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702<br />


mott, pret measured, appraised, Chut 365<br />

mought l , pret might, could, 1 1 42, in x<br />

18, v ix. 34, S C March 53<br />

mought 3, must, S C p 416, May 74, 157,<br />

July 153, Sept 133<br />

mould, sb 1 dross, vi ix 3]<br />

mould, mold, sb ² form, shape, 1 a. 39, vii.<br />

26, III II 25, iv. II 41, structure, 1 IV. 5,<br />

VII 33, bodily shape, body, II vii 42,<br />

stature, iv x 10<br />

mould, vb to moulder (fig ), II III 41.<br />

mount, mound, Gnat 660, 686, Clout 284<br />

mountenance, space, distance, extent, III viu<br />

18, xi 20, v vi 36<br />

mouth'd,pp/ adj having a mouth, ii xi 12<br />

moue, to attempt, propose, iv ix 31 , moued<br />

speech = spoke, vi III 14<br />

mowes, grimaces, vi vii 49<br />

moyity, half, II xii 31<br />

moyle, to defile, H Love 220<br />

moystie, damp, vi ix. 13<br />

muchell, much, great, 1 iv 46, vi 20, in<br />

VII 32, x 31 Ct nuckle<br />

mum, not a word, iv vii 44<br />

mumming, vbl sb masking, Hubberd 802<br />

munifience, fortification, defence, ii x 15<br />

mured, pret blocked up, closed, vi xii 34<br />

murrins, plagues, diseases, iii III 40<br />

murther, to kill, murder, vi vi 26<br />

muse, sb wonderment, 1 xii 29<br />

muse, vb to wonder, II 1 19<br />

musicall, music, S C. May 28<br />

must, new wine, VII vii 39<br />

mysterie, trade, pr<strong>of</strong>ession, Hubberd 221<br />

N<br />

name, quality, reputation, 1 xii 13<br />

namely, particularly, above all, VII vii 48<br />

napron, apron, v v 20<br />

narre, nearer, S C July 97, near, close, R R<br />

213<br />

nas, has not, S C May 61<br />

nathemoe, II iv 8, nathemore, 1 VIII 1 },<br />

ix 25, n v 8, in v 22, iv v 20, vi xii 32<br />

never the more<br />

nathlesse, nathe-, -les, naytheles, nevertheless,<br />

none the less, II 1 5, 22, v 6, in 1<br />

55, iv v 20, vi 38, Hubberd 375, 1073,<br />

Beauite 159<br />

nation, class, kind (<strong>of</strong> animals), n xii 36,<br />

brntishnation =animalcreation,Pas/ Elegit 98<br />

natiue, natural, ii iv 1, v vi 27<br />

nature, vi VIII 41<br />

nay tf nay = if not, Daphn 130<br />

naythles, see nathlesse<br />

ne,nor,not,i 1 22, vi 1,III iv 56^413, S C<br />

May 152, Nov 19, ne ne- neither<br />

nor, 1 vi II<br />

Neeera, pseudonym f Clout 524<br />

neat, cattle, vi ix 4<br />

neate, clear, bright, Gnat II9<br />

neatheard, one who looks after cattle, S C<br />

A"g Arg 5<br />

needments, necessaries, 1 1 6, vi 35, Clout<br />

195<br />

neesmg, vbl sb sneezing, Three Lett p 615,<br />

(fig)? 618<br />

neglect, pa part neglected, <strong>The</strong>st 96<br />

nempt, pa pari named, called, m x 29<br />

nephew, descendant, grandchild, 1 v 22,II<br />

VIII.29, in iv 22, R R 104<br />

nest, lodging, retreat, iv v 32, vi xt 42<br />

net, pure, clean, in VII 20, vi viu 45 CC<br />

neate<br />

nethelesse, nevertheless, S C pp 418, 419<br />

Cf nathlesse<br />

nether, no one, v vi 35<br />

new, anew, again, v II 36, <strong>of</strong> new = ovet<br />

again, afresh, vi xi, 43<br />

newell, novelty, S C May 276<br />

newfanglenesse, novelty <strong>of</strong> fashion, mno<br />

vation, 1 iv 25, Hubberd 675<br />

nice, fastidious, particular, iv x 22, vi ix 7 ,<br />

nicer = too fastidious, 1. VIII 40<br />

nicely, cautiously, gently, in xii 10<br />

nioenesse, luxiiry, effeminacy, iv viu. 27.<br />

nioetie, -itee, reserve, coyness, 1 x 7, n II 3<br />

nigardise, niggardliness, meanness, iv viu 15,<br />

S C p 4o8<br />

nigheth, approaches, S C March 4 Cf nye.<br />

I nighly, niggardly, sparingly, S C July 171<br />

ni'll, nill, will not, 1 ix 15, n VII 32, m v.<br />

II, xi 14, S C May 131, 151, will or<br />

m// = willing or unwilling, 1 III 43 willed<br />

or nilied, pret were willing or unwilling, iv<br />

vii 16<br />

mmblesse, mmbleness, v ix 29<br />

nip, to slander, Hubberd 712<br />

nis, nys, is not, S C May 144, June 19, Aug<br />

38, Nov 9<br />

noblesse, nobility, 1 viu 26<br />

nominate, to name, designate, 1 x 64<br />

nonce, nones for (the) n = for the purpose,<br />

but used as a metrical tag or stop-gap, Bellay<br />

74, Three Lett p 626<br />

noriture, nour-, nurture, upbringing, 1 ix<br />

5,II III 2<br />

Norueyses, Norwegians, in in 33<br />

nose thrill, nostril, 1. xi 22, m ix 22, xi 41.<br />

note, no'te, know not, 1 xii 7, S C Sept.<br />

no; cannot, II Prol 4, could, might not,

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