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to the Noble Lady, the Lady Mary<br />

Worth [Wroth], A” 31; “Speech<br />

according to Horace, A” 46; “To Brain-<br />

Hardy” 33; “To Heaven” 32; “To John<br />

Donne (Epigram 96)” 54; “To King<br />

James” 33–34; “To Mary, Lady Wroth”<br />

219; “To My Mere English Censurer”<br />

36; “To My Muse” 35; “To Penshurst”<br />

xii–xiii, 32, 37, 38–40, 101, 155, 214,<br />

225, 276; “To Sir Annual Tilter” 33;<br />

“To Sir Thomas Roe” 36; “To the<br />

Immortal Memory and Friendship of<br />

That Noble Pair, Sir Lucius Cary and<br />

Sir H.Morison” 32, 47, 48, 49–53, 94,<br />

127; “To the Memory of My Beloved,<br />

The Author, Mr. William Shakespeare:<br />

And What He Hath Left Us” 42–5,<br />

188–9, 284; “To the Reader” 32, 42;<br />

“To the Same” 41; “To William<br />

Camden” 33–4. Plays and Masques:<br />

Alchemist, The 38, 46; Bartholomew Fair<br />

25, 46; Catiline 38; Cynthia’s Revels 24;<br />

The Devil is an Ass 47; Every Man in his<br />

Humour 25, 28; Golden Age Restored,<br />

The 30; Masque of Blackness, The 25,<br />

216; New Inn, The 46, 48–50, 95;<br />

Poetaster 25; Time Vindicated 69, 72;<br />

Volpone 26, 41. Collections:<br />

Conversations with Drummond 41;<br />

Discoveries 47, 49, 84; Epigrams, The<br />

28, 31, 35, 37, 38, 42; Forest, The 28,<br />

32, 37, 41; Underwood, The 32, 46, 47;<br />

Workes 26–30, 42, 43, 109<br />

Junius, Franciscus:De pictura veterum 79<br />

Juvenal 6, 200<br />

Keats, John: “Ode to Psyche” 165<br />

Keller, Lynn 304<br />

Kelliher, Hilton 275, 309<br />

Kenner, Hugh 46, 256, 290, 307<br />

Ker, W.P. 304<br />

Kermode, Frank 302, 307, 308, 309<br />

Kerrigan, William 295<br />

Keynes, G. 292<br />

Killigrew, Lady 303<br />

Killigrew, Thomas 99, 213<br />

Kimmey, John L. 296<br />

King, Anne 250–2<br />

King, Bruce 297<br />

King, Edward 161, 174, 182–3<br />

King, Henry 2, 211, 212, 251, 295;<br />

“Exequy, The” 93, 188; “Upon a Tablebook<br />

presented to a Lady” 210<br />

INDEX<br />

317<br />

Kingsley, Margery 293<br />

Klene, Jean 304<br />

Knachel, Philip 308<br />

Knapp, Jeffrey 295<br />

Krueger, Robert 290<br />

Lake, Peter 300<br />

Lamb, Charles 69, 72, 241, 293<br />

Langland, William: Piers Plowman 6<br />

Lanyer, Aemilia 210, 211, 212, 214, 219–<br />

25, 226, 233, 290, 304, 305; Salve Deus<br />

Rex Judaeorum 57, 219–24; “To Cookeham”<br />

220, 224–5<br />

Lanyer, Alfonso 220, 223<br />

Laud, Archbishop 91, 120–2, 157, 260<br />

Lawes, Henry 160, 175, 176, 179, 184, 247<br />

Lear, Edward 88<br />

Leavis, F.R. 107, 296<br />

Leicester, Earl of (Robert Dudley) 1<br />

Leishman, J.B. 307<br />

Lely, Peter 126–7, 134<br />

Leonard, John 301<br />

Leonardo 79<br />

Lepidus 268<br />

Lewalski, Barbara 222, 288, 289, 299, 304<br />

Lewis, C.S. 65, 292<br />

Lightbown, Ronald 289<br />

Lilburne, John 74<br />

Lipking, Lawrence 290, 301<br />

Little, R. 305, 306<br />

Lodge, Thomas 5; Phillis: Honoured with<br />

Pastorell Sonnets, Elegies, and amorous<br />

delights 9<br />

Loewenstein, David 299<br />

Lok, Henry: Sundry Christian Passions<br />

Contained in Two Hundred Sonnets 17<br />

Lomazzo, Gian Paolo: Trattato dell’ arte de<br />

la pittura 79<br />

Lord, George deForest 290<br />

Lovelace, Richard 48, 94, 123–34, 147,<br />

191, 192, 247, 254, 279, 285, 297; “A<br />

la Bourbon” 124; “Amnytor’s Grove”<br />

127; “Ant, The” 132–3; “Calling<br />

Lucasta from her Retirement” 125;<br />

“Falcon, The” 132; “Grasshopper Ode:<br />

To my Noble Friend, Mr. Charles<br />

Cotton, The” xiii, 127–31, 133, 157;<br />

“Gratiana dauncing and singing” 125;<br />

“Her Reserved looks” 131; “La Bella<br />

Bona Roba” 124–5; “Loose Sarabande,<br />

A” 132; “Love made in the first Age:<br />

To Chloris” 132; Lucasta 124, 127;

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