World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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eceipts for public purposes, including interest col- from data gathered by the <strong>World</strong> Bank from<br />

lected on tax arrears and penalties collected on national sources but not adjusted. The estimates<br />

nonpayment or late payment of taxes. Tax revenue for Sri Lanka are from the results of a joint project<br />

is shown net of refunds and other corrective trans- of the <strong>World</strong> Bank and the Economic and Social<br />

actions. Taxes on income, profit, and capital gain are Commission for Asia and the Pacific. The estitaxes<br />

levied on the actual or presumptive net mates for Latin American countries other than<br />

income of individuals, on the profits of enter- Mexico come from the results of two joint projects<br />

prises, and on capital gains, whether realized on of the <strong>World</strong> Bank, one with the ILO, the other<br />

land sales, securities, or other assets. Social Security with the Economic Commission for Latin America.<br />

contributions include employers' and employees' Those for Mexico are the results from the 1977<br />

social security contributions as well as those of Household Budget Survey.<br />

self-employed and unemployed persons. Domestic Data for Australia, Belgium, the Federal Repubtaxes<br />

on goods and services include general sales, lic of Germany, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands,<br />

turnover, or value added taxes, selective excises on the United Kingdom, and the United States are<br />

goods, selective taxes on services, taxes on the use from national sources. Data for industrial market<br />

of goods or property, and profits of fiscal monopo- economies other than those listed are from Sawyer<br />

lies. Taxes on international trade and transactions 1976; the joint project of the ILO and the <strong>World</strong><br />

include import duties, export duties, profits of Bank; and the UN Survey of National Sources of<br />

export or import marketing boards, transfers to Income Distribution Statistics, 1981.<br />

government, exchange profits, and exchange Because the collection of data on income distritaxes.<br />

Other taxes include employers' payroll or bution has not been systematically organized and<br />

manpower taxes, taxes on property, and other integrated with the official statistical system in<br />

taxes not allocable to other categories. many countries, estimates were typically derived<br />

Current nontax revenue comprises all current gov- from surveys designed for other purposes, most<br />

ernment revenue that is not a compulsory nonre- often consumer expenditure surveys, which also<br />

payable payment for public purposes. Proceeds of collect some information on income. These surgrants<br />

and borrowing, funds arising from the veys use a variety of income concepts and sample<br />

repayment of previous lending by governments, designs. Furthermore, the coverage of many of<br />

incurrence of liabilities, and proceeds from the sale these surveys is too limited to provide reliable<br />

of capital assets are not included. nationwide estimates of income distribution.<br />

The summary measures for the components of Thus, although the estimates shown are considcurrent<br />

revenue are weighted by total current reve- ered the best available, they do not avoid all these<br />

nue in current dollars; those for current revenue as problems and should be interpreted with extreme<br />

a percentage of GNP are weighted by GNP in cur- caution.<br />

rent dollars. The scope of the indicator is similarly limited.<br />

Because households vary in size, a distribution in<br />

Table 28. Income distribution which households are ranked according to per capita<br />

household income rather than according to total<br />

The data in this table refer to the distribution of household income is superior for many purposes.<br />

total disposable household income accruing to per- The distinction is important because households<br />

centile groups of households ranked by total with low per capita incomes frequently are large<br />

household income. The distributions cover rural households whose total income may be relatively<br />

and urban areas and refer to different years high. Information on the distribution of per capita<br />

between 1966 and 1981. household income exists, however, for only a few<br />

The estimates for developing economies in Asia countries. The <strong>World</strong> Bank Living Standards Meaand<br />

Africa are from the results of a joint project of surement Study is developing procedures and<br />

the <strong>World</strong> Bank and the International Labour applications that can assist countries in improving<br />

Organisation (ILO). Those for Turkey, Hong Kong, their collection and analysis of data on income dis-<br />

Malaysia, Israel, and the Republic of Korea are tribution.<br />


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