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81<br />

an opening in the mge<strong>of</strong> 18-19cm. while t k smaller r kd gmup ranged from <strong>10</strong>-12<br />

cm. The lwgcr vessels were <strong>of</strong>ten 4 to cook meat and were comm<strong>only</strong> called flesh<br />

pots. The smaller verseis were <strong>of</strong>lsn used to w p m raws (Orant 198354) (Figure 54).<br />

Both vnrieties had three stubby legs on their bases so they could sit directly upon hot<br />

coals in the hemh. The rim5 on the flesh pots were wider, and more flmd than the<br />

smaller pipkim. The edger on two <strong>of</strong> four <strong>of</strong> the flesh pot rims curled inwards as if in an<br />

nrcmpl to d ~onle the verwl. Seved af the pipkinr wne burnt on the exterior in<br />

rerwment to their use in the hemh. They also had lifting handles that were either applied<br />

to the rides or, on the rim <strong>of</strong> the vessel. Fragments <strong>of</strong> wven handler were movered as<br />

well as 12 legs. some adhering to base sherds. Four pot lidr were also found twoeach<br />

fmm flesh pats and smaller pipkins (Rgurer 5la and 51bl. Each <strong>of</strong> the cmking pos.<br />

cneluding the pot lids. were made fmm Nonh Devon gravel-tempered coarse cmhcnwm.<br />

Although alsotempered with gravel, the smaller lidr wcreeompmtively thinner and<br />

mom fragile than the flesh pM lids. All wven vessels we- glared on the inlerior. while<br />

the lids were unglazed. One <strong>of</strong> the smaller lids was also slipped an the interior.<br />

Eighteen tablewm vessels were found, including tm drinking cups, two and pspasibly<br />

three porringers. ajug and a battle for deanling <strong>be</strong>vc-, another smallerjug<br />

presumably far sauce or similar condiments, and two swing disks. Ths drinking cups<br />

were all well made, with all but one king glazed m the interior and exterior. The single<br />

enccption w- a South Samersct cup which was <strong>only</strong> g l d on the interim. There wm

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