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Cant V FAERIE QVEENE 171<br />

52<br />

Eternall God in his almighty powre,<br />

To make ensample <strong>of</strong> his heauenly grace,<br />

In Paradize whilome did plant this flowre,<br />

Whence he it fetcht out <strong>of</strong> her natiue place,<br />

And did in stocke <strong>of</strong> earthly flesh enrace,<br />

lhat mortall men her glory should admire<br />

In gentle Ladies brest, and bounteous race<br />

Of woman kind it fairest flowre doth spire,<br />

And beareth fruit <strong>of</strong> honour and all chast desire<br />

53<br />

Faire ympes <strong>of</strong> beautie, whose bright shining<br />

beames<br />

Adorne the world with like to heauenly light,<br />

And to your willes both royalties and Realmes<br />

Subdew, through conquest <strong>of</strong> your wondrous<br />

might,<br />

With this faire flowre your goodly girlonds<br />

dight,<br />

Of chastity and vertue virginall,<br />

That shall embellish more your beautie bright,<br />

Andcrowneyour heades withheauenly coronall,<br />

Such as the Angels weare before Godstribunall<br />

54<br />

To youre faire selues a faire ensample frame,<br />

Of this faire virgin, this Belphosbe faire,<br />

To whom in perfect loue, and spotlesse fame<br />

Of chastitie, none humg may compaire<br />

Ne poysnous Enuy mstly can empaire<br />

<strong>The</strong> prayse <strong>of</strong> her fresh flownng Maidenhead ,<br />

For thy she standeth on the highest staire<br />

Of th'honorable stage <strong>of</strong> womanhead,<br />

That Ladies all may follow her ensample dead<br />

55<br />

In so great prayse <strong>of</strong> stedfast chastity,<br />

Nathlesse she was so curteous and kind,<br />

Tempred with grace, and goodly modesty,<br />

That seemed those two vertues stroue to find<br />

<strong>The</strong> higher phce in her Heroick mind<br />

So striuing each did other more augment,<br />

And both encreast the prayse <strong>of</strong> woman kind,<br />

And both encreast her beautie excellent,<br />

So all did make in her a perfect complement<br />

Cant. VI.<br />

<strong>The</strong> birth <strong>of</strong> faire Belphosbe and<br />

OjAmoret is told<br />

<strong>The</strong> Gardins <strong>of</strong> Adonis fraught<br />

With pleasures manifold<br />

1<br />

Well may I weene, faire Ladies, all this while<br />

Ye wonder, how this noble Damozell<br />

So great perfections did in her compile,<br />

Sith that in saluage forests she did dwell,<br />

So farre from court and royall Citadell,<br />

<strong>The</strong> great schoolmistresse <strong>of</strong> all curtesy<br />

Seemeth that such wild woods should farexpell<br />

All ciuill vsage and gentility,<br />

And gentle sprite deforme with rude rusticity<br />

But to this faire Belphosbe in her berth<br />

<strong>The</strong> heauens so fauourable were and free,<br />

Looking with myld aspect vpon the earth,<br />

In itiHoroscope <strong>of</strong> her natiuitee,<br />

That all the gifts <strong>of</strong> grace and chastitee<br />

On her they poured forth <strong>of</strong> plenteous home ,<br />

loue laught on Venus from his soueraigne see,<br />

And Phoebus with faire beames did her adorne,<br />

And all the Graces rockt her cradle being borne<br />

Her berth was <strong>of</strong> the wombe <strong>of</strong> Morning dew,<br />

And her conception <strong>of</strong> the loyous Prime,<br />

And all her whole creation did her shew<br />

Pure and vnspotted from all loathly crime,<br />

That is ingenerate in fleshly slime<br />

So was this virgin borne, so was she bred,<br />

So was she trayned vp from time to time,<br />

In all chast vertue, and true bounti hed<br />

Till to her dew perfection she was ripened<br />

Her mother was the faire Chrysogonee,<br />

<strong>The</strong> daughter <strong>of</strong> Amphisa, who by race<br />

A Faerie was, yborne <strong>of</strong> high degree,<br />

She bore Belphosbe, she bore in like cace<br />

Faire Amoretia in the second place<br />

<strong>The</strong>se two were twmnes, and twixt them two<br />

did share<br />

<strong>The</strong> heritage <strong>of</strong> all celestiall grace<br />

That all the rest it seem'd they robbed bare<br />

Of bountie, and <strong>of</strong> beautie, and all vertues<br />


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