DepED Memorandum No.33 s.2011.pdf - depedro4-a

DepED Memorandum No.33 s.2011.pdf - depedro4-a

DepED Memorandum No.33 s.2011.pdf - depedro4-a


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No. 33 ,s.2011<br />

Rep!blic of the PhiJlppines<br />

Department of Education<br />

DepEd Conrp ex, lVeralco Avenue Pasig Cly<br />

jaN ? 8',1011<br />


p.f,*n<br />

To: R-g on"l D rc(tors<br />

Schools Division/City Superintendents<br />

Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools<br />

1. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Special Concerns<br />

Office Youth Desk (DENR-SCO Youth Dcsk], in coope.ation w\th the Kabataatg<br />

Sama Samang Maglilingkod (KAS,U'4AI Inc., Miriam PEACE (Public Education ancl<br />

Awareness Campaign tor the Environment) and the Department of Education<br />

Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs (DepEd-CSCA), will conduct the<br />

Youth for Euvironment Summer (YES) Camp on May l-5, 2011 at the Teachers<br />

Camp and CAP JOHN HAY Trade and Cultural Center, Baguio Ciq/. With its<br />

themc, "iko dg Edftda" (Climate Change Adaptation and Disastcr<br />

Prepare.lness)," the YES Camp underscores Lhe signilicance of climate change<br />

adaptation and disaster preparedness duing the onslaught of natural<br />

catasliophes made worst by global waming and climate chanf{e. It is anchored on<br />

the impLementation of Republic Act No. 9512 (Environmental Arvareness and<br />

Education Act of 2008) and Republic Act No. 9729 (Climate Change Acl af 2aA9).<br />

2. lt seeks to achieve the follo\'!.ing objectives:<br />

a- lea 1 about Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster<br />

Prcparcdness utilizing best practices and models designed and<br />

locally-developed in disaster-prone areas;<br />

b. inculcate amo g pupils and students the c lical role of<br />

environmental prctection in preventing and coping with the<br />

ellects of climate change such as typhoons, floods, earthquakes<br />

and droughts;<br />

c. dcvciop pupils and sludents' awareness on the state of the<br />

environlnent, focusing on significant issues and concerns;<br />

d. ensure pupils and students' active participation anci<br />

deternined concrete action in the protection, preservation and<br />

rehabilitation of Lhe environment and the conservation of<br />

natlrlal resources in thcir respectivc areas u.ith the constant<br />

guiciance of teachers, school principals, supervisors and other<br />

school and DepEd officials;<br />

e. instill environmental values in every pupil and student to<br />

fiotivate actual involvemcnt in worth$hile programs and<br />

projects for the cnvirolrment; and<br />

L strengthen the implementation of various school-based<br />

environmental programs and projects of DepEd and DENR.<br />

EFA 2015: Karapatan ng Lahat, Pallanagutan ng

3. ActiviLies duling the YES Calnp inciude interactive and fun plenary<br />

sessions, break out sessions, panel discussions, action planning, outdoor<br />

actjvities and contests such as Speech Choir, Docu-KaTikosan, Environmental<br />

Quiz, Debate, SAYAWIT (SaAaLu at Awit sa Kalikasan), On-the-Spot Poster<br />

Making, Search for |ne Lakambini and Lakan ng Kalikdsan, YES-O Exhibit and<br />

Spoilight featuring YES o success stories on environmental action and initiative<br />

The Camp features new and exciting activities such as Kabataang BaAani ng<br />

Kalilcasan Awards, YES o Awards and tcarn-building activitics among oihers<br />

4, Since the environment is cveryone's conccrn, the of{icers and members of<br />

the Youth for Environment in Schools-Organizations (YES-O), Supreme Student<br />

Governments (SSG), Supreme Pupil Governments (SPG), Student Technoiogists<br />

and Entrepreneurs of the Philippines (STEP), Youth Entreprcneurship and<br />

Cooperativism in Schools (YECS), Science and Environmental C1ubs, Boy Scouts<br />

and cirl Scouts of the Philippines, Campus Paper Editorial Staff, Sangguniang<br />

