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new behauior? A busy and dizy heade, a<br />

brazen forehead a ledden braine a woodden<br />

wit a copper face a stony breast a fac<br />

tious and efuish hearte a founder <strong>of</strong> nouelties<br />

a confounder <strong>of</strong> his owne, and his friends<br />

good gifts a morning bookeworm, an after<br />

noone maltworm a right Iuggler, as ful <strong>of</strong> his<br />

sleights, wyles, fetches, casts <strong>of</strong> Legerdemame,<br />

toyes to mocke Apes withal, odde shiftes, and<br />

knauish practizes, as his skin can holde He<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten telleth me, he looliueth me as himselfe,<br />

but out lyar out, thou lyest abhominablv in<br />

thy throate Iesu, I had nigh hand forgotten<br />

one thing, that ywis somtime I think <strong>of</strong>ten<br />

ynough vpon Many Pupils, Iackemates, and<br />

Hayle fellowes wel met, with their Tutors, and<br />

by your leaue, some too, because forsooth they<br />

be Gentlemen, or great heires, or a little neater<br />

and gayer than their fellowes, (shall I say it<br />

for shame ? beleeue me, tis too true) their very<br />

own Tutors Ah mala Licentia, ab initio non<br />

fuit sic Stulta est omnts luuenihs Doctnna,<br />

sine vinh quadam Disciphna Quast verb<br />

paupertonbus duntaxat puerts, ac non tnulto<br />

maps generosce, alque nobih Iuuentuti con<br />

ueniat, pristina tlltus Institutions, atque Edu<br />

catumis seuenlas, et tngenwz, et prudentis,<br />

et erudita, et cum Tutons persona, turn pu<br />

pilb, eltam ipst perquam accomodated Vsque<br />

quaque sapere oportet id ent telum acerrimum<br />

Ccetera fert, vt ohm Bellum inter Capita, et<br />

membra conhnualum publias de<br />

fensa scholts, prmatis confirmata panelibus,<br />

omnibus has ostenlata, Scire tuum nihil est,<br />

nisi te scire, hoc sciat alter Plurimi passim<br />

fit Pecunia, Pudor parui penditur Nihili<br />

hahentur Literae Mih crede, credendum nulh<br />

0 amice, amicus nemo Quid tu interim?<br />

Quomodo te inqmes, gerts? Quomodo? Opli<br />

mum est aliena frui msania Video taceo,<br />

rideo Dixi Et lamen addam, quod ail Satyrtcus<br />

tlle<br />

Vtuendum est red?, turn propter plurima, turn<br />

his<br />

Prcectput causis, vt hnguas Mancipiorum<br />

Contemnas<br />

E meo muniapio, Poslndie quhm superiores<br />

de Terraemotu sermones haberenlur, id est, ni<br />

Jailor, Aprths septtmo, Vespert With as<br />

manye gentle Goodnightes, as be letters in this<br />

tedious Letter<br />

Noslt manum tanquam tuam<br />


This Letter may only be shewed to the two<br />

odde Gentlemen you wot <strong>of</strong> Marry I would<br />

haue those two to see it, as sone as you may<br />

conueniently<br />

Non multts dormto non multis scrtbo non<br />

cupto placere multis Alij altos numeros laudant,<br />

prcejerunt, veneranlur Ego fere apud nos, fert<br />

apud vos Tnnitatem<br />

Verbum saptentt sat nosti ccetera et tres<br />

Charttes habes ad vnguem

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