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722<br />

occupation, n xii 30, S. C, June 45, con­ iii ix 49, vi x 5, S C July 14, Sept 92,<br />

duct, iii 1 67.<br />

Hubberd 406<br />

tradefuli, busy III traffic, Amor Son. 15 tromp(e),trumpet,iii.iii 3, p. 412, trumpeter,<br />

traduction, transfer, iv III 13.<br />

herald, R T 434.<br />

traine, trayne, artifice, wile, snare, 1 vi troncheon, headless spear, cudgel, II viii<br />

3, vii I, IX 31, xii 36,III III II, x II, iv 38, iv III 12<br />

VIIu 31, v viii 2, 19, xii 40, Gnat 241, troth, truth, II 1 II, II 34<br />

Mutop 398, Clout II8, Past Elegie 97 , troublous, agitated, disturbed, II II 24, rest­<br />

trail, track, v II 15, assembly, v II 33 less, II III 4<br />

tramels, nets (for the hair), II II 15,III ix 20 trow(e), to believe, think, i! v 13, v II 34,<br />

transfard, pret transformed, m xi 31 S C March 56, July 107<br />

translated, transferred, v vii 29<br />

trump, trumpet, Amor Son 29, 85 Cf<br />

transmew, to transform, transmute, 1 vii 35, tromp<br />

II III 37, iiI 1 38<br />

truncked, ppl adj truncated, beheaded, 1<br />

transmoue, to transform, in xi 43<br />

VIII 10, II v 4<br />

transuerse by t =m a haphazard way, vii trusse, 56 bundle, 5 C May 239<br />

vii 56<br />

trusse, vb to seize and carry <strong>of</strong>f, 1 xi 19, iv<br />

trap, to furnish with trappings, II viii 16 vii 18, to pack up, iii. x 46<br />

trap fals, trap doors so made as to give way trustily, -ely, faithfully, vi III 19, with<br />

beneath the feet, pitfalls, v II 7<br />

confidence, Hubberd 55<br />

trast, pret moved, ran, v viii 37<br />

vb<br />

Cf trace, truth, trust, care, 1 vi 12,II III 2<br />

try(e), trie, vb to experience, iv vii II,<br />

trauayler, worker, Two Lett p 640 R T. 233, tride, pret iv vii 2, tryde,<br />

traueled, -eiled, pa part troubled, S C pa part vi III 2, to prove (oneself), Hub­<br />

Jan. Arg 6, laboured, R R II7<br />

berd 913 tryde, pa part purified, II II 9<br />

trauell, sb toil, travail, vi vii 19, ix 2 tride, ppl adj firm, faithful, vi viii 33<br />

trauell, vb to travail, labour (in childbirth) trye, adj choice, select, v II 26<br />

(fig), iv ix 17<br />

tunes, tones, strains, Elegie 193<br />

trayle, sb woven pattern, Muiop 299 turmoyle,sb trouble, agitation, Amor Son II<br />

trayled,/a part interwoven with a pattern, turmoyle, vb intr to labour amid trouble,<br />

v v 2<br />

Gnat 152 , tr to disturb, agitate, R R 261,<br />

trayned, pa part vi vi 39, pret vi vi 42 Petrarch 21. turmoild,pa part troubled,<br />

allured<br />

iv ix 39<br />

treachetour, traitor, II x 51, vi vii 7 turney, sb tournament, encounter, iv vi 6,<br />

treachour, traitor, cheat, 1 iv 41, ix 32, II ix 36 Cf tourney<br />

1 12, iv 27, Hubberd 1255<br />

turney, vb to joust, tilt, iv v 7, v III Arg<br />

treague, truce, II II 33<br />

Cf tourney<br />

treat, sb parley, in vin 17<br />

turribant, turban, iv xi 28<br />

treat, -en, vb to speak, talk (<strong>of</strong>), 1 vii 40, twame into even t =3 into two even portions,<br />

VIIu 43, iv, 1 16<br />

Hubberd 1024<br />

treaty, arrangement, III 1 II<br />

tway, two, twain, 1 vii 27, i vi 3r, iii xi<br />

treen, <strong>of</strong> trees, 1 II 39, vii 26.<br />

\ II, iv II 13, v iv 35, S C July 152<br />

trenchand, -ant, sharp, piercing, 1 1 17, xi twight, to twit, v vi 12<br />

24, v v 9.<br />

twine, twyne, sb coil, band, 1 vi 14, S C<br />

trentals, services <strong>of</strong> thirty masses for the dead Aug 30, Oct in<br />

on as many successive days, Hubberd 453 twine, vb to twist, iv II 51<br />

trespassed, pa part committed, Gnat 448 twinne, pair, couple, Bellay 70, Epigrams<br />

trild,/re/ flowed, trickled, II xii 78 P 607<br />

trim, neat, well-formed, m 1 36, Past. Elegie twist, fabric made with a double and hence<br />

42 , pleasing, in 1 40<br />

heavy thread, coarse cloth, Hubberd 460<br />

trimly, neatly, S C Apr 29<br />

twyfold, tw<strong>of</strong>old, 1 v 28<br />

trmall, threefold, 1 xii. 39, H Love 64 tyhyhmg, pres part tittering, <strong>The</strong>e Lett<br />

triplicities, trinities, triads, 1 xii 39, H p 618<br />

Love 64<br />

tyned, pret were lost, perished, iv xi 36<br />

triumph, triumphing, iv II 24, iv 28 type, emblem, pattern, model, Teares 70,<br />

trode, troad, -e, footstep, trace, track, path, Gnat 557

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