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Pti4. Ttwwlery, Oef. 20, It' The rW (TeL Dtkh<br />


First Insertion, per word 4c<br />

Consecutive<br />

per word<br />

Insertions,<br />

Sc<br />

Minimum Ad, 12 words . SOc<br />

Brief Card ot Thanks 1.00<br />

Political<br />

Announcements<br />

The Post Dispatch is authorlied<br />

to announce the candidacy of the<br />

following candidates, subject to the<br />

General Election on Nov 8, 19CG.<br />


For State Repr., 74th DUt.<br />


For Judge, lMth Judicial DIsL<br />


Fer Ounty Judge:<br />

J, E. PARKER<br />

Fer County and District Clerk<br />


n)<br />

Fw County Treasurer<br />


Fer County School Superintendent:<br />


Fer County Commissioner Pet. 1<br />

TED L. ATEN<br />

FOR County Commissioner Pet. 4<br />


For Justice of Peace. Pet. I<br />

D. C. ROBERTS<br />


For County Judge:<br />


Rental<br />

FOR RENT: Trailer space at West<br />

Side Trailer Court en Tahoko Ill- -<br />

way 380. See or call V. M Stone<br />

119 S. Ave. s. uiai juwj or tfe1<br />

FOR RUNT: Newly decorated unfurnished<br />

house. 154 N.<br />

Ave. O. Call 2517.<br />

tfc 9--<br />

FOR RENT: Two bedroom, unfurnished<br />

house. 411 West Main. Call<br />

2687 after 3. tfe 10--6<br />

FOR RUNT: Two bedroom Iwwhi,<br />

family room. largo atone. 408<br />

West Third. tfa 109<br />

FOR RUNT: Three rwtm, tHln-ishe- d<br />

modern aorpeted heuee<br />

Call 3991. Joe Moore.<br />

tfc W--<br />

FOR RUNT: Threo-rwi- nnh.ru-ishe- d<br />

hte.<br />

Ntee etena aMaftar<br />

Lats of cabinet and eJtwat sac<br />

CaH 3871.<br />

4te .U<br />

FOR RENT: Ntaa,<br />

homo. Plenty closet, wired IW<br />

washer and dryer, carport and<br />

outside storage. See owners, 113<br />

North Ave M<br />

2lp 10-2-9<br />

Professional<br />

Services<br />

HAVE SWATTER and baler. wiU<br />

travel! Turnkey Job 30c Bale<br />

Jerry Smith, dial 4201. Call. Tax<br />

19-1- 4tp 3<br />

No In Garza County<br />

Irrigation Pump<br />

Sales & Sorvico<br />

New and Uiod Aluminum<br />

Pipe and Related Potts<br />


M. 2 Fh. 495-263- 2<br />

Proclucing<br />

For Sale<br />

CALVES: Light stocker calves,<br />

Cleburne. Texas, Milton<br />

4tp 10-1- 3<br />


We carry a complete stock of new<br />

mattresses and box springs. Also<br />

renovate old mattresses and do upholstering.<br />

Call F. F. Keeton. 495-2M- 0.<br />

tfc 7--<br />

FOR SALE: Cushman motor scooter.<br />

Just overhauled. Phone 2400,<br />

409 S. Ave. H.<br />

2tp 10-2-0<br />

YELLOW Fecal-siz- e pads? 40 cents<br />

at The Post Dispatch.<br />


Quality rubber stamps tor your<br />

home or business use. One day service.<br />

See Don Amraons at The<br />

Post Dispatch office. Phone 2S18<br />

Nicht Phono 3610. x<br />

FOR SALE. 1960 Volkswagen, good<br />

condition. Call 2349.<br />

Itc 10-2- 0<br />

CLEAN. RUGS, like new, so easy<br />

to do with Blue Lustre. Rent<br />

eletrfc shampooer $1. Hudman<br />

Purnkure Co.<br />

Itc 10-2- 0<br />

ITS A FACT: CHiarcttes arc hazardous<br />

to your health. But It your<br />

customers insist on smoking, furnish<br />

them with a light. See Don<br />

Amman for Book Match Ideas.<br />

Ph. 3816.<br />

NEED PLASTIC mending tape'<br />

We sell K for a SI a roll at The<br />

