colombia.<br />

1. Male flowers sessile, coniglolmierate alolig the brancehes <strong>of</strong> the inifloreseeniee; leaves<br />

chartaceous or subiembraiiaceous.<br />

2. Leaf -blades chartaceous, reticulate-veiiied beneath; infloreseelice pubeseelnt;<br />

hypogyiious disc cupuliform; blades 13-30 cm long, 4.5-13 cm broad, obovateoblong,<br />

attenuate-acuminate at the apex, narrowed towards the base, cuneate,<br />

the secondary nerves 8-10 oni each side; petiole 1.5-5 cm long. 1. T. niacrophyllitn.<br />

2'. Leaf-blades iot reticulate-veilned beneatlh<br />

3. Male infloreseelees robust, the axis and braiehlets rather thiek anld densely<br />

pubescent, the glomerules <strong>of</strong> flowers thick. Blades 9-18 cm lonlg, 4-6 cm<br />

broad, entire or slightly serrate, the base cuneate, the secondary ilerves 5-6<br />

oln each side; petiole 2.5-3 cm long; hypogynous disc formed by three free<br />

glanids. 2. T. riubriveiniuin.<br />

3'. Male infloreseenee slender, flexuose, the axis and bralichlets thin, glabrous or<br />

subglabrous, the glomerules smaller and rather slender; blades 8-15 cm long,<br />

3-6 cm broad, entire, subobovate-obloiig, the base less attenuate, the secondary<br />

nerves 6-7 oln each side; petiole 1.5-2 cm long; hypogynious disc uniknown.<br />

3. 1. boyacanum.<br />

1'. Male flowers pedicellate, solitary, or a few sessile in short branchlets forming pseu-<br />



doracemes (in T. butlbipilosutm unknown); hypogynous disc cupuliform.<br />

4. Leaf-blades firm, coriaceous, shiniing and subglabrous beneath, 7-16 cm long,<br />

3.5-7.6 cm broad, ovate, elliptic-ovate or slightly obovate, the base cuneate,<br />

the apex abruptly narrowed and shortly acuminate, the margin entire or seldom<br />

with a few minute glands, the lax reticulum slightly prominent, the secondary<br />

nerves 4-5 on each side.<br />

5. Young branchlets, petioles and midrib beneath appressed-puberulous or glabrous;<br />

leaves ochroleucous beneath. 4. T. ochroleitcaiim.<br />

5'. Young braiiehlets, petioles, and midrib beneath minutely tomentose with<br />

spreading, acute, tuberculate hairs; leaves pale-viridulous beneath.<br />

5. T. bilbipilosumr.<br />

4'. Leaf-blades chartaceous, reticulate-veinied; infloreseences pubeseenit.<br />

6. Blades short (4-11 cm long, 1.5-4 cm broad), oblong-elliptic or oblonlg-obovate,<br />

attenuate and obtuse at base, appressed-puberulous beneath, usually with 4<br />

nierves each side, the reticulum prominent at both sides; petiole 5-12 mm<br />

long; infloreseences to 6 cm long with slenider braniehes. 6. T. robledoanitm.<br />

6'. Blades large, obovate or elliptic-lanceolate, acute anid culieate at base, appressed-<br />

or subappressed-puberulous or glabrate beneath.<br />

7. Leaves thin, chartaecous, lonig-acuminate, the margin flat, coarsely serrate,<br />

the secondary nerves 6-8 on each side, the reticulum prominulous, 10-22<br />

cm long, 3.5-9 cm broad; petiole 1-2.2 cm long with two pedicellate glandls<br />

below the apex 7. T. rorfjozae.<br />

7'. Leaves firmly ehartaceous, oblong-obovate, abruptly anld obtusely acuminate,<br />

the margiin slightly revoliite with minu-te and distant glands, the secondary,<br />

nerves 7-8 on each side, the reticulum promiunulous, at base twvo subsessile<br />

glands with di1aetd base, 15-26 cm blong, 7-9 cm broad; petiole 2.5-3.5 cm<br />

loing without glands. 8. T. popayaqnense.<br />

1. <strong>Tetrorchidium</strong> macrophyllum Muell.-Arg. in DC. Prodr. 152: 1133. 1866.<br />

