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<strong>The</strong> brethren twelue, that kept yfere<br />

the flockes <strong>of</strong> mighty Pan<br />

But nothing such thilk shephearde was,<br />

whom Ida hyll dyd beare,<br />

That left hys flocke, to fetch a lasse,<br />

whose loue he bought to deare<br />

For he was proude, that ill was payd,<br />

(no such mought shepheards bee) 150<br />

And with lewde lust was ouerlayd<br />

tway things doen ill agree<br />

But shepheard mought be meeke and mylde,<br />

well ejed, as Argus was,<br />

With fleshly follyes vndefyled,<br />

and stoute as steede <strong>of</strong> brasse<br />

Sike one (sayd Algrtn) Mioses was,<br />

that sawe hys makers face,<br />

His face more cleare, then Christall glasse,<br />

and spake to him in place 160<br />

This had a brother, (his name I knewe)<br />

the first <strong>of</strong> ail his cote,<br />

A shepheard trewe, yet not so true,<br />

as he that earst I hote<br />

Whilome all these were lowe, and lief,<br />

and loued their flocks to feede,<br />

<strong>The</strong>y neuer strouen to be chiefe,<br />

and simple was theyr weede<br />

But now (thanked be God therefore)<br />

the world is well amend, 170<br />

<strong>The</strong>ir weedes bene not so nighly wore,<br />

such simplesse mought them shend<br />

<strong>The</strong>y bene yclad in purple and pall,<br />

so hath theyr god them blist,<br />

<strong>The</strong>y reigne and rulen ouer all,<br />

and lord it, as they list<br />

Ygyrt with belts <strong>of</strong> glitterand gold,<br />

(mought they good sheepeheards bene)<br />

<strong>The</strong>yr Pan theyr sheepe tojhem has "old,<br />

I saye as some haue seene" 180<br />

For Palinode (if thou him ken)<br />

yode late on Pilgrimage<br />

To Rome, (if such be Rome) and then<br />

he sawe thilke misusage<br />

For shepeheards (sayd he) there doen leade,<br />

as Lordes done other where,<br />

<strong>The</strong>yr sheepe han crustes, and they the bread<br />

the chippes, and they the chere<br />

<strong>The</strong>y han the fleece, and eke the flesh,<br />

(O seely sheepe the while) 190<br />

<strong>The</strong> come is theyrs, let other thresh,<br />

their hands they may not file I<br />

GLOSSE<br />

A Coteheard) By Gotes in scrypture be repre<br />

sented the wicked and reprobate, whose pabtour<br />

also must needes be such<br />

Banck) is the seate <strong>of</strong> honor<br />

<strong>The</strong>y han great stores, and thrif tye stockes*,<br />

great freendes and feeble foes<br />

What neede hem caren for their flocks ?<br />

theyr boyes can looke to those<br />

<strong>The</strong>se wisards weltre in welths waues,<br />

pampred in pleasures deepe,<br />

<strong>The</strong>y han fatte kernes, and leany knaues,<br />

their fasting flockes to keepe 200<br />

Sike mister men bene all misgone,<br />

they heapen hylles <strong>of</strong> wrath<br />

Sike syrlye shepheards han we none,<br />

they keepen all the path<br />


Here is a great deale <strong>of</strong> good matter,<br />

lost for lacke <strong>of</strong> telling,<br />

Now sicker I see, thou doest but clatter<br />

harme may come <strong>of</strong> melling<br />

Thou medlest more, then shall haue thanke,<br />

to wyten shcpheards welth 210<br />

When folke bene fat, and riches rancke,<br />

it is a signe <strong>of</strong> helth<br />

But say me, what is Algrin he,<br />

that is so <strong>of</strong>t bynempt<br />


He is a shepheard great in gree,<br />

but luth bene long ypent<br />

One daye he sat vpon a hyll,<br />

(as now thou wouldest me<br />

But I am taught by Algnm ill,<br />

to loue the lowe degree) 220<br />

For sitting so with bared scalpe,<br />

an tgle sored hye,<br />

That weening hys whyte head was chalke,<br />

a shell fish downe let flye<br />

She weend the shell fishe to haue broake,<br />

but therewith bruzd his brayne,<br />

So now astonied with the stroke,<br />

he lyes in lingring payne<br />


Ah good Algrin, Ins hap was ill,<br />

but shall be better in tune 230<br />

Now farwell shepheard, sith thys hyll<br />

thou hast such doubt to climbe<br />

Ihomahns Emblcme<br />

In medio virtus<br />

Morrelh Emblcme<br />

In summo faelicilas<br />

Straying heard) which wander out <strong>of</strong> the waye <strong>of</strong><br />

truth<br />

Als) lor also<br />

Clymbe) spoken <strong>of</strong> Ambition

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