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Cant V FAERIE QVEENE 301<br />

As a bad Nurse, which fayning to receiue<br />

In herowne mouth thefood,ment forherchyld,<br />

Withholdes it to her selfe, and doeth deceiue<br />

<strong>The</strong> infant, so for want <strong>of</strong> nourture spoyld<br />

Euen so Clarinda her owne Dame beguyld,<br />

And turn'd the trust, which was in her affyde,<br />

To feeding <strong>of</strong> her pnuate fire, which boyld<br />

Her inward brest, and in her entrayles fryde,<br />

<strong>The</strong> more th at she it sought to couer and to hyde<br />

For comming to this knight,she purposefayned,<br />

How earnest suit she earst for him had made<br />

VntoherQueene,his freedome to haue gayned,<br />

But by no meanes could her thereto perswade<br />

But that in stead there<strong>of</strong>, she sternely bade<br />

His miserie to be augmented more,<br />

And many yron bands on him to lade<br />

All which nathlesse she for his loue forbore<br />

So praying him t'accept her seruice euermore<br />

And more then that, she promist that she would,<br />

In case she might finde fauour m his eye,<br />

Deuize how to enlarge him out <strong>of</strong> hould<br />

<strong>The</strong> Fayne glad to game his hbertie,<br />

Can yeeld great thankes for such her curtesie,<br />

And with faire words, fit for the time and place,<br />

To feede the humour <strong>of</strong> her maladie,<br />

Promist, if she would free him from that case,<br />

He wold by all good means he might, deserue<br />

such grace<br />

56<br />

So daily he faire semblant did her shew,<br />

Yet neuer meant he in his noble mind,<br />

To his owne absent loue to be vntrew<br />

Ne euer did deceiptfull Clarin find<br />

In her false hart, his bondige to vnbmd ,<br />

But rather how she mote him faster tye<br />

<strong>The</strong>refore vnto her mistresse most vnkind<br />

She daily told, her loue he did defye,<br />

And him she told, her Dame his freedome did<br />

denye<br />

57<br />

Yet thus much friendship she to him did show,<br />

That his scarse diet somewhat was amended,<br />

And his worke lessened, that his loue mote<br />

grow<br />

Yet to her Dame him still she discommended,<br />

That she with him mote be the more <strong>of</strong>fended<br />

Thus he long while in thraldome there re<br />

mayned,<br />

Of both beloued well, but litle frended ,<br />

Vntill his owne true loue his freedome gayned,<br />

Which m an other Canto will be best contayned<br />

Cant VI<br />

Talus brings newes to Britomarl,<br />

<strong>of</strong>Artegals mishap,<br />

She goes to seeke htm, Dolon meetes,<br />

who seekes her to entrap<br />

I<br />

Some men, I wote, will deeme in Artegall<br />

Great weaknesse, and report <strong>of</strong> him much ill,<br />

For yeeldmg so himselfe a wretched thrall,<br />

To th'msolent commaund <strong>of</strong> womens will,<br />

That all his former praise doth fowly spill<br />

But he the man, that say or doe so dare,<br />

Be well adui/d, that he stand stedfast still<br />

For neuer yet was wight so well aware,<br />

But he at first or last was trapt m womens snare<br />

2<br />

Yet m the streightnesse <strong>of</strong> that captvue state,<br />

This gentle knight himselfe so well behaued,<br />

That notwithstanding all the subtill bait,<br />

With which those Amazons his loue still<br />

craued,<br />

To his owne loue his loialtie he saued<br />

Whose character in th'Adamantine mould<br />

Of his true hart so firmely was engraued,<br />

That no new loues impression euer could<br />

Bereaue it thence such blot his honour<br />

blemish should<br />

3<br />

Yet his owne loue, the noble Britomart,<br />

Scarse so concerned in her lealous thought,<br />

What time sad tydmgs <strong>of</strong> his balefull smart<br />

In womans bondage, Talus to her brought,<br />

Brought m vntimely houre, ere it was sought<br />

For after that the vtmost date, assynde<br />

For his returne, she waited had for nought,<br />

She gan to cast in her misdoubtfull mynde<br />

A thousand feares, that loue sicke fancies fame<br />

to fynde<br />

4<br />

Sometime she feared, least some hard mishap<br />

Had him misfalne in his aduenturous quest,<br />

Sometime least his false foe did him entrap<br />

In traytrous traine, or had vnwares opprest<br />

But most she did her troubled mynd molest,<br />

And secretly afflict with lealous feare,<br />

Least some new loue had him from her possest,<br />

Yet loth she was, since she no ill did heare,<br />

To thinke <strong>of</strong> him so ill yet could she not for<br />


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