PUTUMAYO: Rain forest between Puerto Asis and Umbria, 270-350 rn alt.;<br />

small branched tree, 23-XII-1940, J. Cuatrecasas 11256. Mocoa in rain forest<br />

at Quebrada del Rio Mulato, 570-600 m alt.; large tree; flowers whitish, J. Cta-<br />

trecasas 11285.<br />

<strong>The</strong> species is known from Peru and Ecuador.<br />

My collection 11285 has relatively small leaves; it is a lmlale specimen and<br />

cannot be disassociated from the female specimen 11256 collected at the same<br />

region which agrees better with the commoni forms <strong>of</strong> T. macrophylltUm. It<br />

seems that large trees have smaller leaves at the terminal branchlets than the<br />

young smaller plants.<br />

2. <strong>Tetrorchidium</strong> rubrivenium Poepp. & Endl. Nov. Gen. & Sp. 3: 23. pl. 227.<br />

1842.<br />

CALDAS: Cordillera Central; Palestina 1500 m alt., tree 20 in high truilk<br />

40 cm diam.; white wood <strong>of</strong> medium density; fruits, 5 mm, rounded, Dtque<br />

Jaramitilo 1769. PUTUMAYO: Mocoa, Quebrada del Rio Mulato in rain forest<br />

580-600 m alt., 28-XI-1940, J. Cuatrecasas 11290. VALLE: Alto del Dinde,<br />

between Cartago and Aleal', 1200-1260 m alt.; tree 12 m alt., leaves papyraceous,<br />

dark-green, semi-shining; conglomerate greenish-yellow buds; 16-X-1946, J.<br />

Cuatrecasas 22898.<br />

T. rubriveniurn is spread from Venezuela to Peru and Brazil. <strong>The</strong> species is<br />

polyim-orphous, several varieties having been described. <strong>The</strong> above-mentioned<br />

<strong>Colombian</strong> collections have more or less sinuate-dentate leaves with hispidulous<br />

midrib alid are close to the vTariety fendleri Muell.-Arg.<br />

3. <strong>Tetrorchidium</strong> boyacanum Croizat, Jour. Arnold Arb. 24: 170. 1943. Fig. 1.<br />

BOYACA: Region <strong>of</strong> Chapon, extreme west <strong>of</strong> the Department, in high thick<br />

forest at El Umbo, 3000 ft alt.; shrub 12-15 ft high, flowers greenish-yellow,

78 BRITTONIA V OL. 9<br />

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22-X-1932, A. E. Law. ence 547 (isotype, NY). NOTER DE SANTANDER:<br />

Region <strong>of</strong> Sarare; Hoya del iRio Cubug6on, El Tndio, 420-480 m alt.; small tree,<br />

calyx greenish, anthers yellowish-white, 13-XI-1941, J. Cuatrecasas 13088.<br />

This species, limited to Colombia, is characterized by its obovate-oblong,<br />

membranaceous leaves which are smooth (without venation) beneath. Its male<br />

infloreseences are much branched, slender and subglabrous (having only small,<br />

minute, scarce hairs). <strong>The</strong> marginal glands described by Croizat are almost<br />

non-existent in the specimens cited.<br />

4. <strong>Tetrorchidium</strong> ochroleucum Cuatr., sp. nov. Figure 2.<br />

Arbor mediocris cortice trunei griseo-ochraceo pallido, ligno ochraceo, ramulis<br />

terminalibus teretibus laevibus innovationibns adpresse puberulis demum glabris.<br />

