DepED Memorandum No.33 s.2011.pdf - depedro4-a

DepED Memorandum No.33 s.2011.pdf - depedro4-a

DepED Memorandum No.33 s.2011.pdf - depedro4-a


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8. Teams wil be given ihree (3) minutes to prepare tor a group speech 01 7 minutes. The mernbers w<br />

decide in lhe team splil. They wll decide who wlll open lhe speech, who will do the speech on<br />

Benelts, Necess ly and Praclicabiliiy, and who gels lo conc ude lhe speech<br />

9. The scoring lor MANNER w ll be belween 0-40o/o which will be added to thei. prev ous scores on<br />

10.<br />

11.<br />

12.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

H.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

a<br />

There wil ofiy be lwo leams who w I quallly Jor tlre Final Found.<br />

A new molion wil be given th rty minules (30) before the fina round.<br />

The finai round wi I lake the iorm of ar informaldebale w lh glest moderalors. Fach 1eam, however,<br />

must have a learn spllt (Benefils, Necess ty and Praclicab lily). Judging shall be based on Matler,<br />

Meihod and Manner<br />

YES-O Exhibits (Group. Hlgh School Level)<br />

The exhibt sha louch on the schoo-based YES'Os mpiemefialon oi envjronnrenla projecls as<br />

mandaied n lhe YES-O'S conslrtui on and by aws. lishalasoieatlretheorganizatonsplansand<br />

slrccess slories on environmenlalaciion and initialive.<br />

The exhlbjts shallconsist ol piclures appropriaiely labeled, cen icalions, approved and lmplemented<br />

project proposals, publ calrons, reports wr le ups an d oihe r materia s thal com ply w lh nu m ber 1<br />

The organizers sha lonly provde two (2) rnan a papers measur ng 3leet x 4 feet each on v/hicil lhe<br />

exh b ts sha I be mounted. VioLaiion ol lhis ru e shall mean aulomalic d sqlallical on.<br />

Olher materials sha lbe provided bythe contestants.<br />

The exh bis sha I be sei up during Day O mmedialey aller the reg siraion oi parllcipanls. Ony<br />

those req stered and m em bers oi lhe s choo YES"O delegai on are a L owed 10 sel up lhe exh lbils<br />

Participants shal inlorm lhe organizers in advance of iheir inlerest to loin the contesl.<br />

Judg ng shall be based on the lo owing criterial<br />

Compliance with YES-O Mandate 80%<br />

DesigrJAppearanceofExhibils 204/"<br />

Total<br />

100%<br />

YES-O Spotlighl (Group, High School Level)<br />

The YES-O Spollighi sh a I touch on lhe school Y ES_O'S m plem enlat on of env ronm ental proiecis<br />

as mandated n the YES-Os consliiulion and by laws. 1 sha I also lealure lhe organizalion's plars<br />

and success slories on env ronmental action and in liative.<br />

The spoUight shall consist of piclures appropriately labeled, cedificales or certlficalions, approved<br />

and lmplemented proiect proposals, evenls, plblicallons reports, wrle ups and other malerials thal<br />

comply with n!mbe. T<br />

The spotlight must be presented uslng [,4S PowerPo ni Presentation on y.<br />

The presentallon rrrust be saved n a CD or USB.<br />

The organizers shall only provde an LCD proiector and a complter to be used dur ng lhe a.nra<br />

Depending on the nurnber ol contestanis, an eliminaton round sha lbe condlcted.<br />

On y those regislered and who are members ol lhe school YES O delegaton are a owed lo presenl<br />

ihe ipou ghl n eight (8) mlnules. No time extension sha I be alowed Once the time has apsed the<br />

preseniallon w I be stopped. The presenler sha I be subjecled lo queslions bv the Board ot Jldges<br />

Padicipanls shall nlorrn the organlzers n advance ol the r inleresl lo join lhe contest.<br />

Judging wilbe based on the lollowing criteria:<br />

compli.nce with YES-o Mandate 60%<br />

oesign ol PowerPoint Presentation 20%<br />

Aclual Presenlalion<br />

Total<br />

20L<br />

100./"<br />

SAYAWIT Para 6a Kalikasan (Group, High School Level)<br />

A minimLrm ol live (5) and a maximum oi twenty (20) partic panls shall perlorm d!ringlhe conlest<br />

Oancers and singers shallbe cofs dered as performers<br />

The perlormanc; must consisi oJ a song and a dance presenlaton on ihe environment Parlclpanls<br />

rnlrst aclually srng and dance al lhe sarne tlme. Any song in Engllsh Fl plno or any dialeci may be<br />

used, or a comblnalior thereol rnay be ulillzed.<br />

The presenlaion should asltoramaximlmolJve(5)riinutes,inwhchperodsha be ncludedthe<br />

lntroducUon and the exlt of the perlomerc.<br />

The presenlalion sha I be stopped when lime s<br />

Musca accompanmenl for ihe preseflaliotr should be compaci dlsc generaled only. No live<br />

accompanimenl shall be a owed.<br />

T he presenlat on m ust have environrn enla relevance<br />

Props should be at minirnum oflY

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