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lxii INTRODUCTION.<br />

use old forms, ' as whilom was the antique worldes guize ' To suit the<br />

play <strong>of</strong> his melody or rhyme he could vary his forms, using dreriment', or<br />

drerihed', or ' dreariness',' jollihed' or jolhtee '. Or he would create a<br />

form <strong>of</strong> his own, such as the adjective ' daint', or the verb to ' cherry '<br />

Yet these idiosyncrasies <strong>of</strong> his vocabulary, open as they are to serious attack<br />

as both arbitrary and illogical, are all grafted on to a firm and healthy<br />

stock <strong>of</strong> pure and simple English, free from the involved and pedantic<br />

mannerisms that were the snare <strong>of</strong> his age Hence it is that though he<br />

was the first conscious inventor <strong>of</strong> a distinct poetic diction, which drew<br />

from ' well-languaged' Daniel a criticism <strong>of</strong> his ' aged accents and untimely<br />

words ', and from Ben Jonson the charge that in affecting the<br />

ancients he writ no language', Coleridge could assert with a still more<br />

vital truth that there was ' no poet whose writings would safe her stand<br />

the test <strong>of</strong> Mr Wordsworth's theory than Spenser '.<br />

<strong>The</strong> individual quality <strong>of</strong> Spenserian melody found perfect expression<br />

in the verse form <strong>of</strong> the Faerie Queene This stanza was his own invention,<br />

and it is his greatest contribution to the development <strong>of</strong> English prosody<br />

Chaucer's rhyme royal (a b a b b c c) may have called his attention to the<br />

effectiveness <strong>of</strong> a stanza with an uneven number <strong>of</strong> lines, and indeed,<br />

the effects attainable in these two measures might well be said to represent<br />

the difference between the metrical genius <strong>of</strong> Chaucer and <strong>of</strong> Spenser<br />

He has been supposed to owe something to the ottava rima (a b a b a b c c),<br />

though the interlacing <strong>of</strong> his rhymes brings his measure nearer to the<br />

stanza that he had borrowed from Chaucer for the opening <strong>of</strong> his April<br />

and November Eclogues 1 (ababbcbc) But to admit this detracts in no<br />

way from the absolute originality <strong>of</strong> the Spenserian stanza <strong>The</strong>_added<br />

ninth line is a magnificent conclusion to the linked sweetness <strong>of</strong> the preceding<br />

eight, and in it the music <strong>of</strong> the whole stanza spfeads and settles<br />

Ufa triumphant or a quiet close Its logical value to the metrical scheme<br />

lies in the fact that, standing apart from the rest by reason <strong>of</strong> its length,<br />

it forms a distinct climax, and is in a manner detached, yet, because it is<br />

linked in rhyme with the foregoing quatrain, it never suffers the sharp<br />

isolation that occasionally marks the final couplet <strong>of</strong> the ottava rima or<br />

the rhyme royal It is obviously fitted for sententious and reflective<br />

comment upon the situation<br />

I'll weares he armes, that mil them vse for Ladies sake (IIIv II )<br />

It is admirable for rounding <strong>of</strong>f an episode, or concluding a canto It is<br />

<strong>of</strong>ten the most beautiful line <strong>of</strong> a stanza, which gathers strength as it<br />

proceeds, giving the last splendid touch to a vivid description<br />

Loe where the dreadfull Death behind thy backe doth stond, (II vIII 37 )<br />

1 In the November Eclogue also may be noticed his first consistent use <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Alexandrine, and it may well be that in his composition <strong>of</strong> that poem the Spenserian<br />

stanza occurred to him

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