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Wonned) haunted Welkin) skie Afforesaid<br />

A Weanell waste) a weaned youngling<br />

Hidderand shidder)Heandshe Maleand Female<br />

Steuen) Noyse Beliue) quickly<br />

What euer) Ouids verse translated<br />

Quod caret alterna requie, durabile non est<br />

Forehaile) drawe or distresse<br />

Vetchie) <strong>of</strong> Pease strawe<br />

Embleme<br />

This is the saying <strong>of</strong> Narcissus in Ouid For when<br />


the foolishe boye by beholding hys face in the<br />

brooke, fell in lout with his owne likenesse<br />

and not hable to content him selfe with much<br />

looking thereon, he cryed out, that plentye made<br />

htm poore meaning that much gazing had bereft<br />

hun <strong>of</strong> sence But our Diggon vseth it to other<br />

urpose, as who that by tryall <strong>of</strong> many waves<br />

p<br />

October.<br />

N Cuddie is set out the perfecte palerne <strong>of</strong><br />

a Poele, whiche finding no maintenaunce <strong>of</strong><br />

his state and studies, complayneth <strong>of</strong> the con<br />

temple <strong>of</strong> Poetrie, and the causes there<strong>of</strong><br />

specially hauing bene in all ages, and euen<br />

amongst the most barbarous alwayes <strong>of</strong> singular<br />

accounpl and honor, and being indede so worthy<br />

and commendable an arte or rather no arte, but<br />

Fjfa diuine gift and heauenly instinct not to bee<br />

gollen by laboure and learning, but adorned with<br />

both and poured into the wille by a certaine<br />

and celestiall inspiration, as the<br />

Author here<strong>of</strong> els where at large discoursed, in<br />

his booke called the English Poete, which booke<br />

being lately come to my hands, I mynde also by<br />

Gods grace vpon further adursement to publish<br />

AEgloga decima.<br />

C Vddie,<br />

tad founde the worst, and through greate plentye<br />

was fallen into great penurie This poesie I<br />

knowe, to hiue bene much \sed <strong>of</strong> the author,<br />

and to suche like effecte, as fyrste Narcissus<br />

spake it<br />


for shame hold vp thy heauy e head,<br />

And let vs cast with what delight to<br />

I chace,<br />

And weary thys long lmgnng Phoebus race<br />

Whilome thou wont the shepheards laddes to<br />

Ieade,<br />

In rymes, in ndks, and in bydding base •<br />

Now they in thee, and thou in sleepe art dead<br />

CVDDYE<br />

Piers, I haue pyped erst so long with payne,<br />

That all mine Oten reedes bene rent and wore<br />

And my poore Muse hath spent her spartdstore,<br />

Yet little good hath got, and much lesse<br />

gayne 10<br />

Such pleasaunce makes theGrashoppersopoore,<br />

Andliggeso layd, when Winter doth her straine

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