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65<br />

unique peculiarik. Its posiuon on one <strong>of</strong> the gable ends Pod it's size relative tothe re*<br />

<strong>of</strong> the house conforms with other one mam dwellings. Heat sou- for small English<br />

cottages had <strong>be</strong>en traditionally situated on a gable wall since Tudor timer (Barley<br />

1961:49). One <strong>of</strong> the reasons for this it thar eenvaf open heanhr were prone to drafts<br />

imdooways. Therefwe. by placingthc h mh with its opn, name along a wall, th~s<br />

problem war solved. The ecnter<strong>of</strong> the flwr war then free for orher activities.<br />

The sheer nze <strong>of</strong> the heanh on. vinually one-third d the house interior. ruggerm thal r<br />

wnsiderable degree <strong>of</strong> activity likely =umd there. ty~cially tho= 8ctiviticr requiring<br />

hcur or wmth. In addition to fmd preparation and consumption, the abubundmrr orclay<br />

smoking pips. case bottle glass and drinking cup sheds indicvF that the M h area wa<br />

the rene <strong>of</strong> much leisure ativily. Tobacco and alcohol consumption were popular fom<br />

<strong>of</strong> leisure activ~tier enjoyed by Eaglih fs<strong>be</strong>mm dwhgk hcmvcruemtheentury<br />

(Churchlll 1984).<br />

There were several features fmm the heanh area lhar appear to <strong>be</strong> unusual. The first<br />

obvious pecullviry war the loeation <strong>of</strong> b firs box. In sewnteenth-century Devan.<br />

corner kmhs were wcasionally used lo heat individual mom in large houwr. but on the<br />

whole, they were not u normal feam in one-mom houren (N. Almk pen. com. 1995).<br />

A her1 sourn in the center <strong>of</strong> the wall would he mare ruirabk fmthmwing hat. whereas<br />

the heat from a fireplace in the mmer <strong>of</strong> a mom would he panidly absor<strong>be</strong>d by Ihe ride

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