Kabataan l/SK/, Green Brigade, and all other school based clubs or organizations<br />

are authorized to participate in the YES Camp on official business, incllrding<br />

teachers, advisers, school principals, education supervisors, distlict supcn rsor s<br />

and other education officials from the different public and private elemcntarw and<br />

secondary schools nationwide. Participation of pupils anci students and any award<br />

to be rcceived in this Camp shall be credited to the co-curricular points of the<br />

pupils/ students for Schooi Year 201 1-2012.<br />

5. A registration fee ol Four Thousand Six Hlrndred Pesos (PhP4,600.00) only<br />

shall be charged to each participant to cover accommodation and meals liom<br />

dinner of Day 1 to breaklast of Day 5, training kits, certificates, rcproduction of<br />

modules, supplies and materi.lls, environmental magazines, trophies, cash prizes,<br />

transportation, honoraria of speakers, facilitators, guests, celebrities and<br />

entertaincrs, T shirts and bags and other incidental expenses of the Camp,<br />

chargcable to local funds/local school board fur-rds, or sou.ced from private<br />

o. g4niru jon5.<br />

6. Regional directors, schools division/ciq/ superintendents and school<br />

principals are encouraged Lo send participants to thc YES Camp.<br />

7. The scheclule oI the activities, contest guidclines, and YES O Aw:rrds<br />

guidelines are attached as Enclosure Nos. 1,2 and 3, respectively.<br />

8. I.'or details, please contact thc DENR-Speciai Concerns Olfice-Youth Desk<br />

c/o Ms. Maria Magnolia Q. Danganan at Lelephone nos.: (02) 926'8346 or (02J<br />

927 -6336 or email youthdeskctdeat.gov.ph or yescampofficiat gmail,coml<br />

KASAMA at telephone no.r (042) 710 34BB or mobile phone no.: 0915-7983217; or<br />

the <strong>DepED</strong> CSCA at telephone nos.: (02) 636-3603, {02) 631-8495 or (02) 634-<br />