Post Dispatch.<br />

FOR SALE; 1099 Chevrolet pickup.<br />

Oood tiros, aew battery and starter<br />

Can't say much for rest of R<br />

Good Ihirjtutfi for a d4t-your-- lf<br />

mechanic. JTS. See Don Amman<br />

x 19--<br />

"Gout! CrrtMt: RepoMosstil IMS<br />

model aiff-M- K equipped Stor<br />

sewta nMchme ta walnut con-ot-<br />

Embroidery patterns, buttonhole,<br />

oif Six payment of<br />

SI 46. Cnsfe dHoount. Write Credit<br />

Manager. 1114 13th St. Lubbock,<br />

Tax " ftc 9--<br />

WK HAW TiMniiir at The fHMt<br />

Dtsijwtch onty 19 cants.<br />

Morris<br />

tie 2<br />

FOR SALS mi Ptyimxa. 117 S.<br />

Av O<br />

Jtc itM<br />

Wanted!<br />

BE gsasts. b kMd. to that axae-s- t<br />

earat. rieaa K wish Hlwe<br />

Litctre Rant afeetric shampooer<br />

tt Waekars lie 19-3- 0<br />

Public Notice<br />

fP YOU<br />

drlnkinf<br />

or<br />

NEED HELP with<br />

499-207- problem, call 1<br />

495-296- or write Box 7.<br />

S2tp (9-1- j<br />

(<br />

TO Whom It May Concern: No t<br />

bunting, fishing or trespatslnf.<br />

on the Beaulah K. Bird Ranch,<br />

?,P(.M)<br />

DtSCARDRD BOOKS? Don't throw t<br />

them away Donate them to the<br />

Medical FouadaUen's tree libra<br />

ry. tfe 2-- 30<br />

ANYONS lftter(t4 in HulyteK pi-<br />

ano or theary eaM Mrs KoMh<br />

Blair. 495439. r ami by 912<br />

W tfi. 4lc 944<br />

Hit Sariatt. Tex . tirtd<br />

1 1 s<br />

name fram a ' bK sf4ngM wbleh<br />

served a wataetntt far<br />

horde et buttaitt. aateiape. ami<br />

wild mustang horses.<br />

Royalties<br />

Submiftalj ConficUntial<br />

6EM6E R. MOWM<br />

1201 San Jacinto luiltiing<br />

HoMtw, Tx 77002<br />

CofW Milto ifmd CA 01<br />

Real Estate<br />

FOR SALE Two lots. 910 W. 13th.<br />

Inquire ot 716 W Third after 5 '<br />

p m Call 231S. tfc 9--<br />

HOUSE FOR SALE. Three bedrooms,<br />

living room kitchen corn<br />

blnatlon, built-i- n oven and range,<br />

built In china cabinet with sliding<br />

doors, wood paneling, plumbed<br />

for washer and dryer, central<br />

heating and air conditioning. Nice<br />

front yard, and fenced In backyard.<br />

This house Is only five<br />

years old and has FHA loan. Located<br />

at 709 W. 14th St. Can be<br />

seen by appointment only. Dale<br />

Stone.<br />

tfc 10-1- 3<br />

FOR SALE: 196.36 acres dryland.<br />

S miles southwest of Post on<br />

FM-131- All In cultivation, good<br />

yield average on cotton and feed<br />

S.<br />

allotments.<br />

2tc 10-1- 3<br />

FOR SALE OR TRADE: Three<br />

bedroom house, n combination,<br />

two baths, carpeted, 111<br />

Ridge Road.<br />

4lp 10-1-3<br />

FOR SALE OR RENT: Two and<br />

three bedroom houses. For informatics<br />

call Mrs. Alcne Brewer,<br />

dial 23S9. tfc 10-1-3<br />

FOR SALE OR RENT: One m<br />

house and one three-bedroo- m<br />

house See O. V McMa- -<br />

hott or phone 2661.<br />

tfc 10-1-3<br />


Three bedroom, fenced yard. 610<br />

W. 495-206- 3rd. 3tc 10-1-3 FOR SALE: Two-roo- building to<br />

v.. .i r tv h.M,<br />

407 W. 4lh or call 2489.<br />

10-2- He 0<br />

82 A. FARM 300 A. Irrigated.<br />

92 shares of Highland Ditch Co. ,<br />

water. 2 modem homes and 2 that<br />

are net. Modern corrals, gran-- 1<br />