Folia alterna simplicia. Petiolus 1.5-3 cm longus crassiuseulus semiteres<br />

supra suleatus basi inerassatus ca. apicem glandulis 2 tubulosis 1-1.5 mm longis<br />

praeditus parce puberulus vel glaber. Lamina crassiuseula coriacea subobovatoelliptica<br />

basim versus attenuata cuneata, apice subite in acumen obtusiusculum<br />

angustata margine integro sed interdum parcissimis glandulis (1-2 utroque<br />

latere) 7-16 cm longa 3.5-7.5 cm lata, acumine 3-10 mm longo, 3-7 mm lato;<br />

in sieco: supra viridi-pallida glabra vel sparsissimis minutis pilis adpressis, costa<br />

impressa vel filiformi notata nervis secundariis et venulis laxe reticulatis paulo<br />

prominulis; subtus nitidissima ochroleuca visu glabra sed praecipue juvenili<br />

statu ad nervos principales pilis minutis sparsis adpressis praedita, costa crasse<br />

elevata nervis secundariis ca. 5 utroque latere prominentibus aseendentibus<br />

marginem versus arcuatis evaneseenti-anastomosantibus, venulis prominulis reticulum<br />

valde laxum formantibus.<br />

Infloreseentiae masculae axillares 6-15 cm longae graciles anlgustae racemiformes<br />

axi tenui pubeseenti vel puberulo pilis malpighiaceis adpressis munito,<br />

pedunculo 2-6 cm longo; ramulis usque ad 5 mm longis inferiori excepto interdum<br />

ad 2 eni longo, vulgo 1-3 floribus subsessilibus bracteolatis instructis. Bracteolae<br />

glandulosae cupulatae. Flos masculus 3 sepalis ovatis obtusiusculis extus<br />

pubeseentibus, 1 mm longis latisque. Stamina 3 sessilia antheris 1 mm latis<br />

4-lobatis lobis 0.5 mm latis. Infloreseentiae femilneae (in statu fructifero tantum<br />

visae) ad 12 cm longae. Pedicelli fructiferi teneres puberuli 4-10 mm lolngi.<br />

Fructus rotundatus 10-14 mm diamitens puberulus viridi-albicans (maturitate),<br />

apice stigmata 3 papilloso-tomentella bilobata, trispermus. Semina rubeseentia<br />

alveolata ellipsoidea ca. 6 X7 mm longa. Discus hypogynus cupuliformis Olaber<br />

basi fructus remanens,<br />

Typus: COLOMBIA: Dep. Valle: Costa del Pacifico, Rio Cajambre: Silva<br />

5-80 m alt., 14-V-1944; small tree, leaves green, coriaceous, rigid, dark green<br />

above, yellowish-green, pale beneath. Perianth yellowish-white, J. Cuatrecasas<br />

17636 (holotypus, F). Costa del Pacifico, Rio Yurumangui: Pefna de Candelaria,<br />

10 m alt., 9-II-1944; tree leaves thick-coriaceous, yellowish-green, pale; fruits<br />

samne color 10-12 mm diam., J. Cuatrecasas 16134 (paratypus, F). Rio Yurumangui,<br />

Veneral, forests 5-50 m alt., 28-1-1944; small tree 7 m, stem 15 cm<br />

diam., bark gray-ochraceous, pale; wood ochraceous; leaves coriaceous, smooth,<br />

green above, pale beneath; ripe fruits greenish-white with 3 reddish seeds. J.<br />

Cuatrecasas 15704 (F, VALLE).<br />

T. ochroleucumt is distinguished by its coriaceous, firm, ovate or subelliptic,<br />

Explanation <strong>of</strong> figures 1, 2,<br />

FIG. 1. Tetrorchidiun boyacanun, isotype. FIG. 2. Tetrorchidintm ochroleutcutm, holotype.