5508, or log on to www.deped-csca.com or email cscapottal@€mail-com.<br />

9. Immediate and wide dissemination of this <strong>Memorandum</strong> is clesirecl.<br />

y.-A /' 4,*<br />


Undersecretary<br />


Schools Division Superintendent<br />

Division of:<br />



or* q Q,/<br />

DRNA t'. DINO<br />

Director lll<br />

officer-ln-Char!e<br />

office ofthe Regional Director<br />


SchoolPrincipal<br />

NameofSchool<br />

Districtl<br />

Division of:<br />

lnformation and communication Teahnology Oflice<br />

District Supervisor<br />



51 . JorrPh _; E. rr:iljq'r<br />

DOC rrl 'l'l o

Enctosure No. 1 lo <strong>DepED</strong> Memoranctum Na,<br />

Dav 1 (1 Mav 2011. Sundavl<br />

AM<br />

8:00 - Arrivaloi Participants<br />

Registration/Billeting<br />

Course Enrolment<br />

--3L,<br />

s 2011<br />

Youth for Environment Summer (YES) Camp<br />

Teacherc Camp Baguia City' 1'5 May 2011<br />


$ubiea io nunationlconfimatian af Speakers and Guesls)<br />

Envircnmentat values Education (Elementary Pupils)<br />

(Pangkat sa EdukasYong<br />

PagPapahalaga sa Kalikasan)<br />

Foarest ancl iptand Ecosystem (High school students)<br />

(Pangkat sa BuhaY sa Kagubalan<br />

at kabundukan)<br />

IJrban Ecosysten<br />

(High School Students)<br />

(Pangkt sa BuhaY sa Lungsod)<br />

Fres-hwater Ecosystem (High School Studenb)<br />

(Pangkat sa Buhay sa Tubig'tabang)<br />

Coa;tat and Marine Ecosystem (High School Students)<br />

(Pangkat sa BuhaY sa Ka?gatan)<br />

Envi-ronmental TheaEr Arts (High School Students)<br />

(Pangkal sa Sining ng Tanghalang<br />

Pangkalikasan)<br />

Env-ircnmentatLeadetship (SangguniangKabataan)<br />

(Pangkat sa Pamununong<br />

Pangka kasan)<br />

Environmental Laws<br />

(Sangguniang Kabataan)<br />

(Pangkal sa Batas Pangkalikasan)<br />

PM<br />

1r30 Theme Captur ng AcUvity FiLm Showing<br />

3,30 - Processing of Le;ming MR AL IAN BARCELoNA<br />

AIB ftaining<br />

6;00 - Dlnner<br />

7:30 orientation Pros,am il,:,"yi?il#A:i3"H,,?Ncr.trN<br />


Chai. Conniftee on Envianment<br />

8:30 - Welcome Pedormance SAM MILBY Yauth spokesperson<br />

MARKKI STROEM, Pt',iinas Got ratent<br />

Dav 2 e Mav 2011. Mondav)<br />

AM<br />

6:00 - Breaktasl<br />

7:00 Assembly<br />

73A - Parade<br />

9r0O - Opening Ceremonles<br />

Welcome Message<br />


Mayar, Baguia CilY

lnspirationalMessages HON. GEFALD A. ORTIZ<br />

P r e s ide n t, K A S A ltlA. I nc<br />


Executive Drectar. Mitian PEACE<br />

lnlroduction of Speaker HON. CLARENCE BAGUILAT<br />

Regional Executive DnectoL DENR CAF<br />

Keynote Speech HON. RAMON J. P. PAJE<br />

Secrelary, DENR<br />

10i00 ' Team-Building Aciivities The Seven Environmenlal Princpes<br />

Per Group DENFVKASAII4!,/DEPED Training Teams<br />

PM<br />

12tQO Lunch<br />

1:00 Breakout Sessions<br />

PLrpis/Sludents/SK Simultaneous Camp Courses<br />

DENR/KASAMA/DEPED Training Teams<br />

Teachers Miriam PEACE<br />

4:00 ' Simultaneous Contesis<br />

On-the-SpotPostetMaking (Finals)<br />

Docu-Kalikasan (Finals)<br />

YES-O Spotlight (Finats)<br />

YEs.o Exhibit (lnitial Judging)<br />

Speech Choir (Elimlnatlon)<br />

Environmental Quiz (Flnals)<br />

Debate (Elimination)<br />

SAYAWIT (Elimination)<br />

Lakambini at Lakan (Prc-Judging)<br />

Kabataang Bdyani ng Kalikasan (Finals)<br />

6i00 Drnner<br />

7:30 - SAYAWIT Finals KARVLLE, Singer/Actress<br />

YES-O Awards SAM CONCEPCION, Youth Spokespercon<br />

Launching ol YES-O-Cedified TIPPY DOS SANTOS, Singet/Aclrcss<br />

School<br />

Dav 3 B Mav 2011. Tuesdav)<br />

AM<br />

6:00 Breakfast<br />

8:00 - Plenary Session Climale Change and G obalWarming:<br />

fhen and Now<br />


9:00 - Plenary Session Climate Change Adaptation: Our Noah's Ark<br />


10:00- PlenarySession CtimateChangeRsksandAdaptatoninAsan<br />

Coastal [,4egac ties: The Ph]lippine Setting<br />


11:00 P1enary Session Coaslal Fesource Management:<br />

Adapiing to the Threats oi C imaie Change<br />


PM<br />

12 00 Lunch<br />

1:00 Breakout Sessions Dlsasler Preparedness and Survlval<br />

Pupils/Students/SK Techniques<br />



Teachers Miriam PEACE

Simir ianeous Contests<br />

Speech Cholr {Fina s)<br />

Debate (Finals)<br />

6:00 Dinner<br />

1:30 Lakambini at Lakan ng Kalikasan DINGDONG DANTES, Youlh Spokespersan<br />

ROBI DOMINGO, F v/ronnental Advacate<br />


Chd pelsa., Nd.o.-t voutn Co-t\

Enclosurc No. 2 to <strong>DepED</strong> Memonndum No<br />

-trL,<br />

s. 2011<br />

Youth lor Environment Summer (YES) Camp<br />

Teacherc Camp Baguia Cnv l'5May2011<br />

Contest Guidelines<br />

l.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3<br />

General Guidelines<br />

The contesls are open to allreglslered partic pants lo lhe YES Canrp<br />

A padicipanl is quallied to compete in anv contesl. whether indvidua orgroup provided he/she<br />

duly registers and provided iurlher, lhere is no conJlict in lhe schedlle.<br />

Parlrcipanls ar€ oniy allowed to join in ther respeclive edlcatona level, thal ls. only elemenlary<br />

pup s are a lowed t6 joln coniesls iclenllfied lor lhe e emeniary eve and only high school siudents<br />

4.<br />

are allowed to loin contesls identitied for ihe secondary Level<br />

Conlestanls shall rndlcale their conlests ol inleresl lr the Pre_Fegislration Form or Verllicallon Fonn<br />

Ln any case, conlestants shal also be requ red to fill up the Conlesl Regislraton Form (CRF) and<br />

su bnr lt lhe sam e 10 th e Secreiarlat d uring DAY 1 m med ale y ailer lhe genera ca m p regislralion<br />

