World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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Bibliography of data sources<br />

National International Monetary Fund. 1974. Draft Manual on7 GoernMient Finance Statistics.<br />

accounts and Washington, D.C.<br />

economic . 1983. Governtniient Finiance Statistics Yearbook. Vol. VII. Washington. D.C.<br />

indicators Sawyer, Malcolm. 1976. Income Distribution in OECD Couitries. OECD Occasional Studies. Paris.<br />

UN Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. Various years. Statistical Yearbook.<br />

New York.<br />

. 1968. A Systecn of National Accounts. New York.<br />

. 1981. A SurveyX of National Sources of Income Distribution Statistics. Statistical Papers,<br />

Series M, no. 72. New York.<br />

FAO, IMF, and UNIDO data files.<br />

National sources. <strong>World</strong> Bank country documentation. <strong>World</strong> Bank data files.<br />

Energy UN Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. Various years. <strong>World</strong> Eiergit<br />

Supplies. Statistical Papers, Series J. New York.<br />

<strong>World</strong> Bank data files.<br />

Trade International Monetary Fund. Various years. Direction of Trade. Washington, D.C.<br />

. Various years. Interniationial Finianicial Statistics. Washington, D.C.<br />

UN Conference on Trade and <strong>Development</strong>. Various years. Handbook of niteriiatiOnal Trand aiid<br />

Developniint Statistics. New York.<br />

UN Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. Various years. Monltlilit Bulletill of<br />

Statistics. New York.<br />

. Various years. Yearbook of International Trade Statistics. New York.<br />

United Nations trade tapes. <strong>World</strong> Bank countrv documentation.<br />

Balance of International Monetary Fund. 1977. Balaiice of Paynienits Manual, 4th ed. Washington, D.C.<br />

payments, The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and <strong>Development</strong>. Various vears. Deuelopmnent<br />

capital flows, Co-operationz. Paris.<br />

and debt IMF balance of pavments data files. <strong>World</strong> Bank Debtor <strong>Report</strong>ing Svstem.<br />

Labor force International Labour Office. 1977. Labour Force Estitniates anid Projectio7s, 1950-2000, 2nd ed.<br />

Geneva.<br />

International Labour Organisation tapes. <strong>World</strong> Bank data files.<br />

Population UN Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. Various years. Decnograpl7ic<br />

Yearblook. New York.<br />

. Various years. Populationi anid Vital Statistics <strong>Report</strong>. New York.<br />

. 1980. Patternis of Urbatn aiid Rural Popiilatioii Grovthl. New York.<br />

1982. "Infant Mortality: <strong>World</strong> Estimates and Projections, 1950-2025." Population Bullctin<br />

of tlec Uniited Nationis, no. 14. New York.<br />

Updated printout. <strong>World</strong> Populationz Prospects as Assessed iii 1982. Newv York.<br />

Forthcoming. <strong>World</strong> Populationi Trenids aiid Policies: 1983 Monitoriuig <strong>Report</strong>. New York.<br />

US Bureau of the Census. 1983. <strong>World</strong> Population: 1983. Washington, D.C.<br />

<strong>World</strong> Bank data files.<br />

Social Food and Agriculture Organization. October 1980; July 1983. Food Aid Bulletiin. Rome.<br />

indicators . 1982. Produictionz Yearbook 1982. Rome.<br />

286<br />

UN Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. Various years. Demlographiic<br />

Yearbook. New York.<br />

. Various years. Statistical Yearbook. Nevw York.<br />

UNESCO. Various years. Statistical Yearbook. Paris.<br />

<strong>World</strong> Health Organization. Various years. <strong>World</strong> Healthi Statistics Annuiiial. Geneva.<br />

. 1976. <strong>World</strong> Healtlh Statistics <strong>Report</strong>, vol. 29, no. 10. Geneva.<br />

<strong>World</strong> Bank data files.

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