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0 Colin, Colin, the shepheards wye, 190<br />

How I admire ech turning <strong>of</strong> thy verse<br />

And Cuddie, fresh Cuddie the hefest boye,<br />

How dolefully his doole thou didst rehearse<br />

CUDDIE<br />

<strong>The</strong>n blowe your pypes shepheards, til you be<br />

at home<br />

<strong>The</strong> night nigheth fast, yts time to be gone<br />

Bestadde) disposed, ordered<br />

Peregali) equall.<br />

Whilome)once<br />

Rafte) bereft, depriued<br />

Miswent) gon a straye<br />

Ill may) according to Virgile<br />

Infelix o semper ouis pecus<br />

\ mazer) So also do <strong>The</strong>ocritus and Virgile feigne<br />

pledges <strong>of</strong> their strife<br />

Enchased) engrauen Such pretie descriptions<br />

euery where \seth <strong>The</strong>ocritus, to bring in his<br />

Idyllia. For which specialI cause indede he by<br />

that name termeth his AEglogues fur Idyllion<br />

in Greke signifieth the shape or picture <strong>of</strong> any<br />

thyng, wher<strong>of</strong> his booke is ful And not, as<br />

AVGVST 45*<br />

GLOSSE<br />

I haue heard some fondly guesse, that they be |<br />

called not Idyllia, but Haedilia, <strong>of</strong> the Gotcheardsm<br />

them<br />

Entratled) wrought betwene<br />

Haruest Quetnt) <strong>The</strong> manner <strong>of</strong> country 'olke in<br />

haruest tyme<br />

Pousse ) Pease<br />

It fell vpon) Perigot maketh hys song in prayse <strong>of</strong><br />

his loue to whom Willy answereth euery Ander<br />

verse By Perigot who is meant, I can not<br />

vprightly say but if it be, who is supposed, his<br />

love destrueth no lesse prayse, then he giueth her<br />

Perigot his Embleme<br />

Vincenti gloria victi<br />

Willyes Embleme<br />

Vinto non villo<br />

Cuddies Embleme.<br />

Felice cht puo<br />

Greete) weeping and complaint<br />

Chaplet) a kind<strong>of</strong> Garlond lyke a crowne<br />

Leuen) Lightning<br />

Cynthia) was sayd to be the Moone<br />

Gryde) perced<br />

But if) not vnlesse<br />

Squint eye) partiall judgement<br />

Ech haue) so saith Virgile<br />

Et vitula tu dignus, et hic &c<br />

So by enterchaunge <strong>of</strong> gyfts Cuddie pleaseth<br />

both partes<br />

Doome) judgement<br />

Dempt) for deemed, judged<br />

Wite the witelesse) blame the blamelesse<br />

<strong>The</strong> shepherd <strong>of</strong> Ida) was sayd to be Paris.<br />

200<br />

Beauties Queene) Venus, to whome Pans adjudged<br />

the golden Apple, as the pryce <strong>of</strong> her beautie<br />

Embleme<br />

<strong>The</strong> meaning here<strong>of</strong> is very ambiguous for<br />

Perigot by his poesre claming the conquest, and<br />

Willye not yeelding Cuddie the arbiter <strong>of</strong> theyr<br />

cause, and Patron <strong>of</strong> his own, semeth tochalenge<br />

it, as his dew, saying, that he, is happy which<br />

can so abruptly ending but hee meaneth eyther<br />

him, that can win the beste, or moderate him<br />

selfe being best, and leaue <strong>of</strong> with the best.

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