5 As a r!le, an e minalion round shal be conduct€d.<br />

6. There shal beaconlest breling ol15 minltes belore the contesl proper'<br />

7. Members oi the Board ol Judges lor se ected contesls wlll be chosen lrom among lhe partcipanls<br />

8. Dec sions ol the Board ol Judges are I naL.<br />

ll. SpecificGuidelines<br />

A.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

On-the-Spot Posler_Making Contest (lndividual' Elementary and Hiqh School Levels)<br />

Only one (1)conleslant per schoo sha parrclpate ln theconlest<br />

The poste; lhould revolve aroLrnd ihe thernewhch wi be announced byihe conlesl adm nlstral'r<br />

3.<br />

dur ng the contesl proper.<br />

The mediurn lor vsua anstryshatbeoilpastelonly The requi.ed base paper lo be used during the<br />

colresl, _oweve'. 4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

s a1 llLs aliol boa'c<br />

AImaterials, excepl the oiL pasle, will be provded bylhe organ zers Borrowng oi materials lrom<br />

other conieslants sha lnol be a lowed<br />

At the oplion of Ihe contestanl, he/she may use pencils to drail skeiches ot hrs/her ldea'/concept<br />

The allotled ume for the contesl is lwo hours, allerwhich a! enlresshalbesubmilledtolhe'onlest<br />

adminislralor. Contestanis may declde to subm I hls/her posler earlier withoul wail ng ior the lapse<br />

7.<br />

ol lwo hoLrrs.<br />

Each posler shall be dentiled by a number lhat corresponds lo lhe nurnber and idenlity ol the<br />

L o.lesrar'lo'lie j idg 19 P ocecs<br />

8. Jl]dgrng shal be based on lh€ lo owing criierla:<br />

Orlglnality ol ldea<br />

4oa'<br />

Relevance io the Theme 4O'/.<br />

Overall lmpact 2o'/o<br />

Total<br />

100%<br />

A. Speech Choir (Group, Elemenlary and High School Levels)<br />

1. Only one (1) enlry per schoolsha lpad cipate.<br />

2. A nrinimum oi, ve (5) and a maximum ol ien (10) studenls shal compose a group<br />

i. irre poem ro re nie;preted, whether n Eng ish or Fi ip no, sha I be chosen bv lhe conteslarls and<br />

should revolve around this yeafs YES Camp lheme.<br />

4. The presentation should la;t lor a r.aximum ol live (5) minlies, which shal inc ude the introdu'l on<br />

and exil ot lhe perforrners. The presenlaUon shal be stopped when lime ls !p<br />

5 Allcontestanls musl nremolze and recilelhe I respective piece whie doingthe nterprelal on<br />

6. lvusrdl accor pa,lrrerl whetler o sc_oelera(eo or l!e is 1or 'loted<br />

i. erops and costumes should be ai a min mum only and must be rnade from recyc ed maler als<br />

8. Dependingonthenlmberolenires,anehrnnaljonroundshaLbeheld Onlyien(10) entries shaLl<br />

qLiality ior the finals.<br />

L Theri shall be a dillereni set oi Board ol Judges dul ng the e iminallon and 1 nal round'<br />

I O. J udging sha I be base d on the lollowing criler a:<br />

Enviroirmentat Message 40%<br />

Clarily of lhe Deiivery of the Plece 30'/'<br />

Precision ol Movements<br />

Proiection and Overall lmPact<br />

Total<br />

20./.<br />

10./"<br />


c.<br />

T,<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

9.<br />

10.<br />

D.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

E.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Envlronmenlal Quiz (lncllvidual, Elefienlary and High School Levels)<br />

All campers are €ncouraged 10 participate n lhe O!iz prov ded lhat they are in iire vefue belore the<br />

Eng lsh and Filipino shall be used as the ollicla anguages rn Ihe conduci ot the q!iz<br />

Queslions shall focus on environmenial lacls, laws, current events, inliatves, lriva and olher<br />

subjects pertaining lo lhe environment and ecology.<br />

Each question shall be read lw ce by llre quizmasler The conleslants slra only answer as soon as<br />

the quizmaster shall have read the question twrce and have so ndcated lheir ime to wrle the<br />

answer in b g bold letiers. Counldown shallslari lmnrediale ythereafter.<br />

Conlestanls shalbe given a maximum of hventy (20) seconds to answer questons thal requre<br />

compulaion. Otherquestions shal only be aloited ieh (10) seconds.<br />

The conlestanls shalbring their own pens, answer sheets sha be provided by the organ zers.<br />