arte, silos and scales for feed- - j<br />

tng 1200 head of cattle. One of<br />

the best producing (arms In S E<br />

Caierade, 5 miles S of Las Ant-ma-<br />

Caio. Mllne-H- Ut Agents. Inc<br />

Phone Las Animas La<br />

mar<br />

1.<br />

itp<br />

io-:- o<br />

DUB to hatath. forced to sell well<br />

tobttihtd brick motel<br />

PhMsty roosn for axstaatton. doing<br />

amd busiaws. Lovely living<br />

quarters. 592 N 61 Highway. Duncan.<br />

OMa. AL<br />

Itp 10-3-6<br />

FOR RUNT: Pumlshed apartment,<br />

stritabie far ooueie. Newly<br />

516 W 13th.<br />

tfc 10-2- 0<br />

rrdec-rale- d.<br />

1IOUSK FOR SALE To be moved.<br />

ready-buH- l house, car- -<br />

.Jt 11 l UrtJ.. Dlu T .tu<br />

to<br />

uTJ vJZi . uJIP<br />

rkwe<br />

Wujua<br />

Wanted<br />

2tp 10-2-<br />

WANTED A daytime carhop,<br />

w person at the Dairy<br />

' ,<br />

tfc 9--1<br />

NEED someone to brtn our Ferd<br />

tractor and biade ta Casper, Wyo.<br />

-a-bout 900 mNes. It will (it In a<br />

wtde-br-d piekup. CaN or write<br />

Tern fewer (397) 53i MM. Box<br />

24M What will you charce?<br />


3te IM<br />

WANTED Ironing. SI SO per dozen.<br />

Men's white shirts ami pants<br />

extra Mrs Bertram. 3017<br />

2tc 10-1- 3<br />

Help Wanted<br />

HELP WANTED- - Between<br />

2145. high school education. Ap<br />

ply at Pinkie's Post Store.<br />

tfc 1<br />


Mr am Mrs David Newby. Mr<br />

and Mrs Jim Cornish and M r<br />

George Miller were among those<br />

from Pott attending the art showing<br />

of Peter Kurd and lUnrlette<br />

Wyeth at Baker's Gallery Sunday<br />

In Lubbock. They also viewed the<br />

sculpture exhibit at the Municipal<br />

Garden A Arts Center<br />

Abilene Christian College was<br />

founded In 1996,<br />

Automotive Paint<br />

Garza Auto<br />

Parts<br />

'<br />

Card of Thanks<br />

I wish to thank everyone for the<br />

cards, gifts, visits, flowers and<br />

prayers on my bchall while I was<br />

in West Texas and for nil the good<br />

food and nttrntlon since I've been<br />

home. May God bless each of you.<br />

Mrs, Albert Sparlln<br />

At a time like this, we realize<br />

what our friends and neighbors<br />

really mean to us. We will always<br />

be grateful for the thoughttulness<br />

of our friends, the cards, food,<br />

prayers, and lovely flowers that<br />

were given to us In our time of<br />

bereavement. It was so thoughtful<br />

of the men to help haul In the feed.<br />

We appreciate all the visits made<br />

to us. Thank you.<br />

The Grover Mason family<br />

The Ray McClellan family<br />

The O. L. Ferguson family<br />

The Harry Lee Mason family<br />

I want to take this opportunity<br />

to thank my many friends for your<br />

visits, cards, letters, flowers and<br />

girts while I was In Methodist Hospital<br />

at Lubbock and since I have<br />

returned home.<br />

M"' R " C'"rr Sr. I<br />

I would like to thank all the men<br />

who come over Monday to stack<br />

hay and anyone else who helped in<br />

any way. I appreciate the prayers,<br />

visits and concern of my neighbors<br />

during the illness of my mother.<br />

James Doggett<br />

I'd like to thank everyone for<br />

th4r vtaff nnit flnunr. tin,, mv<br />

