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GLOSSARY 713<br />

sacred, accursed,I viii 35,II. xii 37, v VII 1<br />

sad, grave, serious, 1 1 29,II u 28, dark<br />

coloured, sober-coloured, 1 x 7, xii 5 , grievous,<br />

II 1 38, heavy, II 1 45, viu 30, con<br />

stant, III xi 45<br />

safe, save, except, m vii 60<br />

safegard, safety, III ix 41<br />

same, sayne, to say, yd pers plur pres<br />

in ix 40, vii vir 55, mf,S C May 158,<br />

Sept 108, 1 io, 123, Nov 93<br />

sake, cause, II52, regard, consideration, 1 v<br />

12<br />

sale, net made out <strong>of</strong> sallow or willow branches,<br />

S C Dec 81<br />

salewd, pret saluted, greeted, iv vi 25 Cf<br />

8 alued<br />

saliaunce, assault, sally, II 1 29<br />

saluage, adj savage, wild, 1 III 5 (trantf),<br />

in III 45, x 39, iv iv 42, vi 1 9, v 27, p<br />

4II, R T 564, TearessSc), sb vi v 41<br />

salued, piet saluted, greeted, II VIIi 23<br />

salue, sb remed\, 1 v 40, in iv 43, v 50,<br />

S C Aug 103, Amor Son 50<br />

salue, vb 1 to remedy, iv iv 27, p 417 , pret<br />

remedied, made amends for, II x 21<br />

salue, vb 2 scand, pa part examined, v ix 37 , climbed,<br />

vii vi 8<br />

scanne, to attempt (a high ascent), S C Oct<br />

88<br />

scape, sb, escape, deliverance, Gnat G64<br />

scape, vb to escape, 1 iv 3, in xi 34<br />

scarabee, beetle, Worlds Vanttie 44<br />

scarmoges, skirmishes, n vi 34<br />

scath, harm,damage, injury,loss, 1 iv 35, xii<br />

34,II v 18, in 1 37, x II, £ C Dec 100,<br />

Amor Son 31, harmful nature, v viii 49<br />

scattered, pa part dropped, II II 2<br />

soatterhngs, vagrants, II x 63<br />

scene, stage, Teare* 192<br />

soerne, to discern, m x 22<br />

schoolery, education, Clout 702<br />

sclaunder, slander, v ix 26<br />

sclaue, slave, n vii 33<br />

sclender,slender,thin, in 1 47,VII 36,v vii 7<br />

scolopendraes, a kind <strong>of</strong> fabulous sea-fishes,<br />

II xii 23<br />

scope, object <strong>of</strong> desire or pursuit, in iv 52 ,<br />

extent, space, in ix 46, mark for shooting<br />

at (ht andjj^), vi III 5, S C Nov 155,<br />

Hubberd 960<br />

to save, v v 43 , to arrange, con­ score, number, vi ix 21<br />

trive, iv 1 II, to preserve unblemished, iv scorse, sb exchange, II ix 55<br />

iv 27<br />

scorse, vb<br />

saluing, vbl sb restoration, vindication, II 1<br />

20<br />

sam, together, 1 x 57, S C May 168<br />

samite, rich silk fabric, in xii 13<br />

sample, example, S C July II9<br />

sanguine, blood red colour, II 1 39,III viu 6<br />

sans, without, in the names Sansfoy faithless,<br />

Sans joy joyless, Sans loy lawless, 1 II 25<br />

sardonian, sardonic, v ix 12<br />

saufgard, guard, defence, II v 8<br />

saulge, sage, Mmop 187<br />

saue, to meet or overcome (a doubt), Hubberd<br />

194<br />

sauegard, to guard, protect, in viii 46<br />

saume, small bushy evergreen shrub, Jumperus<br />

Sabina, bearing a small, round, bluish<br />

purple berry, III II 49<br />

saumg, without, in delault <strong>of</strong>, S C p 419<br />

sauorie, plant <strong>of</strong> the genus Satureiat used for<br />

flavouring, Mmop 198<br />

saw, decree, command, Clout 884<br />

say, saye *, a cloth <strong>of</strong> fine texture resembling<br />

serge, in the 16th c sometimes partly ol<br />

silk, subsequently woollen, 1 iv 31, m xii<br />

8, S C Aug 66<br />

say *, temper, vi xi 47<br />

scald, a scabby disease, 1 viii 47<br />

scalp, crown <strong>of</strong> the head, skull, v II 6<br />

l to exchange, m ix 16<br />

scorsed, vb * pret chased, vi ix 3<br />

scould, pret scowled, n II 35<br />

scowre, to run, pursue, 1 II 20, Gnat 564<br />

scowrmg, vbl sb dirt or scum, Gnat 229<br />

scriene, screen, doorway, v ix 25<br />

senke, to shriek, vi iv 18<br />

serine, scryne, chest for the safe keeping <strong>of</strong><br />

books and documents, 1 Prol 2, n ix 56<br />

scrip, bag, wallet, 1 vi 35<br />

scruze, to squeeze, in v 33 , scruzd, pret<br />

II xii 56, pa part II xii 46<br />

scryde,/>a part descried, perceived, v xii 38<br />

scuchin, scutchin, -ion, escutcheon, shield,<br />

coat <strong>of</strong> arms, in iv 16, iv 1 34,III 5, v xi<br />

54<br />

scuith guiridh (Welsh), green shield, y<br />

scuith gogh, the red shield, n x 24<br />

adame, sdeigne, sb dis>dain, v v 51, Amor<br />

Son 5<br />

sdeigne, vb to disdain, in 1 55, p 4II ,<br />

pret sdeigned, III 1 40, Hubberd C79 , pa<br />

part sdayned, v v 44<br />

sdeignfull, a'deign , sdem-, disdainful, in<br />

VII io, v II 33, Teares 71, Daphn 549<br />

sdeignfully, disdainfully, Hubberd 1234,<br />

seabeate, pa part beaten by the sea,<br />

weather-beaten, S C Feb 34<br />

seard, pret burned, 1 xi 26<br />

Aa 3

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