Should the conlestanl decides lo change an answer, he/she shal cross ou1 the answer so vr'rilten<br />

with only one horzontal ine and the new afswer shalbe wrrtlen legjbly above the crossed oul<br />

answer. The contestanl s allowed lo change answer wjlhin the tme allotted for a partcl] ar quesiof<br />

The contesiants shall ralse their pens as soon as the allotled linre to answer is over.<br />

lf app icab e, depending on the number ol enlres, an eliminauon round shal beheid.<br />

Durinq lhe elirninaiion round, la ure to answer seven out o1 ten qLrestons correcty sha I disqualify<br />

and elmnate the conteslant. The eiminalion round shal involve easy, average and difficult<br />

For tlre elminaton round, on y lwenly (20)or less quaLilerc sha advance to the finals regardess ol<br />

schoo, dlvis on or reg onal represenlalion<br />

Docu-Kalikasan (Group, High SchoolLevel and SK)<br />

Orly one (1)entry per schooishall parl cipate.<br />

The grolp shallbe composed of three (3)members.<br />

Vrdeo doc!menls should revolve around lhe lherne of the Carnp.<br />

Envies should be submitled logether w lh the filled up Conlest Beg slraiion Fornr 1o lhe Secreiarial.<br />

The group must prepare three (3) copies ol entry and shoLrld be in DVD formai.<br />

The presentalion shoud lasl 1or a rn nimum ol Uve (5) and a maxirnum ol eghl (8) mfules<br />

Overtme shallbe deducled 1% per m nute f.om the overallgrad€ oi the entry.<br />

Judging shallbe based on ihe follow ng crileria:<br />

Me36ag€y'Conlent<br />

40%<br />

200h<br />

ls the naffatve/story original, conpeling and intercsting? Did ]t proceed seanlessly?<br />

visual Composilion/Cinemslography 20%<br />

Did the filn show gaod and creative vsual composilion/cinenatogtaphy (cameta angles, caneta<br />

novemenl, lighting, franing al shats)?<br />

Audlblllty 10%<br />

Did lhe filn passes goad saund quality and gaad use ol nusic lor sDundlnck?<br />

Editing and Visual Enhancements r0'/.<br />

ls |he videa edited prcpe y and of goad quality? ls there an approp ate use of visual enhancenents<br />

(tnnsilons, titles, credts and specialeflects (if lhere is any)?<br />

Debare (Gro!p, Hlgh School Level and SK)<br />

A minimum ol three (3) parlic pants shallcompise a team<br />

There w I be a Group Case Building Aclivly to detemlne the leams that w I qualily lo lhe Fna<br />

Each leam shall make an argumentalive essay on bolh the AFFIRMATIVE (AFF) and NEGATIVE<br />

(NEG)sides ol a q ven motion.<br />

n arguing for ihe AFF and NEG, lhe tollowing mlst be presenied n ihe essay:<br />

. AFF Sland and ai least ihree well-conslructed Cases lo iorward ihe Sland laken, answer ng<br />

the Benelil, Necess ty and Praclicab ily oi lhe Sland.<br />

. NEG Sland and al leasl lhree we l_conslructed Cases lo fo ,ard th-o Sland 1aken, answer ng<br />

lhe Benellt, Necessity and Practcability oi the Slafd<br />

There musl be a clash ol paradicril, prnclple and lheme belween ihe Cases wrilten in AFF to lhe<br />

cases written for lhe NEG.<br />

6. The essays wi be evaluated based on lhe lollowing:<br />

MATTEN<br />

4O'/" (fhe conponents arc logical and relevance.)<br />

METHOD<br />

2O7c (fhe catnponents arc respansiveness and structure.)<br />

After the jldging for case-building speech/essays, the adlud calots will select lhe lop seven These<br />

entnes wlLl lighllorthe [4anner batlle referred as the 7_m]rule challenge Th s wi I iesl the leam s<br />

ab lily to speak out the r ldeas using lhe case buid nq speech/€ssay wh ch they have nrade.

8. Teams wil be given ihree (3) minutes to prepare tor a group speech 01 7 minutes. The mernbers w<br />

decide in lhe team splil. They wll decide who wlll open lhe speech, who will do the speech on<br />

Benelts, Necess ly and Praclicabiliiy, and who gels lo conc ude lhe speech<br />

9. The scoring lor MANNER w ll be belween 0-40o/o which will be added to thei. prev ous scores on<br />

10.<br />

11.<br />

12.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

H.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

a<br />

There wil ofiy be lwo leams who w I quallly Jor tlre Final Found.<br />

A new molion wil be given th rty minules (30) before the fina round.<br />

The finai round wi I lake the iorm of ar informaldebale w lh glest moderalors. Fach 1eam, however,<br />

must have a learn spllt (Benefils, Necess ty and Praclicab lily). Judging shall be based on Matler,<br />

