World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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Public loans are external obligations of public final repayment of principal. The grace period is<br />

debtors, including the national government, its the interval between the agreement date and the<br />

agencies, and autonomous public bodies. Publicly date of the first repayment of principal.<br />

guaranteed loans are external obligations of pri- The summary measures in this table are<br />

vate debtors that are guaranteed for repayment by weighted by the amounts of loans.<br />

a public entity.<br />

The data in this table and in successive tables on Table 18. Official development assistance from<br />

debt do not cover nonguaranteed private debt OECD and OPEC members<br />

because comprehensive data are not available; for<br />

some borrowers such debt is substantial. The debt Official development assistance (ODA) consists of net<br />

contracted for purchases of military equipment is disbursements of loans and grants made at concesalso<br />

excluded because it usually is not reported. sional financial terms by official agencies of the<br />

members of the <strong>Development</strong> Assistance Commit-<br />

Table 16. External public debt and tee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Codebt<br />

service ratio operation and <strong>Development</strong> (OECD) and of the<br />

members of the Organization of Petroleum Export-<br />

External public debt outstanding and disbursed repre- ing Countries (OPEC) with the objective of prosents<br />

the amount of public and publicly guaran- moting economic development and welfare. It<br />

teed loans that has been disbursed, net of includes the value of technical cooperation and<br />

repayments of principal and write-offs at year-end. assistance. All data shown were supplied by the<br />

In estimating external public debt as a percentage OECD.<br />

of GNP, GNP was converted from national curren- Amounts shown are net disbursements to develcies<br />

to dollars at the average official exchange rate oping countries and multilateral institutions. The<br />

for the year in question. The summary measures disbursements to multilateral institutions are now<br />

are weighted by GNP in current dollars. reported for all DAC members on the basis of the<br />

Interest payments are those on the disbursed and date of issue of notes; some DAC members previoutstanding<br />

public and publicly guaranteed debt ously reported on the basis of the date of encashin<br />

foreign currencies, goods, or services; they ment. Net bilateral flows to low-income countries<br />

include commitment charges on undisbursed debt exclude unallocated bilateral flows and all disif<br />

information on those charges was available. bursements to multilateral institutions.<br />

Debt service is the sum of interest payments and The nominal values shown in the summary for<br />

repayments of principal on external public and ODA from OECD countries were converted into<br />

publicly guaranteed debt. The ratio of debt service 1980 prices using the dollar GNP deflator. This<br />

to exports of goods and services is one of several deflator is based on price increases in OECD counrules<br />

of thumb commonly used to assess the ability tries (excluding Greece, Portugal, and Turkey)<br />

to service debt. The average ratios of debt service measured in dollars. It takes into account the parto<br />

GNP for the economy groups are weighted by ity changes between the dollar and national cur-<br />

GNP in current dollars. The average ratios of debt rencies. For example, when the dollar depreciates,<br />

service to exports of goods and services are price increases measured in national currencies<br />

weighted by exports of goods and services in cur- have to be adjusted upward by the amount of the<br />

rent dollars. depreciation to obtain price increases in dollars.<br />

The table, in addition to showing totals for<br />

Table 17. Terms of public borrowing OPEC, shows totals for the Organization of Arab<br />

Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC). The<br />

Commitments refer to the public and publicly guar- donor members of OAPEC are Algeria, Iraq,<br />

anteed loans for which contracts were signed in Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and United<br />

the year specified. Arab Emirates. ODA data for OPEC and OAPEC<br />

Interest rates, maturities, and grace periods are aver- were also obtained from the OECD.<br />

ages weighted by the amounts of loans. Interest is<br />

the major charge levied on a loan and is usually Table 19. Population growth and<br />

computed on the amount of principal drawn and projections<br />

outstanding. The maturity of a loan is the interval<br />

between the agreement date, when a loan agree- The growth rates of population are period averages<br />

ment is signed or bonds are issued, and the date of calculated from midyear populations. The sum-<br />


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