accident, and especially I thank the<br />

? ho Rathered and stacked my<br />

Skinnlc Stewart<br />

We ",sh 'hn"k ',?r<br />

h flowers, food, cards and<br />

during the loss of our Daddy and<br />

uninddoddy. The kindness you<br />

have shown will long be remembered<br />

nnd nnoreciated<br />

Mr. and Mrs Thelbert McBridc<br />

and David<br />

Mr nnd Mrs. Auvy Lee McBrlde<br />

and children<br />

Mr. and Mr. Claude Cranford<br />

and children<br />

GIRL<br />

SCOUT<br />

NEWS<br />

Brownie Scout Troop 5 held its<br />

investiture Tuesday night at 7- - 30<br />

p m in the Community Room. Mrs.<br />

Wavne Richardson, troop leader,<br />

presented pins to the following as<br />

each girl said her Scout promise:<br />

Kim Lott, Cynthia Richardson, liana<br />

Shiver, Donna Ammons. Mary<br />

Ortiz. Eleanor Martinez. Brenda<br />

Weaver. Jill Young. Vickl Gannon.<br />

Tina Dodson. Cynthia Ann Conoly,<br />

wmuuiH' ..Itui.li,<br />

Jona """". Mlchelln Donahue.<br />

RhonJn 'n,oma "! Jodlnc Tipton,<br />

...<br />

mt n a, ...<br />

ftetiissuiu lain<br />

James Weaver !.<br />

assisted In the ceremony.<br />

Parents were social guests<br />

and Mrs Jack Lott and Mrs. W F<br />

Shiver, troop committee members,<br />

helped with the refreshments.<br />

Brownie Troop 445 held Its first<br />

birthday party Tuesday afternoon<br />

at the Girl Scout Little House Each<br />

girl received a gold six-poi- star<br />

to be worn on her uniform which<br />

denotes one year as a registered<br />

scout. All the girls of the troop<br />

received an International friend<br />

ship pin.<br />

.. Leaders. Mrs Bill Blrkes and<br />

ftirs Wayne Carpenter, served<br />

birthday cake to Glna Birkes. Pam<br />

Carpenter. Karen Blanton. Christy<br />

Davis. Tammye Thomas. Cynthia<br />

Morris. Patricia Bilberry. Kathv<br />

Howell. Mkhele Mason. Kim Mitch- -<br />

ell, Te ,,., rr Clary. Peggy Gandy, Jonl<br />

flml t.rroa Wston<br />

Mrs Rlrkes and Mrs, Carpenter<br />

jhavo recently completed leader<br />

training courses sponsored by the<br />

Caprock Council of Oirl Scout.<br />

i Brownie Trooo 331 will "flv-uD- "<br />

Sunday afternoon ah 3 p m at the<br />

First Christian Church. The Chris<br />

tUn Women's Fellowship Is troop<br />

sponsor, and Mrs Lee Davis Jr.<br />

and Mrs. Dayle Nelson am traders.<br />

Each girls will say the Girl Scout<br />

Promise and know the ten laws<br />

before receiving her wings nnd pin,<br />

A flag ceremony will precede the<br />

ceremony.<br />

Girls "flying up" to scouting are<br />

Cindy Cates. Carol Davis. Lee Ann<br />

Osndv. Gayte Guthrie. Kim Hester,<br />

i Judi Huffman. Jana McXamle, Tool<br />

t Miller. Pat Nelson, Rebecca Heal<br />

on, Kne Tnsmas, Pebble Seward,<br />

Susan Hopkins and Sherri Compton,<br />

Jdnior Otrl Scout Troop 377 met<br />

last Tuesday at the Little House<br />

after school and practiced for the<br />

flag eereraony lo be presented at<br />

the Gana County Traffic Safety<br />

Put Leitj No. 1051<br />

Joo Vlllwrnt VVM.<br />

Paul Jones . Sect.<br />

DIAL<br />

2816<br />

Atomic Energy Musoum<br />

visited by Post couple<br />

OAK RIDGE. Tcnn. Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. Ralph Welch of 216 West 15th<br />

