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6o8 EPIGRAMS.<br />

V<br />

Which <strong>of</strong> incense <strong>of</strong> precious Ceder tree<br />

With Balmehke odor did perfume the are<br />

A bird all white, well fetherd on far winces<br />

Hereout didflie vp to the throne <strong>of</strong> Gods,<br />

And stngtng with most plesant melodic<br />

She climbed vp to heauen in the smoke<br />

Of this faire fire the faire dispersed rayes<br />

Threw forth abrode a thousand shining homes,<br />

When sodain dropping <strong>of</strong> a golden shoure<br />

Gan quench the glysiertng flame 0 greuous<br />

chaunge!<br />

That which erstwhile so pkasaunt scent did yelde,<br />

Of Sulphure now did breathe corrupted smel<br />

A T length, euen at the lime when Morpheus<br />

A Most truely doth appeare vnto our eyes,<br />

Wcarte to see ih'tnconslance <strong>of</strong> the heauens<br />

I saw the great Typhœus sister come,<br />

Hr heed full brauely with a mortan armed,<br />

In matestte she seemde to matche the Gods<br />

And on the shore, horde by a violent streame,<br />

She raisde a Trophee ouer all the worlde<br />

An hundred vanquisht kings gronde at hir feete,<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir armes m shamefull wise bounde at their<br />

backes<br />

While I was with so dreadfull sight afrayde,<br />

I saw the heauens wane against hir tho,<br />

And seing hir striken fall with clap <strong>of</strong> thunder,<br />

With so great noyse I start in sodaine wonder<br />

I<br />

Pon a hill saw a kindled flame,<br />

Mounting like wanes with triple point to<br />

heauen,<br />

Saw an vgly beast come from the sea,<br />

That seuen heads, ten crounes, ten homes did<br />

beare,<br />

Haumg theron the vile blaspheming name<br />

<strong>The</strong> cruell Leopard she resembled much<br />

Feete <strong>of</strong> a beare, a hums throte she had<br />

<strong>The</strong> nughtie Dragon gaue to hir his power<br />

One <strong>of</strong> hir heads yet there I did espie,<br />

Still freshly bleeding <strong>of</strong> a grieuous wounde<br />

One cnde aloude What one is like (quod he)<br />

This honoured Dragon, or may him withstands ?<br />

And then came from the sea a sauage beast,<br />

With Dragons speche, and shewde his force by fire,<br />

With wondrous stgnes to make all wights adore<br />

<strong>The</strong> beast, in setting <strong>of</strong> hir image vp<br />

'Saw a Woman sitting on a beast<br />

I Before mine eyes, <strong>of</strong> Orenge colour hew<br />

Honour and dreadfull name <strong>of</strong> blasphemie<br />

Filde hir with pride And seuen heads I saw,<br />

Ten homes also the stately beast did beare<br />

She seemde with glorte <strong>of</strong> the scarlet fatre,<br />

And with fine perle and golde pufl vp in heart<br />

Saw afresh spring rise out <strong>of</strong> a rocke,<br />

<strong>The</strong> wine <strong>of</strong>hooredome in a cup she bare<br />

I Clere as Chrtstall against the Sunny beames,<br />

<strong>The</strong> name <strong>of</strong> Mysterte writ in hir face<br />

<strong>The</strong> bottome yellow like the shining land,<br />

<strong>The</strong> bloud <strong>of</strong> Martyrs dere were hir dehte<br />

That golden Pactol dnues vpon the plaine<br />

Most fierce and fell this woman seemde to me<br />

It seemed that arte and nature stnued to xoync<br />

An AngeU then descending downefrom Heauen,<br />

<strong>The</strong>re tn one place all pleasures <strong>of</strong> the eye<br />

With thondrtng voice crtde out aloude, and sayd,<br />

<strong>The</strong>re was to heare a noise alluring slepe<br />

Now for a truth great Babylon is fallen<br />

Of many accordes more swete than Mermaids Hen might I see vpon a white horse set<br />

song,<br />

T <strong>The</strong> faithftdl man with flaming counte-<br />

<strong>The</strong> states and benches shone as luone,<br />

naunce,<br />

An hundred Nymphes sate side by side about, His head did shine with crounes set iherupon.<br />

When from nte htlles a naked rout <strong>of</strong> Faunes <strong>The</strong> worde <strong>of</strong> God made htm a noble name<br />

With hideous cry assembled on the place, His precious robe I saw embrued with bloud<br />

Which with their feete vncleane the water fouled, <strong>The</strong>n saw 1 from the heauen on horses white,<br />

Threw down the seats, and drone the Ntmpks to A puissant armte come the selfe same way<br />

<strong>The</strong>n cried a shining Angell as me thought,<br />

That birdes from aire descending downe on earth<br />

Should wane vpon the kings, and eate their flesh<br />

<strong>The</strong>n did I see the beast and Kings also<br />

Ioinyng their force to slea the fatthfull man<br />

But this fierce hatefull beast and all hir tratne,<br />

Is piltlesse throwne downe in pit <strong>of</strong> fire<br />

I<br />

Saw new Earth, new Heauen,sayde Saint<br />

Iohn<br />

And be, the sea (quod he) ts now no more<br />

<strong>The</strong> holy Cilte <strong>of</strong> the horde, from hye<br />

Descendeth garnishl as a loued spouse<br />

A voice then sayde, beholde the bright abode<br />

Of God and men For he shall be their God<br />

And all their teares he shall wipe cleane away<br />

Htr brtghlnesse greater was than can befounde<br />

Square was this Citie, and twelue gates it had.<br />

Ecke gate was <strong>of</strong> an orient perfect pearle,<br />

<strong>The</strong> houses golde, the pauement precious stone<br />

A Ituely streame, more cleere than Chrtstall is,<br />

Ranne through the md, sprongfrom triumphant<br />

seat<br />

<strong>The</strong>re growes lifesfrutie vnto the Churches good

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