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NOTES TO PP. 207–13<br />

25 See, for instance, Alan Rudrum, “Vaughan’s ‘The Night’: Some Hermetic Notes,”<br />

Modern Language Review 64 (1969):14–15. In his 1976 Penguin edition of Vaughan’s<br />

poetry, Rudrum attempts to fortify this position further (and in turn a Behmenist<br />

reading of “The Night”) while nonetheless citing the OED’s authority to the<br />

contrary. His reasoning seems to be that since Vaughan often views creatures<br />

sympathetically, it is therefore “typical of Vaughan that he should refuse to adopt a<br />

convention of speech which would imply contempt of one of God’s humbler<br />

creatures.” But Vaughan could occasionally view the creatures contemptuously in<br />

order to indicate his criticisms of man (see “Idle Verse,” for instance, or the “mole”<br />

in “The World”), and he seems to have done so on this occasion. It is perhaps<br />

indicative of the shaky argument that Rudrum introduces his gloss with a “perhaps.”<br />

Pettet’s remarks (also cited) would not seem to support this position either since<br />

Pettet, somewhat illogically, is speaking of a “worm” rather than of a “glowworm” in<br />

the gloss he produces from Psalm 22 (“But I am a worm, and no man.”)<br />

26 Potter, Secret Rites and Secret Writing. See also the particularly interesting essay by<br />

Janet E.Halley, “Versions of the Self and the Politics of Privacy in Silex Scintillans,”<br />

The George Herbert Journal 7 (1983–4):51–71.<br />

27 Watson, “The Temple in The Night’,” 154–5, takes up the issue of persecution in<br />

some detail. For Calvin’s place in this debate, see Carlos M.N.Eire, War Against the<br />

Idols: The Reformation of Worship from Erasmus to Calvin, Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

University Press, 1986, ch. 7.<br />


1 The most useful introduction to the subject remains Kissing the Rod: An Anthology of<br />

Seventeenth-Century Women’s Verse, ed. Germaine Greer et al., London: Virago Press,<br />

1988. Helpful recent critical surveys include two complementary essays in Women<br />

and Literature in Britain, 1500–1700, ed. Helen Wilcox, Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

University Press, 1996: see ch. 8 by Helen Hackett, “Courtly Writing by Women,”<br />

and ch. 9 by Elizabeth H.Hageman, “Women’s Poetry in Early Modern Britain.” For<br />

the most part, criticism of women’s poetry has been conducted without making<br />

literary value judgments, but notions of a “canon” are beginning to emerge in works<br />

like Major Women Writers of Seventeenth-Century England, ed. James Fitzmaurice,<br />

Josephine A.Roberts, Carol L.Barash, Eugene R.Cunnar and Nancy A.Gutierrez,<br />

Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 1997. Although poetry is only one of<br />

the genres represented here, the anthology provides a useful critical and<br />

bibliographical assessment of the state of scholarship in the field as well as relevant<br />

bibliographies for each author.<br />

2 Quoted from Margaret J.M.Ezell, “The Myth of Judith Shakespeare: Creating the<br />

Canon of Women’s Literature,” New Literary History 21 (1990):583.<br />

3 See Patricia Crawford, “Women’s Published Writings 1600–1700,” in Women in<br />

English Society 1500–1800, ed. Mary Prior, London: Methuen, 1985, p. 214.<br />

4 Ben Jonson, ed. Ian Donaldson, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985, p. 599.<br />

5 The Poems of Lady Mary Wroth, ed. Josephine A.Roberts, Baton Rouge, LA:<br />

Louisiana State University Press, 1983, p. 32. See also Wendy Wall, The Imprint of<br />

Gender: Authorship and Publication in the English Renaissance, Ithaca, NY: Cornell<br />

University Press, 1993, ch. 5.<br />

6 Makin, An Essay to Revive the Antient Education of Gentlewomen, 1673; repr. Los<br />

Angeles: The Augustan Reprint Society, no. 202, William Andrews Clark Memorial<br />

Library (1980):20. Makin’s listings are not always easy to follow; Ladies Russell,<br />

Bacon and Killegrew are probably three of the five, not four, daughters of Sir<br />

Anthony Cooke and Anne Fitzwilliam Cooke. Along with the DNB entry for<br />

Cooke, see Frances Teague, Bathsua Makin, Woman of Learning, Lewisburg, PA:<br />


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