St., Post, Tox., recently visited the<br />

American Museum ot Atomic Energy,<br />

Oak Ridge, Tcnn., which<br />

features demonstrations and display<br />

on peaceful uses ot the<br />

atom.<br />

The Museum, operated for tha<br />

U. S. Atomic Energy Commission<br />

by Oak Ridge Associated Universities,<br />

Is the only Institution devoted<br />

exclusively to nuclear science.<br />

Especially trained lecture-demonstrato-rs<br />

show how the power<br />

of the atom is utilized In medicine,<br />

industry and agriculture.<br />

program which will be held Nov.<br />

I at the primary school auditorium.<br />

Mrs. Carl Aycock, leader, Is<br />

assisted by Mrs. Bill Hall. Troop<br />

members are Lee Ann Aycock,<br />

Kuy Brecdlove, Jill Cash, Jan Hall,<br />

Kay Guthrie, Jonl Huffman. Sher-r- el<br />

Guichnrd, Deborah Medlin and<br />

Karla Josey.<br />

junior Girl Scout Troop 84 will<br />

meet Friday afternoon at the Little<br />

Mouse and will see a demonstration<br />

on biscuit making by Mrs.<br />

Bill Gandy for the girls who arc<br />

working on cooking badges. At the<br />

last meeting Gavin Miller showed<br />

her rock collection to Jodl Gandy,<br />

Terry Shedd. Maxlne Collazo and<br />

Jean Huffman.<br />

Mrs. Aycock, Mrs. Gondy nnd<br />

Mrs. Davis nre attending the Cnp--I<br />

rock Girl Scout Training Home and)<br />

i.nms Badge workshop in Ralls to-day<br />

(Thursday )<br />

Wolf<br />

No. 2 Can<br />


WOLF BRAND, NO. 300 CAN<br />

TAMALES .<br />

Decker's All Meet, lb. tY<br />

FRANKS<br />

Dektr'i, 6 la 8 Lb. Ave.<br />

PICNICS. Ib<br />

Getter's 2 lb. Pkg.<br />


Yeung , Tender<br />

Beef Liw, lb. . .<br />









Justiceburg Halloween<br />

Carnival draws near<br />


Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Wiley returned<br />

to their home In Cherry-val- e.<br />

Kans., following n y visit<br />

here to bo with their daughter,<br />

Mrs. Bud Schlchuber, who underwent<br />

surgery nt West Texas Hospital.<br />

While they were In Lubbock<br />

they were guests of tho Jockey<br />

Fluids.<br />

Justiceburg Women's Club met<br />

Friday afternoon In the lunchroom<br />

to make plans for the Halloween<br />

Carnival. Attrnding were M m e s.<br />

Riley Miller. Douglas McWhlrt,<br />

Dezzlc Bcvers, Sam Bevers Jr., and<br />

Penrl Nance.<br />

The Rev. and Mrs. Leslie Welch<br />

nnd Mrs. John Borcn were among<br />

the visitors of Mrs. Bud Schlchuber<br />

In the hospital last week.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McWhlrt<br />

were Thursday evening visitors of<br />

the Riley Millers.<br />

Mr. and Mrs, John Boren attend-c- d<br />

a bridge party and were overnight<br />

guests in the Gene Young<br />

home In Lubbock last Friday.<br />

Attending the football game In<br />

Morton last Friday were the Douglas<br />

McWhlrt family and Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Bandy Cash.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. E. C. Franklin<br />