Meihod and Manner<br />

YES-O Exhibits (Group. Hlgh School Level)<br />

The exhibt sha louch on the schoo-based YES'Os mpiemefialon oi envjronnrenla projecls as<br />

mandaied n lhe YES-O'S conslrtui on and by aws. lishalasoieatlretheorganizatonsplansand<br />

slrccess slories on environmenlalaciion and initialive.<br />

The exhlbjts shallconsist ol piclures appropriaiely labeled, cen icalions, approved and lmplemented<br />

project proposals, publ calrons, reports wr le ups an d oihe r materia s thal com ply w lh nu m ber 1<br />

The organizers sha lonly provde two (2) rnan a papers measur ng 3leet x 4 feet each on v/hicil lhe<br />

exh b ts sha I be mounted. VioLaiion ol lhis ru e shall mean aulomalic d sqlallical on.<br />

Olher materials sha lbe provided bythe contestants.<br />

The exh bis sha I be sei up during Day O mmedialey aller the reg siraion oi parllcipanls. Ony<br />

those req stered and m em bers oi lhe s choo YES"O delegai on are a L owed 10 sel up lhe exh lbils<br />

Participants shal inlorm lhe organizers in advance of iheir inlerest to loin the contesl.<br />

Judg ng shall be based on the lo owing criterial<br />

Compliance with YES-O Mandate 80%<br />

DesigrJAppearanceofExhibils 204/"<br />

Total<br />

100%<br />

YES-O Spotlighl (Group, High School Level)<br />

The YES-O Spollighi sh a I touch on lhe school Y ES_O'S m plem enlat on of env ronm ental proiecis<br />

as mandated n the YES-Os consliiulion and by laws. 1 sha I also lealure lhe organizalion's plars<br />

and success slories on env ronmental action and in liative.<br />

The spoUight shall consist of piclures appropriately labeled, cedificales or certlficalions, approved<br />

and lmplemented proiect proposals, evenls, plblicallons reports, wrle ups and other malerials thal<br />

comply with n!mbe. T<br />

The spotlight must be presented uslng [,4S PowerPo ni Presentation on y.<br />

The presentallon rrrust be saved n a CD or USB.<br />

The organizers shall only provde an LCD proiector and a complter to be used dur ng lhe a.nra<br />

Depending on the nurnber ol contestanis, an eliminaton round sha lbe condlcted.<br />

On y those regislered and who are members ol lhe school YES O delegaton are a owed lo presenl<br />

ihe ipou ghl n eight (8) mlnules. No time extension sha I be alowed Once the time has apsed the<br />

preseniallon w I be stopped. The presenler sha I be subjecled lo queslions bv the Board ot Jldges<br />

Padicipanls shall nlorrn the organlzers n advance ol the r inleresl lo join lhe contest.<br />

Judging wilbe based on the lollowing criteria:<br />

compli.nce with YES-o Mandate 60%<br />

oesign ol PowerPoint Presentation 20%<br />

Aclual Presenlalion<br />

Total<br />

20L<br />

100./"<br />

SAYAWIT Para 6a Kalikasan (Group, High School Level)<br />

A minimLrm ol live (5) and a maximum oi twenty (20) partic panls shall perlorm d!ringlhe conlest<br />

Oancers and singers shallbe cofs dered as performers<br />

The perlormanc; must consisi oJ a song and a dance presenlaton on ihe environment Parlclpanls<br />

rnlrst aclually srng and dance al lhe sarne tlme. Any song in Engllsh Fl plno or any dialeci may be<br />

used, or a comblnalior thereol rnay be ulillzed.<br />

The presenlaion should asltoramaximlmolJve(5)riinutes,inwhchperodsha be ncludedthe<br />

lntroducUon and the exlt of the perlomerc.<br />

The presenlalion sha I be stopped when lime s<br />

Musca accompanmenl for ihe preseflaliotr should be compaci dlsc generaled only. No live<br />

accompanimenl shall be a owed.<br />

T he presenlat on m ust have environrn enla relevance<br />

Props should be at minirnum oflY

9.<br />

10<br />

11.<br />

12<br />

L<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

6.<br />

3.<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

On y one (1) group shall represent a schoo.<br />

Dependingoflhenumberolenlries,anelrninatonro!ndshallbeheldperevel A maxlm!rn olilve<br />

