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554<br />


A pastor all Aeglogue vpon the death <strong>of</strong><br />

Sir Phillip Sidney Knight,<br />

C<br />

Lycon Colin<br />

Olin, well fits thy sad cheare this sad<br />

stownd,<br />

This w<strong>of</strong>ullstownd, whereinall things complame<br />

This great mishap, this greeuous losse <strong>of</strong> ow res<br />

Hear'st thou the Orown? how with hollow<br />

sownd<br />

He slides away, and murmuring doth plaine,<br />

And seemes to say vnto the fading flowres,<br />

Along his bankes, vnto the bared trees,<br />

Phlltstdes is dead Vp lolly swaine,<br />

Thou that with skill canst tune a dolefull lay,<br />

Help him to mourn My hart with grief doth<br />

freese, 10<br />

Hoarse is my voice with crying, else a part<br />

Sure would I beare, though rude But as I may,<br />

With sobs and sighes I second will thy song,<br />

And so expresse the sorrow es <strong>of</strong> my hart<br />

Colin Ah Lycon, Lycon, what need skill, to<br />

teach<br />

A gneued mynd powre forth his plaints - 1 c.<br />

But if my plaints annoy thee where thou sit<br />

In secret shade or cave , vouchsafe (0 Pan)<br />

To pardon me, and here this hard constraint<br />

With patience while I sing, and pittie it 42<br />

And eke ye rurall Muses, that do dwell<br />

In these wilde woods , If euer piteous plaint<br />

We did endite, or taught a w<strong>of</strong>ull minde<br />

With words <strong>of</strong> pure affect, his gnefe to tell,<br />

Instruct me now Now Colin then goe on,<br />

And I will follow thee, though farre behinde<br />

Colin Philhsides is dead 0 harmfull death,<br />

0 deadly harme Vnhappie Albion 50<br />

When shalt thou see emong thy shepheards all,<br />

Any so sage, so perfect ? Whom vneath<br />

Enuie could touch for vertuous life and skill,<br />

Curteous, valiant, and hberall<br />

Behold the sacred Pales, where with haire<br />

Vntrust she sitts, in shade <strong>of</strong> yonder hill<br />

And her faire face bent sadly downe, doth send<br />

A floud <strong>of</strong> teares to bathe the earth, and there<br />

how Doth call the heau'ns despightfull, enuious,<br />

long<br />

Cruell his fate, that made so short an end 60<br />

Hath the pore Turtle gon to school (weenest Of that same life, well worthie to haue bene<br />

thou)<br />

Prolongd with many yeares, happie and<br />

To learne to mourne her lost make ? No, no, famous<br />

each<br />

.<strong>The</strong> Nymphs and Oreades her round about<br />

Creature by nature can tell how to waile UDo sit lamenting on the grassie grene,<br />

Seest not these flocks, how sad they wander And with shrill cries, beating their whitest<br />

now ? 20 brests,<br />

Seemeth their leaders bell their bkating tunes Accuse the direfull dart that death sent out<br />

In dolefull sound Like him, not one doth faile To giue the fatall stroke <strong>The</strong> starres they<br />

With hanging head to shew a heauie cheare blame,<br />

What bird (1 pray thee) hast thou seen, that That deife or carelesse secme at their request<br />

prunes<br />

<strong>The</strong> pleasant shade <strong>of</strong> stitely groues they shun,<br />

Himselfe <strong>of</strong> late ? did any cheerfull note <strong>The</strong>y leaue their cristall springs, where they<br />

Come to thine eares, or gladsome sight appeare wont frame 70<br />

Vnto thine eies, since that same fatall howre ? Sweet bowres <strong>of</strong> Myrtel twigs and Lawrel faire,<br />

Hath not the aire put on his mourning coat, To sport themselues free from the scorching<br />

And testified his grief with flowing teares ? Sun<br />

Sith then, it seemeth each thing to his powre And now the hollow caucs where horror darke<br />

Doth vs inuite to make a sad consort, 31 Doth dwell, whence banisht is the gladsome aire<br />

Come let vs loyne our mournfull song with <strong>The</strong>y secke, and there in mourning spend<br />

theirs<br />

their time<br />

Gnefe will endite, and sorrow will enforce With wailfull tunes, whiles wolues do howle<br />

Thy voice, and Eccho will our words report and barke,<br />

Lye Though my rude rymes, ill with thy And seem to beare a bourdon to their plaint<br />

verses frame,<br />

Lye Philhsides is dead 0 dolefull ryme<br />

That others farre excell, yet will I force Why should ray toong expresse thee ? who is<br />

My selfe to answere thee the best I can,<br />

left 79<br />

And honor my base words with his high name Now to vphold thy hopes, when they do faint,

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