80 BRITTONIA [VOL. 9<br />

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acuminate leaves which are lustrous, pale yellowish andl glabrous (or with ap-<br />

pressed puberulous midrib) beneath.<br />

5. <strong>Tetrorchidium</strong> bulbipilosum Cuatr., sp. nov.<br />

Arbor mediocris ramis terminalibus viridi-ochraceis glabratis, juvenilibus<br />

tomentosis pilis acutis basi tuberculosis patulis dense obtectis.<br />

Folia alterna simplicia. Petiolus 1.4-2 cm longus crassiusculus minute tomentosus<br />

pilis acutis basi conicis, supra sulcatus, infra apicem 2 glandulis cvlindricis<br />

ca. 1.2 mm longis praeditus. Lamina firmula coriacea subobovata basi attenuata<br />

acute cuneata apice subite angustata breviter obtusiuscule acuminata, margine<br />

integra remotis glandulis annularibus minutis munita, 11-15.5 cm longa 5.5-7.6<br />

cni lata, supra pallido-viridis (in sicco) pilis minutis patulis basi tuberculatis<br />

(bulbosis) ad costam copiosis in cetera sparsis vel raris praedita, costa nervis<br />

secundariis paulo notatis nervulis laxe reticulatis leviter prominulis; subtus<br />

pallidior costa elevata vulgo 4 nervis secundariis ascendentibus arcuatis nlervulis<br />

prominulis laxe reticulatis, pilis minutis acutis patulis sparsis vel sparssissimis<br />

sed ad costam nervosque secundarios copiosis.<br />

Inflorescentiae femineae (in statu fructifero tantuli visae) ca. 4 cm longae,<br />

axi minute tomeitoso pilis acutis patulis basi tuberculatis. Pedicelli teneres 8-10<br />

mm longi. Sepala 3 brevia pubescentia. Discus hypogynus cupularis glaber basi<br />

fructus remanens 1.5 mm altus. Fructus sulcatus extus puberulus, seminibus<br />

rubris ovatis acutis compressis alveolatis ca. 5 mm longis 6 mm latis.<br />

Typus: COLOMBIA: Dep. Valle: Costa del Pacifico Bahia de Buenaveiitura;<br />

Quebrada de San Joaquin, 0-10 m alt., "tree 12 m, stern 15 cm, diam.; leaves<br />

coriaceous, flexible, pale green, semilustrous; fruit with two deep, greenish-white<br />

furrows; seeds red, 22-11-1946 J. Cuatrecasas 19932 (holotypus, F; isotypus,<br />

VALLE).<br />

T. blbipilosurnt is closely related to T. ochroletcurm, but has more obovate<br />

leaves, more prominent venatioll, and the leaves lack the ochraceous color be-<br />

Heath. Furthermore it differs from all other species by the minute tomentumn<br />

which covers the branchlets and petioles, and to a lesser degree the nerves. This<br />

tomentun- is formed by spreading acute hairs which are tuberculate (bulbose)<br />

at the base.<br />

6. <strong>Tetrorchidium</strong> robledoanum Cuatr., sp. nov. Figures 3, 4.<br />

Arbor mediocris, ramulis terminalibus viridibus adpresse pubeseentibus pilis<br />

malpighiaceis tectis.<br />

Folia alterna simplicia. Petiolus 5-12 mm longis adpresse pubescens semiteres<br />

supra suleatus subapicem 2 glandulis tubulosis patulis 1 mm longis instruetus.<br />

Lamina chartacea viridis subobovato-oblonga basim versus paulo attenuata<br />

basi obtusa, apice subite attenuata obtuseque cuspidata, margine integra sed raris<br />

glandulis minutis praedita, 4-11 cm longa, 1.5-4.2 em lata acumine 2-10 mm<br />

longo, 3 mm lato; supra puberula pilis minutis adpressis vel subadpressis sparsis<br />

mlunita, costa angusta impressa vel plana nervis secundariis paulo impressis<br />

filiformibus, venulis in reticulo prominulo notato; subtus puberulis, costa elevata<br />

magis adpresse pilosa, nervis secundariis 4-5 utroque latere prominentibus valde<br />

aseendentibus prope marginem arcuatis amastomosatis, venulis reticulum prominulum<br />

plus minusve conspicuum formantibus.<br />

Explanation <strong>of</strong> figures 3, 4<br />

FIG. 3. Tetrorchidinun<br />

robledoanum, holotype. FIG. 4. <strong>The</strong> same, with male flowers: para-<br />