(5)enlres lor each evel shall qualily lor the linals.<br />

There shall be a diilereni set ol Boarci ol Jr.rdges d!ring the elim naljon and the lina round<br />

Judq ng slrall be based on the follow ng critera<br />

EnvironmentalRelevance/lMessage 30%<br />

Voice Oualiiy 20%<br />

Quality/PrecisionofChoreography 20%<br />

Orlglntllty<br />

2(l0/"<br />

Prolection and Overall lmpact 104/0<br />

'100%<br />

Lakambini and Lakan ng Kalikasan (lnc,ividual, High School Level and SK)<br />

The conlest s open lo al regardless ol regon, divlsion orschoo.<br />

The cand dates must be regslered camp partcipants.<br />

Thcre sha be a pre screenng oJ candidates Only cafdldaies who have gone through the<br />

screeniig process and approved by lhe Board of Judges shalbe allowed to jon n the conlest<br />

firals. A mlnimum ol twelve 112) pairs shall be chosen lo cornpeie in the flna s.<br />

There shal be a dlfierent sel of Board oi Judges cluring the ellmrnaUon and the llna s.<br />

The paqeanl sha I cons st ol three (3) porllons, name yi<br />

a. Kalkasan Alllre Compeiillof<br />

(Conteslanls shal wear crealive coslumes Lrslng recyc ed rnalerials.)<br />

b. Taleni Show<br />

(Talenl to be presented musl have reevance to envronTnenta awareness or cause. The<br />

presenlation rnust nol exceed five minules, Ony mnifirLrm props afd cosllrmes are<br />

c. Oueston and Answer<br />

(The queslions to be answered rnust have re evance to the envlrormeni.)<br />

Specific rules and requlations, inclld ng schedues, sha be adminstered by the Conlesl<br />

Adminisrralors. Failure to comply sha lamounl to auiomatic disqualificalion.<br />

JLrdgirg sha I be based on lhe lo lowing crleria;<br />

Beauty and Personalily<br />

Talent and Execution<br />

lntelligence and Wit<br />

30%<br />

25o/o<br />

3D"/"<br />

StagePresenc€/Overallimpacl 15'/^<br />

Tolal 1OOY.<br />

J. Kabataanq Bayani nq Kalikasan Awards (lndividual, Elementary and High School Levels, SK)<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Environmenlal Leadership Category<br />

The award s open lo al YES Camp reqistered parllcipanis.<br />

Upon registralion, applicants 1or the awards sha submrt an essay on why he/she deserves to be<br />

nc uded in the rosler oi lh s caiegory. The essay (at least 300 words) must bo supported by proper y<br />

abeed evidences such as approprale and duly autheniicaled certilicates, pclLrres, audio'vsual<br />

presentations. news clrppings and others.<br />

The :pp rcanl sl'dl oe s-b,ec eo Io a oa el irrel e!\<br />

J-o9r.q sra loe basecJ o'l lhelolowrro<br />

Essay/Supporting Evidence 40%<br />

pane'ntewiew 4O"/o<br />

Overalllmpact 20"/.<br />

Tolat 100o/o<br />

Environmental Heroism Act Category<br />

The award is opef to al YES Camp reg slered padicipanls.<br />

Upon registration, appllcants lor lhe awards shall subrn I an essay on why he/she deserves to be<br />

included in the rosler of this category The essay (al leasi 300 words) mLrsi be supported by properly<br />

labeled evidences such as appropriale and duy authenljcaled certttcates, pict!res, audio-visual<br />

presenlal ofs, news c ippinqs and oihers-<br />

-rF applicanr sha lbe s.ojecleo o a p.re Ir'e\iew<br />

Judging shall be based on lhe Io owing:<br />

Essay/Supporllng Evidence<br />

Overalllmpact<br />

Tolal<br />

407.<br />

40./.<br />

20%<br />


Enclasure 3 to <strong>DepED</strong> Memorundum No.<br />

L Rationale<br />

-3<br />

3 , s. 2011<br />


Guidelines<br />

Plrsuant 10 <strong>DepED</strong> Order No. 72, s.2003 on the Establishment o{ the Youih ior<br />

Environment in Schools Organlzatons (YES-O) and <strong>DepED</strong> N,4emorandum No. 254, s. 2007<br />

(Thr!sls and Aclivities ot the Youth for Environment in Schools Organizalions (YES_O), ihese<br />

guidelines shall sei in motlon the YES O Awards. The YES-O Awards aim to acknowledge the<br />

exceptlonal contributions of signjficant peope in achieving the objecilves of the Youth tor<br />

