DepED Memorandum No.33 s.2011.pdf - depedro4-a

DepED Memorandum No.33 s.2011.pdf - depedro4-a

DepED Memorandum No.33 s.2011.pdf - depedro4-a


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t.<br />

c An essay writlen by the nominee why he/she deserves the award whrch<br />

must be encoded and prinied on an 44 bond paper;<br />

d. Cufiiculum Viiae/Resume wilh cerliiicallon lrom the nominee and nominator<br />

that the iacts stated theren are true, coTTect and based on personal<br />

e.<br />

f.<br />

g.<br />

h.<br />

know edge;<br />

Certified True Copy of the Seruice Flecord and Appointrnent;<br />

Certilicaiion of lhe Nominee's Active lnvolvemeni in ihe YES_O by the<br />

Schoo Prlncipal, Schools Division Superintendent or Regional Director,<br />

whicheve. is applicable;<br />

Cerlified True Copy ol Pertinent Cediiicates and Awards received; and,<br />

Recent 3F ha f-body solo photo;<br />

C. Screening and Se ectlon Process<br />

The screenlng and se eclion process shall adopt lhe iollowtng steps:<br />

a. All interested nominees must submit al the requiremenls d rectly lo the<br />

Screening and Seleciion Commitiee c/o Execuiive D rector Joey G. Pe aez,<br />

Department of Education-Center for Students and Co-Currlcular Aliairs<br />

(<strong>DepED</strong>-CSCA), <strong>DepED</strong> Complex, Meralco AvenLie, Paslg City.<br />

b. All papers and documents required to be slbrnitled perlinenl lo the<br />

nomination shaLl be lorwarded to and received by the Screening and<br />

Seleclion Commiltee on or before April 4. 2011.<br />

c. The Screen ng and Selection Commiitee, composed oi representaiives lrom<br />

the Department of Environmenl and Natural Fesources, Kabataang Sama-<br />

Samang Maglilingkod, inc. and the Deparlmenl of Education, shall seect<br />

ll'e awaroees lrcn anong Il_e 1or. nees<br />

Criteria for Judging<br />

The selection oi the wir'rners shall be based on the tollowing crileria:<br />

lV. Awarding<br />

Extraordinary and Se lless Contributlons - 50%<br />

to lhe YES-O and to the Cause ollhe Envlronmenl<br />

Aclive lnvolvemenl in the YES-O and its Activilies, - 30%<br />

lnclLrdlng the YES Camp<br />

Pertinent Awards and Certificaies Received - 2o'/.<br />

The awarding ceremony shall be held d!ring ihe YES CAI\,'lP.<br />


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