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25<br />

othcr fmm Event 37. a deporit aosoeiated with the semnd earthen floor inside the h ow<br />

(Event 361. This mark. a "PE is arecpcd as the mark <strong>of</strong> Wllip Edwards. z pipe maker<br />

working in Bnrtol <strong>be</strong>tween 1649 and a least 1669. Edwards hved unlil 1681. but it is<br />

uncertain how long he was makingclaypipJ(Wa1ker 1911:1125-11261. Like Lluellin<br />

Evmr. Philip Edwards rmped his mar(ran the howls (faring [he smoker). heels and<br />

stems <strong>of</strong> his piper.<br />

Two versions <strong>of</strong> "'spoked whecr' marks were found on sir <strong>of</strong> the piper from the<br />

reventeenrhsentu~y~~eupation deposits. A seventh specimen was discovered in the<br />

house ~0ilapse stratum. Although bolh are "spoked whecr' marks. one IS much cruder<br />

than the othcr. It had a mark made up <strong>of</strong>nine spokes pressed into t<strong>be</strong> heel <strong>of</strong> four pip<br />

bowls (Figures LOa and lob). There pipes were found in lhe deepest deposils an the site.<br />

two <strong>of</strong> them within a mem <strong>of</strong>one anotherw the noor<strong>of</strong> the heath ma, at adepth <strong>of</strong><br />

over 50 cms <strong>be</strong>neath the surface. The other two were found deep in the midden deparitr.<br />

Earh <strong>of</strong> there ptper had a bore d i m <strong>of</strong>9164 <strong>of</strong> an inch. Although the mark ha. yet to<br />

<strong>be</strong> identified and wheel-shaped marks dom in relief can <strong>be</strong> fwnd on pipes ma& in<br />

London and Plymouth hetwem 1640-1660 (Oswald 1975:66). lhc shape <strong>of</strong> the bowl was<br />

more remnireent <strong>of</strong> piper mmufacmd in 8-uble <strong>be</strong>tween IMOand 1680(Grant and<br />

Iemmetl 1985546). The large bore diameter suggcru lhere pip m y <strong>be</strong> fmm the edier<br />

nlher lhm lakr period. Tht same m A was present on a baa1 fragment from one <strong>of</strong> the<br />

reventeenBsentury deporttr from Ferryland (Gdron l999:2).

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