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And with reproachfull tearmes gan them reuile,<br />

For following that trade so base and vile,<br />

And askt what license, or what Pas they had ?<br />

All (said the Ape as sighing wondrous sad)<br />

Its an hard case, when men <strong>of</strong> good deserumg<br />

Must either driuen be perforce to steruing,<br />

Or asked for their pas by euene squib, 371<br />

That list at will them to reuile or snib<br />

And yet (God wote) small oddes I <strong>of</strong>ten see<br />

1 wixt them that aske,and them that asked bee<br />

Natheles because you shall not vs misdeeme,<br />

But that we are as honest as we seeme,<br />

Yee shall our pasport at your pleasure see,<br />

And then ye will (I hope) well mooued bee<br />

Which when the Priest beheld,he vew'd it nere,<br />

As if therein some text he studying were, 380<br />

But little els (God wote) could there<strong>of</strong> skill<br />

For read he could not euidence, nor will,<br />

Ne tell a written word, ne write a letter,<br />

Ne make one title worse, ne make one better<br />

Of such deep learning little had he neede,<br />

Ne yet <strong>of</strong> Latme, ne <strong>of</strong> Greeke, that breede<br />

Doubts mongst Diuines,and difference <strong>of</strong> texts,<br />

From whence arise diuersitie <strong>of</strong> sects,<br />

And hatefull heresies, <strong>of</strong> God abhor'd 389<br />

But this good Sir did follow the plame word,<br />

Ne medled with their controuersies vaine<br />

All his care was, his seruice well to same,<br />

And to read <strong>Home</strong>hes vpon hohdayes<br />

When that was done, he might attend his playes,<br />

An easie life, and fit high God to please<br />

He haumg ouerlookt their pas at ease,<br />

Gan at the length them to rebuke againe,<br />

That no good trade <strong>of</strong> life did entertaine,<br />

But lost their time in wandring loose abroad,<br />

Seeing the world, in which they booties boad,<br />

Had wayes enough for all therein to hue, 401<br />

Such grace did God vnto his creatures giue<br />

Said then the Foxe , who hath the world not<br />

tnde,<br />

From the right way full eath may wander wide<br />

We are but Nouices, new come abroad,<br />

We haue not yet the tract <strong>of</strong> anic troad,<br />

Nor on vs taken anie state <strong>of</strong> life,<br />

But readie are <strong>of</strong> anie to make preife<br />

Iherefore might please you, which the world<br />

haue proued, 409<br />

Vs to aduibe, which forth but lately moued,<br />

Of some good course, that we might vndertake,<br />

Ye shall for euer vs your bondmen make<br />

<strong>The</strong> Priest gan wexe halfe proud to be so praide,<br />

And thereby willing to affoord them aide,<br />

It seemes (said he) right well that ye be Clerks,<br />

Both by your wittie words, and by your werks<br />

Is not that name enough to make a huing<br />

To him that hath a whit <strong>of</strong> Natures giumg ?<br />

How manie honest men see ye arize<br />

Dayhe thereby, and grow to goodly prize ? 420<br />

To Deanes, to Archdeacons, to Commissaries,<br />

To Lords, to Principalis, to Prebendaries,<br />

All lolly Prelates, worthie rule to beare,<br />

Who euer them enuie yet spite bites neare<br />

Why should ye doubt then, but that ye likewise<br />

Might vnto some <strong>of</strong> those in time arise ?<br />

In the meane time to hue in good estate,<br />

Louing that love, and hating those that hate ,<br />

Being some honest Curate, or some Vicker<br />

Content with little in condition sicker 430<br />

Ah but (said th'Ape) the charge is wondrous<br />

great,<br />

To feed mens soules, and hath an heauie threat<br />

To feede mens soules (quoth he) is not in man<br />

For they must feed themselves, doo what<br />

we can<br />

We are but charg'd to lay the meate before •<br />

Eate they that list, we need to doo no more<br />

But God it is that feedes them with his grace,<br />

<strong>The</strong> bread <strong>of</strong> life powr'd downe from heauenly<br />

place 438<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore said he, that with the budding rod<br />

Did rule the Iewes, All shalbe taught <strong>of</strong> God<br />

That same hath Iesus Christ now to him raught,<br />

By whom the flock is rightly fed, and taught<br />

He is the Shepheard, and the Priest is hee,<br />

We but his shepheard swaines ordain'd to bee<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore herewith doo not your selfe dismay ,<br />

Ne is the paines so great, but beare ye may,<br />

For not so great as it was wont <strong>of</strong> yore,<br />

It's now a dayes, ne halfe so streight and sore<br />

<strong>The</strong>y whilome vsed duly euene day 449<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir seruice and their holie things to say,<br />

At morne and euen, besides their Anthemes<br />

sweete,<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir penie Masses,and their Complynesmeete,<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir Dinges, their Trentals, and their shrifts,<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir memories, their singings, and their gifts<br />

Now all those needlesse works are laid away<br />

Now once a weeke vpon the Sabbath day,<br />

It is enough to doo our small deuotion,<br />

And then to follow an) merrie motion<br />

Ne are we tyde to fast, but when we list,<br />

Ne to weare garments base <strong>of</strong> wollen twist,<br />

But with the finest silkes vs to aray, 461<br />

That before God we may appeare more gay,<br />

Resembling Aarons glone m his place<br />

For farre vnfit it is, that person bace<br />

Should w ith vile cloaths approach Gods maiestie,<br />

Whom no vncleannes may approachen me<br />

Or that all men, which anie master seme,<br />

Good garments for their seruice should deserue,<br />

But he that serues the Lord <strong>of</strong> hoasts most high,<br />

And that in highest place, t'approach him nigh,

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