Mokau Ki Runga Regional Management Committee

Mokau Ki Runga Regional Management Committee

Mokau Ki Runga Regional Management Committee


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<strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong> <strong>Runga</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Committee</strong><br />

All correspondence to: Secretary: Barbara Marsh, RD Aria 2551<br />

Phone/Fax: 07 8777 740 or 07 877 8978<br />

Marae Representatives<br />

<strong>Mokau</strong>Kohnnut: Tom Huia and Thomas Hiriald<br />

Napt Napi:<br />

Area Te Paemate:<br />

Manfaroat<br />

Te Kawau<br />

PapaKatnga<br />

14tb April 2003<br />

Tojo Muraahi and Sam Roa<br />

BarbaraMarsh and Walter Ngaru<br />

Jira Cross and Jay Hiriaki<br />

Patrick Taylor and Barbara Oiler<br />

The Local Government and Environment <strong>Committee</strong><br />

Parliament Buildings<br />

Wellington.<br />

Tena Koutou,<br />

Submission to the Local Government and Environment Select <strong>Committee</strong> on the<br />

Marine Reserve Amendment BiU.<br />

We the <strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong> <strong>Runga</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> of the Maniapoto Maori<br />

Trust Board<br />

Represents the collective interest of Marae and Hapu in our Rohe that extends from<br />

Waipingao stream and 200 miles out to sea in the south to Tirua Point in the north.<br />

We hear by re iterate our total objection to the proposed Marine Reserve Amendment<br />

Bill<br />

We contend that it breaches the Principals of the Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti<br />

o<br />

Waitangi)<br />

Take note that on the 7* of February 2001 Dr Hugh Logan Director General of<br />

Conservation was written a Letter from the Office of Treaty Settlements attention to<br />

(Henry Weston) advising and making them aware that both Maniapoto and Ngati<br />

Tama had claims in North Taranaki area between Paraninihi and the <strong>Mokau</strong> River.<br />

The letter concerned that area of overlap.<br />

Warwick Tuck Chief Executive Of the Ministry Of Fisheries was also notified on the<br />

7t~ of February 2001 (Attention Terry Lynch) the same information as was received by

Dr Hugh Logan from the Office of Treaty Settlements advising them both of<br />

Maniapoto and Ngati Tama interests between Paraninihi and the <strong>Mokau</strong> River.<br />

Even though the above Government Representative Namely Dr Hugh Logan Director<br />

General of Conservation and Warwick Tuck Chief Executive of the Ministry of<br />

Fisheries neither of these two representatives made an effort to notify the Wai 788<br />

Claimants. On any of the proposed amendments to the Marine Reserves Bill<br />

Our Marae are<br />

<strong>Mokau</strong> Kohunui /Pio Pio<br />

Te Paemate Aria<br />

Maniaroa <strong>Mokau</strong><br />

Napi Napi / Napi Napi<br />

The Marine Amendment Bill restricts all hapu in the rohe of <strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong> <strong>Runga</strong> from<br />

the use of our traditional food basket in exercising our rights to our traditional and<br />

customary fishing activities, which are acknowledged in, article two of the Treaty Of<br />

Waitangi (Te Tiriti O Waitangi.)<br />

The Proposed Marine Amendment Bill has been designed to usurp iwi rights and is<br />

proposing to take ownership of what is Iwi assests and to capitalize on the<br />

commercialization of the said assests.<br />

Be advised that where submissions are called for by any Government Department to<br />

make changes or amendments to proposed Marine Amendment Bill there is an<br />

obligation to contact all effected parties (ie) Tangata Whenua of those coastal Marae,<br />

this did not occur in any shape or form.<br />

To date the Local Government has not undertaken due process to fully consult all<br />

affected parties Maniapoto has not yet been consulted on these matters, which puts us<br />

at a great disadvantage.<br />

<strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong> <strong>Runga</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> management <strong>Committee</strong> contend the current amendments<br />

to the Marine Reserve in our rohe is a deliberate ploy to deprive us of our ancestral<br />

heritage and undisturbed rights to our traditional fishing grounds granted to us under<br />

article 2 of the Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti O Waitangi)<br />

<strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong> <strong>Runga</strong> maintain that the Rohe Moana management remain with the Marae<br />

and Tangata Whenua as the Kaitiaki and where there is any proposed<br />

commercialization of any fishing assests shall be in partnership with the Tangata<br />

Whenua of the Rohe Moana

i4/ 04/ 200d ii: Zd ~ id/ /03/Ō MUKAU<strong>Ki</strong>NUN~A NMG PAGE 03<br />

The <strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong> <strong>Runga</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> perception of the proposed<br />

amendments to the Marine Reserves Bill are that the Local Government and<br />

Environment <strong>Committee</strong> intention is to capitalize on Tourism and a commercial<br />

venture using aqua Photography as a money spinner. Which will totally exclude iwi<br />

from our undisturbed rights to all our traditional fishing grounds. Hence the above<br />

request,<br />

To the best of our knowledge no Hui an Iwi was called for in the rohe of Maniapoto of<br />

which has a population of approximately thirty−five thousand people. The <strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong><br />

<strong>Runga</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> were not notified by the authorities<br />

concerned of the hui held in Waikato at Hopu Hopu where only two people attended<br />

the hui one could hardly call that a consultation but null and void<br />

We the <strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong> <strong>Runga</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Committee</strong> see these proposed<br />

changes as another total attempt to confiscate our Iwi Assets recently acknowledged<br />

through a Court of Law in 1986 and reinforced again in 1992 in the Sealords<br />

Settlement.<br />

Due to the total lack of due process of consultation with coastal Marae the <strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong><br />