were Saturday visitors In Lubbock.<br />

Weekend visitors of the Douglas<br />

McWhirts were Skip McWhlrt of<br />

Fort Worth, the Frank Breedens<br />

of Albany and the Jockey Fluids.<br />

Mrs. Bud Schlchuber was dismissed<br />

from the hospital last Saturday<br />

morning and brought to her<br />

home<br />

Visiting with Mrs. Lee Reed Inst<br />

week were Mr. nnd Mrs. Chris<br />

Cornctt. Mrs Cameron Justice.<br />

Mrs. Ellon Nance, Mrs. Cecil<br />

Smith. Mrs. Mnson Justice, Mrs.<br />

Rnymon Key. Bud Schlchuber nnd<br />

Mrs. James Brooks of Slnton.<br />

Sunday dinner guests In the Lee<br />

Reed home were the Fcrnle Reed<br />

and Eddie McCowcn families<br />

Mr nnd Mrs. Weldon Reed nnd<br />

CHILI<br />


For Famous Salem China<br />


B<br />

59<br />

In Beautiful Maplo Leaf Design<br />

9<br />

This Week This<br />

Saucer Only<br />

With Each $5 Purchaie<br />


I<br />

saaaaaaaaaa-----<br />

Reg.<br />

COFFEE<br />

18 OZ. JAR<br />

49<br />

35<br />

While Swan, 3 IB Ox. Jars<br />

RED PLUM JAM $1.00<br />

55'<br />

39<br />


20 POUND BAG<br />

RED<br />

95 NO. I, YHJOW<br />

0MI0NS,lb.<br />

29 TEXAS<br />

ORANGES.<br />

79c<br />

prt. 1.00<br />

47c<br />

69c 57c<br />


lb. 9C<br />

5c<br />

children were Sunday visitors In<br />

the Jnmcs Brooks homo In Slnton.<br />

Mnudie (Mrs. Cameron) Justice<br />

celebrated n birthday Oct. IS.<br />

Cecil Smith helped nt the roundup<br />

nt his sister's, Mrs. Ella Murphy,<br />

Wednesday.<br />

Pearl Nance visited her sitter<br />

nnd husband. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D.<br />

Mitchell, In Scmlnolo one day last<br />

week.<br />

Visiting In the Cameron Justice<br />

home Snturday nflcmoon were<br />

Mrs. Cecil Smith nnd Penrl Nnnce.<br />

Visiting In the Bud Schlchuber<br />

home Sunday were Mrs. Douglas<br />

McWhlrt and Danny, Mrs. Pernio<br />

Reed and Ronnie, Mr, nnd Mrs.<br />

Cecil Smith. Frank Breedcn and<br />

Jnckey Flultt.<br />

Mrs. Douglns McWhlrt and Mrs.<br />

Riley Miller visited In Lubbock on<br />

Monday.<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Bevers Jr.,<br />

nnd Glenna attended the 7th grade<br />

football game In Post last week.<br />

Mrs. Evelyn Dormnn visited her<br />

mother, Mrs. Dezzle Bevers, last<br />

Wednesday.<br />

John Coleman Borcn spent sev<br />

eral days In Lubbock last week<br />

visiting his grandparents, the G.<br />

E. Brndfords. His mother went after<br />

him nnd spent Thursday night.<br />

The Jnckey Fluitts were supper<br />

guests of her parents Wednesday<br />

evening after attending funeral eri<br />

vires for Grover Mason In the<br />

afternoon.<br />


Mrs. Jim Hnys returned recently<br />

from n three-wee- k trip to California<br />

where she visited her son and<br />

daughter-in-law- , Mr. and M r s.<br />

Jnmes Hnys. In Anaheim; n sister,<br />

Mrs. E. M. Rhondcs nnd n brother.<br />

Wnltcr Lee. of Enrlvmont; Wnlter<br />


TUNA<br />

SUGARY SAM, NO. 2', CAN<br />

Sweet Potatoes . .<br />

FLOUR GladioiaJO lbs.. 1.29<br />

59c<br />

5C<br />

5 lb. bg - . 49c<br />

129 W. Mtn<br />

SffClAU<br />

aaBaBaBaaaaaaM.<br />

M<br />

Church to ho<br />

new minister<br />

The Pint n<br />

, ,<br />

i ice uu re will hon.-- it,.,.<br />

Isler. the i ,.i<br />

ms wire. Pat,, ' cj<br />

u 1111 i a m -<br />

w vv<br />

Khllrxl. " aL Ilk<br />

... 1lr W( v L<br />

scrvina ihi i h u . q<br />

mree urik it, . .. -<br />

nt<br />

former pastor lhi b,.<br />

Wl-Ir- ., i H.<br />

nlso tnucht m iv. i... ?.<br />

School. "'U<br />

to .fiend ; JOT. W<br />

lunch. Slnclnc mvt Mk!...?<br />

lnnca WOUghoUt the 4<br />

Post girl sings<br />

with Tech group<br />

Miss Cnrolvn Mi.i<br />

year student nt Texit Tk<br />

daughter of Mr and Mn.<br />

Matslcr, Is a member of the Td<br />

Singers, n mixed chorui of ibea<br />

90 members and an Indtpaids<br />

auxiliary ot the Tpch choir<br />

............ .., uiuuimi trt 11<br />

rllllnn wllh ...... ! . .<br />

vjiiiv ninncy,<br />

Choir dlrrclnr hn..l . jj<br />

11.<br />

..nil nn mKIIII..<br />

A : . . ..<br />

t vuinuiiicu cuncen 01 Ui( Hi.<br />

vi. niuir unu urcnriini vt i k.<br />

sented Nnv e. n . 4 . m. . .<br />

- Ml w<br />

I nr n I In Lnn ii.Hm. i .1<br />

.11 ihiiu 1,1 nil nm i pin him- -<br />

hv Mnllrlrn nitmrl-- . TV... .:i<br />

clii new prrsiurm ur uretB<br />

. .<br />

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.uuiriiy, no i mt DUSK<br />

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Hnvs nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Loyd Hays n memocr 01 the rest<br />

of OJnl. nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Wllbumi choir nnd sextet wh.le jhewuh<br />

Hoys of Ontario<br />

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high school.<br />

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FROZEN<br />

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Merten's N Ox<br />

Beef or Tuty<br />

2 for 79c<br />

Sawetlme . lie<br />

Bf or Tuiltr<br />

POT PIES<br />

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2 for 29c<br />


39c<br />



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