82 BRITTONIA [ VOL. 9<br />

Inflorescentiae rnasculae in panieulis angustis raceinosis 2-4 cm longis, axi<br />

ramulisque teneribus adpresse pubeseentibus. Flores masculi solitarii breviter<br />

pedicellati basi bracteola glandulata breviter cupulari vel subdisciformi, pedicellis<br />

0.5-2 mm longis. Flos masculus sepalis 3 ovatis acutis pubeseentibus 1.2<br />

mm longis, 1 mm latis. Stamina 3 filamentis brevissimis antheris circa 1 mm<br />

amplis 4-lobulatis. Infloreseentiae femineae 2-6 mm longae, ramulis praecipue<br />

unifloris; pseudopedicellis 3-7 lmm teneribus puberulis articulatis. Flos femineus<br />

sepalis 3 ovatis acutiusculis adpresse pubeseentibus 1.2 mm longis, 1 mm<br />

latis. Discus hypogynus glaber urceolato-cupularis calycis altitudinem attingens<br />

margine obsolete crenatus. Ovarim glabrumn ovoideum, stigmata crasso-subquadrato<br />

sessile.<br />

Typus: COLOMBIA: Antioquia: municipio de Sonson, region <strong>of</strong> Rioverde,<br />

Hacienda La Soledad, Quebrada Curubital; remnant forest shrub 4 m, flowers<br />

greenish-white, 23-1-1947, Gabriel Gttierrez 35556 (holotypus, CAL). Antioquia:<br />

municipio de SonSo6nl, regioln <strong>of</strong> Rioverde, left bank <strong>of</strong> the Rio Verdes<br />

de los Montes, road to Sonson; tree 7 m; flowers greenish, 5-11-1947, Gabriel<br />

Guttierrez 35670 (paratypus, 8, CAL).<br />

T. robledoanutm is closely related to T. gorgonae, buLt the latter has larger<br />

and more attenuate leaves which are culeate and incised-dentate, longer petioles<br />

with the pedicellate glands more separated from the base <strong>of</strong> the blade; commonly<br />

the leaves have six pairs <strong>of</strong> secondary nerves, whereas the Aintioquian plant<br />

usually has only four, the blades being more rigid.<br />

This species is being named to honor Dr. Emilio Robledo, an outstanding<br />

cultural leader in Colombia and pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong> Botany for many years at the<br />

National University in Medellin.<br />

7. <strong>Tetrorchidium</strong> gorgonac Croizat, Jour. Arn. Arb. 24: 170. 1943.<br />

NARINO; East side <strong>of</strong> Gorgona Island; edge <strong>of</strong> forest at Coast, 11-11-1939,<br />

Killip & Garcia 33214 (isotype, US).<br />

T. gorgyonae has the hypogynous disc cupuliforin and persistent at the base<br />

<strong>of</strong> the fruit. <strong>The</strong> species has been collected also at the Pacific Coast <strong>of</strong> Ecuador<br />

by E. L. Little (6208, 6207, 6168).<br />

8. <strong>Tetrorchidium</strong> popayanense Croizat, Jour. Arn. Arb. 24: 171. 1943.<br />

CAUCA: Highlands <strong>of</strong> Popayan, 1500-1800 m alt., Rio Guangubio; blooms<br />

in November, Lehmactnn BT 667 (holotypus, A).<br />

This species is closely related to T. gorgonae and T. robledoanum; it has iiarrow<br />

raeemose miiale infloreseences, the lateral branchlets very short.

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