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638 TWO OTHER VERY<br />

Hoc bene qui collet, (st quts tamen hoc bene<br />

collet)<br />

Scribe, vel invito sapntem hunc Socrate solum<br />

Vis facit vna pios: luslos facit altera: et altra<br />

Egegte cordata, ac forita peclora verum<br />

Omne tulit punclum, qui miscuit vtile dulci<br />

Dij miht dulce diu dederant verum vtile nun<br />

quam.<br />

Vtile nunc etiam, vtinamquoque dulce dedissent.<br />

Dij mht, (quippe Dijs œquiualia maxima<br />

paruis)<br />

Ni ntmts inuideant tnorlaltbus esse bea]tis,<br />

Dulce simul tribuisse queant, simul vtile, tanta<br />

Sed Fortuna iua est. pariter quceque vtile,<br />

quœque<br />

Dulce dal ad placitum' sœuo nos sydere nati<br />

Qwœsitum mus earn per tnhospita Caucasa<br />

longe,<br />

Perque Pyrenœos monies, Bahlonaque turpem,<br />

Qudd si quasitum nee tbt tnvenermus, mgens<br />

Æquor inexhaustis permensi erroribus, vllrd<br />

Fluctibus in medys soctj quœremus Vlyssis<br />

Passibus inde Deam fessts comttabmur agram,<br />

Nobile cuifurium qucerenti defuit orbis<br />

Namque sinu pudet in patrto, tenebnsque pu<br />

dendis<br />

Non nimis ingento Iuuenem infœlice, virentes<br />

Offiajs fruslra deperdere utlibus Annos,<br />

Frugibus el vacuus speralis cernere spicas<br />

Ibimus ergo staltm. (qms eunti fausia prece<br />

tur?)<br />

El pede Clivosas jesso calcabimus Alpes<br />

Quis dabit tnterea conditas rore Bntanno,<br />

Quis tibi litterulas? quis carmen amore pelul<br />

cum?<br />

Musa sub Oebahj desueta cacumine monlis,<br />

Flebit inexhausto tarn longa silenlia tlanclu,<br />

Lugebitque sacrum hchrymis Helicona tacentem<br />

Harueiusque bonus, (chorus licet omnibus idem,<br />

ldque suo merito, prope suauior omnibus mus)<br />

Angelus et Gabriel, (quamuis comitatus amias<br />

hnumens, gtmumque choro slipalus amamo)<br />

Immento tamen mum absentem sape requirel,<br />

Oplabilque, Vtinam meus he Edmundus adesset,<br />

Qui noua scripsisset, nee Amores conticuisset<br />

Ipse suos, el sape ammo, verbisque benipnts<br />

Fausta precarelur: Deus ilium aliquando re<br />

ducat , etc.<br />

Plura vellem per Charlies, sed non licet per<br />

Musas<br />

Vale, Vale plunmum, Mi amabilisstme<br />

Harueie, meo cordi, meorum omnium longe<br />

charusime.<br />

I was minded also to haue sent you some<br />

English verses or Rymes, for a farewell. but<br />

by my Troth, I haue no spare time in the world,<br />

to thmke on such Toyes, that you knowe will<br />

demaund a freer head, than mine is presently.<br />

I beseecheyou by all yourCurtesies,and Graces,<br />

let me be answered, ere I goe: which will be,<br />

(I hope, I feare, I thinke) the next weeke, if<br />

1 can be dispatched <strong>of</strong> my Lorde I goe thither,<br />

as sent by him, and maintained most what <strong>of</strong><br />

him. and there am to employ my time, my<br />

body, my mmde, to his Honours seruice Thus<br />

with many superhartie Commendations, and<br />

Recommendations to your selfe, and all my<br />

friendes with you, I ende my last Farewell, not<br />

thinking any more to write vnto you, before<br />

I goe and withall committing to your faith<br />

full Credence the eternall Memone <strong>of</strong> our euer<br />

lasting friendship, the muiolable Memone <strong>of</strong><br />

our vnspotted friendshippe, the sacred Memone<br />

<strong>of</strong> our vowed friendship which I beseech you<br />

Continue with vsuall writings, as you may, and<br />

<strong>of</strong> all things let me heare some Newes from<br />

you As gentle M Sidney, I thanke his good<br />

Worship, hath required <strong>of</strong> me, and so promised<br />

to doe againe Qui monet, vt facias, quod lam<br />

jaas, you knowe the rest You may alwayes<br />

send them most saftly to me by Mistress<br />

Kerke, and by none other Soonce againe,<br />

and yet once more, Farewell most hartily,<br />

mine owne good Master H and loue me, as<br />

I loue you, and thinke vpon poore lmmerito,<br />

as he thmketh vppon you.<br />

Leycester House. This 5 <strong>of</strong> October 1579.<br />

Per mare, per terras,<br />

Vmus, mortuusque,<br />

Tuus lmmerito,

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