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672 GLOSSARY<br />

chaw, vb, to chew, i iv 30, III x 18, v vi<br />

19, xu 39, Gnat 86, to meditate on, II iv<br />

chayre, throne, Teares 510<br />

cheapen, to become cheered up, courageous,<br />

i x 2, to encourage, 1 III 34, pa part<br />

entertained, regaled, III 1 42<br />

cheere, chere, cheare, countenance, II2,<br />

II 42, iv 1 50, aspect, S C Feb 26, food,<br />

S C July 188, mood, iv II 51, S C Apr<br />

69, Nov 151, Past Aeglogue23<br />

checked, chequered, II VII 18<br />

checklaton, ciclaton, a stuff <strong>of</strong> silk or cloth<br />

<strong>of</strong> gold, vi vii 43<br />

chepe, sb price, charge, vi xi 40.<br />

cherelie, cheerfully, cheerily, Teares 321<br />

chenping, vbl sb chirping, S C June 55<br />

cherishment, tenderness, cherishing, Teares<br />

576<br />

cherry, to cheer, delight, vi x 22<br />

cheuisaunce, enterprise, II ix 8, in vii 45,<br />

xi 24, S C May 92<br />

cheuisaunce, a flower (wall-flower?), S C<br />

Apr 143<br />

Chickens faithlesse chickens, heathen brood,<br />

in III 46<br />

chiefs, head, top, S C Nov II5<br />

chill, to shiver (with cold), Hubberd 993<br />

chimney, fireplace, II iv 29<br />

chine, back, vi iii 3<br />

chippes, parings <strong>of</strong> bread-crust, S C July 188<br />

chorle, churl, III vu 15<br />

chyld, to give birth to, vi VII 17<br />

chynd, pret split asunder, broke, iv vi 13<br />

ciuil, civilized, Hubberd 45<br />

ciuilite, civilization, vi Prol 4, courtesy,<br />

chivalry, III 1 44, vi 1 26<br />

clad, to clothe, vi iv 4<br />

clambe, pret climbed, VII vi 8<br />

clame, to call, shout, iv x II<br />

clap, sb stroke, iv x 9, Gnat 519<br />

clap, vb to shut, slam, in xii 3<br />

dark, clerk, scholar, v x 1, Teares 335<br />

claue, pret cleaved, Gnat 568<br />

clawbacke, sycophant, toady, Three Lett p<br />

621<br />

cleane, clene, cleene, entirely, adv 1 1, 50,<br />

iv vu 13, v x 25, vu vu 52, S C pp 426,<br />

443. 447, adj pure, 1 x 58<br />

cleanly, adj artful, Hubberd 857 , adv artfully,<br />

Hubberd 862<br />

clearkly, learnedly, Three Lett p 614<br />

deep, depe, to call, name, II III 8, ix 58,<br />

iv x 34, vi x 8, Worlds Vamtie 58, Clout<br />

113<br />

clemence, clemency, v vii 22<br />

clew, plot—/// a ball <strong>of</strong> thread, n 1 8 j ball<br />

(<strong>of</strong> silk), HI VII i4<br />

clieffe, cliff, iv VII 5<br />

clift 1 , cliff, 1 vin 22, II VII 4, 7,8, HI iv 7<br />

olifb*, chink, opening, crack, iv ix 27<br />

dim, to climb, iii iv 42<br />

clmok, chink, keyhole, S C May 251<br />

clipping, pres part clasping, embracing, in<br />

vui 10<br />

clogd, encumbered, burdened, in x 35<br />

clombe, pret mounted, climbed, 1 x 49, m<br />

III 61, iv v 46<br />

close, secret, hidden, III 1 56,1V iv i6,Bellay<br />

174, Amor Son 25<br />

closely, secre'ly, 1 vi 32, in II 28, vi 16,<br />

Hubberd 331<br />

clouch, clutch, III x 20, v ix II<br />

clout,shred, rag, 1 ix 36, cloth, S C May 242<br />

clouted l , ppl ad] covered with a clout or<br />

cloth, S C Mar 50<br />

clouted 2 (cream),pp/ adj clotted, £ C Nov<br />

99<br />

cloue, pret cleaved, II II 3, vi 31 clouen,<br />

pa part 1 v 12<br />

cloyd, pret pierced, gored, in vi 48<br />

clyme, to climb, mount, 1 iv 17<br />

coast S quarter, region, III III 6<br />

coast 3 on even c —on equal terms, II III 17<br />

cf cost<br />

coasted, pret approached, v ii 29<br />

coch, coach, iv III 46<br />

cockatrice, serpent, identified with the<br />

basilisk, fabulously said to kill by its mere<br />

glance, Amor Son 49<br />

cock-bote, a small, light boat, III viii 24<br />

cocked (hay), heaped up, made into haycocks,<br />

S C Nov 12<br />

cookel, cockle, a weed which grows in corn<br />

flelds, S C Dec 124<br />

cogmzaunoe, recognition, II 1 31<br />

colled, pret embraced, iii II 34<br />

colour, vb to disguise, hide, vi x 37<br />

colourable, specious, plausible, deceptive, in<br />

III 19, S C May Arg 9<br />

colourably, with a hidden meaning, meta<br />

phoncallv, S C p 427<br />

coloure, sb pretence, S C p 455<br />

coloured, ppl adj disguised, hidden, S C<br />

Feb 162<br />

colt wood, leaves, &c <strong>of</strong> coltsfoot, in II 49<br />

colwort, plant <strong>of</strong> the cabbage kind (genus<br />

Brasstca), Mutop 200<br />

Comber, to encumber, S C Feb 133 00mbred,<br />

ppl adj hindered, impeded, * vm 10<br />

combrous, cumbrous, harassing, 1 1. 33,II.<br />

ix 17

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