Environrnent in Schools Organizai ons.<br />

The YES'O Awards shal be awarded to Teachers, Department Heads, School<br />

Principals/Heads, Superuisors, other <strong>DepED</strong> personnel and oftcials who have generousy<br />

contrlbuted rn lhe implementalion oi pertinenl <strong>DepED</strong> issLrances on the YES-O and helped in the<br />

development of the organizallon to Jurther lhe cause of environmenlal awareness and aclion in the<br />

grassroots.<br />

ll. Oualilications,Requirements,Screeninganalseleclion<br />

A. Oualitlcations<br />

The nominees must meetthe lollowing qualiicalions:<br />

a. [/ust be a Teacher, Depa.tment Head, Schoo Principal/Head, SupeNsor,<br />

other <strong>DepED</strong> personnel or otlicial;<br />

b. Ivust have organized active YES-O/S in the schoo or division or region;<br />

c. Nominaled by a superior under whose superuision the nominee was able to<br />

atlain significant achievemenls perlinenl lo the award;<br />

d. Have glven remarkable contributions to ihe YES-O in particular and to the<br />

cause oi the environmenl in general;<br />

e. Have participated in the YES Camp al least once a ready; and,<br />

t. Shou d be a registered partcipanl in this year s YES Carnp.<br />

B Requiremenls<br />

The nominees must submii ihe following:<br />

a. Nomination Letter from a Superior indicatinq thereof lhe iollowingl<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

Jusiil cat ons why the nominee is being nomlnated<br />

lnclusive period when the nominee was under lhe supervision oi the<br />

3.<br />

4<br />

nominaling super or<br />

Achievemenls of the norninee pertineni to the avlard<br />

Contacl number ol lhe nom nating superlor;<br />

b. Copy of any program/proiect lmplemenied or currenily being implemented<br />

peninent io the award iolowlng formal below:<br />

1. Name/Ttle o{ Proiect<br />

2. Daie/Period When li Was lmplemented<br />

3. Objeclives and Descr plron of the Program<br />

4. Beneficiaries and Expected OLltcome<br />

5 PerUnenl P ctures:

t.<br />

c An essay writlen by the nominee why he/she deserves the award whrch<br />

must be encoded and prinied on an 44 bond paper;<br />

d. Cufiiculum Viiae/Resume wilh cerliiicallon lrom the nominee and nominator<br />

that the iacts stated theren are true, coTTect and based on personal<br />

e.<br />

f.<br />

g.<br />

h.<br />

know edge;<br />

Certified True Copy of the Seruice Flecord and Appointrnent;<br />

Certilicaiion of lhe Nominee's Active lnvolvemeni in ihe YES_O by the<br />

Schoo Prlncipal, Schools Division Superintendent or Regional Director,<br />

whicheve. is applicable;<br />

Cerlified True Copy ol Pertinent Cediiicates and Awards received; and,<br />

Recent 3F ha f-body solo photo;<br />

C. Screening and Se ectlon Process<br />

The screenlng and se eclion process shall adopt lhe iollowtng steps:<br />

a. All interested nominees must submit al the requiremenls d rectly lo the<br />

Screening and Seleciion Commitiee c/o Execuiive D rector Joey G. Pe aez,<br />

Department of Education-Center for Students and Co-Currlcular Aliairs<br />

(<strong>DepED</strong>-CSCA), <strong>DepED</strong> Complex, Meralco AvenLie, Paslg City.<br />

b. All papers and documents required to be slbrnitled perlinenl lo the<br />

nomination shaLl be lorwarded to and received by the Screening and<br />

Seleclion Commiltee on or before April 4. 2011.<br />

c. The Screen ng and Selection Commiitee, composed oi representaiives lrom<br />

the Department of Environmenl and Natural Fesources, Kabataang Sama-<br />

Samang Maglilingkod, inc. and the Deparlmenl of Education, shall seect<br />

ll'e awaroees lrcn anong Il_e 1or. nees<br />

Criteria for Judging<br />

The selection oi the wir'rners shall be based on the tollowing crileria:<br />

lV. Awarding<br />

Extraordinary and Se lless Contributlons - 50%<br />

to lhe YES-O and to the Cause ollhe Envlronmenl<br />

Aclive lnvolvemenl in the YES-O and its Activilies, - 30%<br />

lnclLrdlng the YES Camp<br />

Pertinent Awards and Certificaies Received - 2o'/.<br />

The awarding ceremony shall be held d!ring ihe YES CAI\,'lP.<br />


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