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GLOSSARY 679<br />

displease, to annoy, in v 19<br />

adj Daphn 214 rendered divine diuynd,<br />

disport, entertainment, amusement, sport, pa part, Clout 896 described<br />

pleasure, 1 II 14, II vi 26, iii 1 40<br />

diuorced,pa part separated, 1 III 2<br />

disporting, pres part sporting, frolicking, do, doe, to cause, make, 1 vii 14, n vi 7, iii<br />

Daphn II8<br />

" 34 III 39, v 50, vii 3<br />

dispraise, -ze, to disparage, depreciate, vi<br />

VIIi 26, R T 229<br />

dispred, dispredden, to spread out, abroad,<br />

1 iv 17, II II 40, iii v 51, v xii 13, (intr )<br />

iv vii 40 disprad, pa part v xii 36<br />

dispred, -dd, pa part and ppl adj II III<br />

30, p 412 (fig ), Gnat 242<br />

dispr<strong>of</strong>esse, to renounce the pr<strong>of</strong>ession <strong>of</strong>, iii<br />

xi 20<br />

dispuruayance, want <strong>of</strong> provisions, iii x 10<br />

disquietnesse, trouble, unrest, II vii 12<br />

disseise, -ze, to deprive, dispossess, 1 xi 20,<br />

vii vii 48<br />

disshiuered, ppl adj shattered to pieces, iv<br />

I 21<br />

dissolute, enfeebled, weak, 1 vii 51, wanton,<br />

in viii 14<br />

distaine, to stain, in iv 17 distamd,<br />

-ynd,pa part stained, 1 xi 23, in viii 49,<br />

S C Oct no, sullied,defiled (fiJg), II iv 22<br />

distent, pa part extended, beaten out,<br />

II vii 5<br />

3disthronize, to dethrone, II x 44<br />

distinct, pa part marked, vi III 23<br />

distort, ppl adj distorted, wry, awry, iv 1<br />

28, v xii 36<br />

distrame, to oppress, afflict, 1 vii 38, to pull<br />

<strong>of</strong>f, tear asunder, II xii 82<br />

distraught, pa part distracted, distressed,<br />

1 ix 38, iv iii 48, R T 579, pulled<br />

asunder, drawn in different directions, iv vii<br />

31, v v 2<br />

distraughted, ppl adj distracted, if Beautte<br />

14<br />

distroubled, ppl adj greatly troubled, iii<br />

iv 12.<br />

dit, ditty, II vi 13.<br />

dites (for dights), lifts, raises, 1 viii 18<br />

diuehng, young devil, imp, Three Lett p<br />

625<br />

diuers, adv differently, iv v II<br />

diuerse, diverting, distracting, 1 1 10,44, II<br />

II] 3, iv 1 5<br />

dfuersly, in different ways, v v 2<br />

diuerst, pret turned aside, in III 62<br />

diuide, to perform with 'divisions', to de<br />

scant, 1 v 17,III 1.40, to penetrate, 1 xi 18,<br />

to dispense, v Prol 9, to allocate, Clout 761 ,<br />

to give forth in various directions, Amor<br />

Son 6<br />

diuin'd, pa part R T 6II diumde, ppl<br />

2, 1X 17, v lx 35,<br />

vi v 28 doen, inf arch to do, cause, make,<br />

1 xii 19,II III 12,III iv 22 done,inf, iii<br />

1 28, II 23 donne, inf in vii 12, vi x<br />

32 doen, pa part 1 III 14, 39, III x 32,<br />

doen (done) be dead, to dye= put to death, pa<br />

part, v iv 29, vi viii 29 donne,pa part.<br />

iv vi 5 doen, yd pen plur arch 1 III<br />

36, II 1 29, in iv I, S. C Feb 6, to doe<br />

away - to banish, remove, 1 III 39, in II 33,<br />

vi xi 29, for nothing good to donne = goodfor<br />

nothing, in vii 12, hardly doen= done<br />

with difficulty, 1 iii 14, well to donne- welldoing,<br />

1 x 33 doon,pa part, Amor. Son 16<br />

doale, distribution, dealing (<strong>of</strong> blows), v. iv 39<br />

dock, buttocks (/it. tail), Three Lett p 625<br />

doctorally, in the manner <strong>of</strong> a doctor, learn<br />

edly, Three Lett p 614<br />

document, instruction, teaching, 1x19<br />

d<strong>of</strong>fing, pres part taking <strong>of</strong>f d<strong>of</strong>te, pret<br />

in iv 5, ix 21<br />

dole, iv VII Arg, v xi 14 Hubberd 1244,<br />

Clout 22 doole, grief, sorrow, II xii 20,<br />

in x 17, xi 17, v xi 25, vi vii 39, S C<br />

Feb 155. Aug 165, mourning, lamentation,<br />

iv vm 3<br />

dolor, dolour, grief, in II 17, iv viii 3,<br />

S C Nov 104<br />

Dolphmet, pseudonym, Clout 866<br />

don, to put on, wear, in vi 38, vi vii 24<br />

donne, dun, dark, S C May 265<br />

doome, decree, 1 ix 41, judgement, II v 12,<br />

vii 62, iv iv 36,5 C Aug 135, opinion,<br />

iv x. 21, fate, v iv 39 dome, punishment,<br />

iv xi 38<br />

doomefull, fateful, vi vi 22, Mtsc Soun I<br />

dooue, doye, Three Lett p 626<br />

dortour, sleeping-room, vi xii 24<br />

doted, stupid, 1 viii 34<br />

doubt, sb fear, in v 12, vi II 29, viii 32*<br />

danger, risk, v xi 47<br />

doubt, vb to fear, v xi 2, vi iv 27<br />

doubted, redoubted, S C Oct 41<br />

doubtful, fearful, apprehensive, 1 vi 12, vi II<br />

29,6 C May 294, awful, II 1 22, adv II<br />

vii 6<br />

doucepere, one <strong>of</strong> the twelve peers <strong>of</strong><br />

Charlemagne celebrated III mediaeval romances,<br />

iii x 31<br />

dout, fear, III xii 37, v xi 18, doubt, v 1<br />

II, 14<br />

douehouse, dovecot, Three Lett p 6-7.

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