<strong>Runga</strong> R M C hereby extend an invitation to the Local Govemment and Environment<br />

<strong>Committee</strong> to attend a consultation hui at Maniaroa Marae at <strong>Mokau</strong> to discuss our<br />

concerns, for example D O C already own two thirds of the land base and now they are<br />

looking at our Coastal Marine Area.<br />

<strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong> <strong>Runga</strong> hereby acknowledge and support the submission tendered by Nga<br />

Hapu O te Uru O Tainui.<br />

We enclose a account for $50 00 being Photocopying fees<br />

Plus Travel Costs for Hearing/Submission <strong>Ki</strong>lometers @63c from <strong>Mokau</strong> to Auckland<br />

This ends our submission.<br />

aBarbnaa<br />

Secretary for <strong>Mokau</strong> <strong>Ki</strong> <strong>Runga</strong> <strong>Regional</strong> <strong>Management</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>.

±4/04/2003 1i: de<br />


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ftwr,r (041 4949u00 Fa.r [04t 494,I#01<br />

7 February 2001<br />

Peyaka MOtukake 919 * Te Wha~guuut " Tom<br />

" Weeg|e4) 494 9600 Woca Whak.ahun 104I 494 98O~<br />

Te (ari Whakatau Take e pa ana ki te Tiriti o Waitangi<br />

Dr Hugh Logan<br />

Director General<br />

Department of Conservation<br />

P O Box 10−420<br />


Attention Henry Weston<br />

Dear Dr Logan<br />

i i i<br />

C©<br />

As you may be aware, both Ngati Maniapoto and Ngati Tama have claims in the North<br />

Taranaki area between Paraninihi and the <strong>Mokau</strong> River, This letter concerns that area of<br />

overlap.<br />

in September 1999 a Heads of Agreement was agreed between Ngati Tama and the Crown<br />

and the parties are currently working towards concluding a Deed of Settlement. The<br />

settle.ment for Ngati Tama includes Statutory Acknowledgements and Deeds of Recognition<br />

over several rivers and sites in the overlapping area,<br />

Ngati Maniapoto are yet to enter into Treaty settlement negotiations with the Crown. They<br />

have expressed concem that the redress offered to Ngati Tams may prejudice their claims in<br />

the overlapping area. As you will be aware, Statutory Acknowledgements and Deeds of<br />

Recognition are not exclusive forms of redress. The redress offered to Ngati Tama in the<br />

overlapping area does not preclude the Crown from offering Ngati Maniapoto similar redress<br />

as part of their eventual settlement. Nor does the redress offered Ngati Tama preclude the<br />

Crown from discussing with Ngati Maniapoto, as appropriate, matters regarding this area,<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

Andrew Hampton<br />

for Director<br />

CC<br />

CC<br />

Wai 788 Claimants<br />

clo S Laubscher; Wallace Bain Barristers and Solicitors<br />

P O Box 296<br />

TE KUITl<br />

Wai 800 claimants<br />

c/o Dominic Wilson, Waiters Williams & Co. Solicitors<br />

P O Box 37−661 e<br />



\<br />

7 February 2001<br />

Warwick Tuck<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Ministry of Fisheries<br />

P O Box 1020<br />


Attention Terry Lynch<br />

Dear Mr Tuck<br />


~X~CnQea k'age<br />

Charles Fergunq,, ~.ilding deu−en kreet PU our 91 9wellinpa,j<br />

Phonr 1041494 vsoo * Fu 104;494ger)t<br />

i LLJ'I'.I ml|<br />

Ware 104) 494 9000 ", Wa~"a Whakaphua (04~494 9601<br />

Te Tari Whakatau Take pa ana ki te Tiriti o Waitangi<br />

___<br />

l<br />

WA, 6tc..<br />

C©Py<br />

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fouetta Modukske919 Te Wha.ganni €<br />

As you may be aware, both Ngati Maniapoto and Ngati Tame have historical Treaty clairns in<br />

the North Taranaki area between Paraninihi and the <strong>Mokau</strong> River, This letter concerns that<br />

area of overlap,<br />

In September 1999 a Heads of Agreement was agreed between Ngati Tame and the Crown<br />

and the parties are currently working towards concluding a Deed of Settlement. The<br />

settlement for Ngati Tama includes a Protocol with the Ministry of Fisheries and cultural<br />

redress conceming fisheries.<br />

Ngati Maniapoto are still to enter Treaty settlement negotiations with the Crown. They have<br />

expressed concem that the redress offered to Ngati Tame may prejudice their claims in the<br />

overlapping area. The redress provided to Ngati Tama in the overlapping area does not<br />

preclude the Ministry of Fisheries from discussing with Ngati Maniapoto, as appropriate,<br />

matters regarding this area.<br />

During a Waitangi Tribunal facilitated meeting of the Ngati Maniapoto claims arising from the<br />

Heads of Agreement between Ngati Tama and the Crown, the Crown undertook, outside the<br />

mediation process, to arrange a meeting between Ngati Maniapoto and Ministry of Fisheries<br />

officials to discuss fisheries matters in the area of overlapping interest and to explain what is<br />

involved in fisheries management.<br />

In order to fulfil this undertaking, I would be grateful if you could you arrange for your officials<br />

to co−ordinate such a meeting.<br />

Yours sincerely<br />

for Director<br />

cc Wai B00 claimants cc<br />

c.lo Dominic Wilson, Waiters Williams & Co. Solicitors<br />

P 0 Box 37−661<br />


Wai 788 Clairnants<br />

cio S Laubscher; Wattace Bain Barristers and Solicitors<br />

P O Box 296<br />


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