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23<br />

IMOJ for the earliest la the 1680s for the latar.<br />

Nine <strong>of</strong> the twenry-two marked bowls or bowl fragment fcom the acupmion rma were<br />

stamped with the initids "PS" which, bad solely on lhetr num<strong>be</strong>rs, play an imponant<br />

role m daring the acupation <strong>of</strong> Ute h- (Fipr 8% 8h and 9). Specimens were<br />

dimvered in and <strong>be</strong>low the emhen flm, in the hemh m a and in the midden outside<br />

he houw. An additional five 'PS" bowls were movered from the houw collapse<br />

stratum. This mark has ban muibutcd to Peter Stephens (Stevens) fmm Bamrwble lb.<br />

16 16. d. 1668) (Grant and Jcma 1985:472473). Although it is unclear when Stephens<br />

<strong>be</strong>gan stamping his own pipes. it war pmbably circa IM6 as he is recorded as wklng on<br />

M JppRntice thu year and therefore was a master pipe maker by that tim (Grant and<br />

kmmett 19854724731. Resumably. b wd on the fragility <strong>of</strong> the clay pipe. pipes<br />

<strong>be</strong>wing hts stamp would not have survived long after his death. All the mognhsblc<br />

"PS" pipe bowls (romc <strong>of</strong> Ule m& are on incomplele bowl fngmene) are <strong>of</strong> a style<br />

attributed to the period 16601680(0rwald 197558-59). As Peter Stephmsdied in<br />

1668. it would appearthattho pipes from Renews were likely made during the lasldecadc<br />

or ro <strong>of</strong> his life.<br />

'The second idemifiable pipe maher was LIueILin Evans who mkd his pipes with a<br />

"LE" on the bowl facing the smoker. This mark was found on acomplete bowl and on a<br />

fragment fmm another. There am wo adjoining diamon* shape heovesn the !nitids

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