World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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Bibliographical note<br />

This <strong>Report</strong> has drawn on a wide range of <strong>World</strong> Bank documents and Sub-Saharan Africa: Progress<br />

Bank work as well as on numerous outside <strong>Report</strong> on <strong>Development</strong> Prospects and Programs.<br />

sources. <strong>World</strong> Bank sources include ongoing eco- Quantitative analysis of the link between budget<br />

nomic analysis and research, as well as project, deficits in industrial countries and global "crowdsector,<br />

and economic work on individual coun- ing out" is in Lal and van Wijnbergen. Alternative<br />

tries. Outside sources include research publica- views on macroeconomic stabilization are surtions<br />

and the unpublished reports of other veyed in Haberler. For a review of public expendiorganizations<br />

working on global economic and tures and budget deficits in OECD countries, see<br />

population and development programs and Hakim and Wallich.<br />

issues. Selected sources are briefly noted by chap- Box 2.1 comparing the 1930s to the present<br />

ter below and listed alphabetically by author in draws on Maddison. Box 2.2 on protection in<br />

two groups. The first includes background papers industrial countries is based on UNCTAD data.<br />

commissioned for this <strong>Report</strong>; these reports syn- The analysis for Box 2.3 is in Mitra. Box 2.4 and<br />

thesize relevant literature and Bank work. Most Box 3.3 are based on Bank macroeconomic modelinclude<br />

extensive bibliographies; the sources cited ing work summarized in Sanderson and Williamin<br />

these papers are not listed separately. Those son. Box 2.5 on Latin American debt problems<br />

issued as <strong>World</strong> Bank Staff Working Papers are made use of the background papers by Sjaastad<br />

available from the Bank's Publications Sales Unit. and others, and by Lawrence. Box 3.1 is based on<br />

The views they express are not necessarily those of Wolf and others. Box 3.2 on the engine of growth is<br />

the <strong>World</strong> Bank or of this <strong>Report</strong>. The second based on Riedel and on Lal. Box 3.3 is based on Lal<br />

group consists of selected other sources used in and unpublished work by Srinivasan. The discusthe<br />

preparation of this <strong>Report</strong>. sion of IDA lending in Box 3.4 draws on the Bank<br />

report IDA in Retrospect.<br />

Selected sources, by chapter Chapter 4<br />

Chapter 1 The description of the setting for high fertility is<br />

from Birdsall (1980). For additional sources and<br />

and, for this century, United Nations data to 1950 evidence on the advantages of children in poor<br />

and <strong>World</strong> Bank data thereafter Historical data on<br />

andcor Ban dataewed theMcGreafter. Historicalpdaa oThe<br />

communities, see Cain.<br />

historical discussion is based on sources<br />

income areviewe are in McGreevey . cited in Cassen and in McGreevey. The discussion<br />

of present trends is based primarily on <strong>World</strong> Bank<br />

Chapters 2 and 3 and United Nations data. Mortality trends are.<br />

analyzed in Hill; Preston; and Bulatao and Elwan.<br />

Data used in these chapters draw on GATT, IMF, Work on causes of mortality decline includes<br />

OECD, and UNCTAD publications as well as DaVanzo and Habicht; and Cochrane and others. -<br />

<strong>World</strong> Bank data. For analysis of the extent and The stall in fertility decline in selected countries is<br />

effects of labor market rigidities in the economic analyzed in Gendell. The evidence on internaperformance<br />

of OECD countries; the causes of the tional migration is surveyed in Swamy.<br />

productivity slowdown; and the effects of protec- Box 4.1 on the isolation paradox draws on the<br />

tion, see Lal and Wolf. The discussion of debt writings of Sen and of Cassen. Box 4.2 was assemproblems<br />

is based on papers by Kindleberger, bled with the help of Peter Lindert and members of<br />

Lawrence, and by Sjaastad and others. The discus- the Graduate Group in Demography at the Unision<br />

of the problems faced by developing countries versity of California, Berkeley and Davis. Box 4.3<br />

in a volatile world economy is based on internal draws on data assembled by the European Fertility<br />


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