World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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has come more slowly. Low literacy (particularly Government family planning programs began in<br />

among women) and high infant mortality help to 1964 in Tunisia, in 1965 in Egypt and Turkey, and<br />

explain high fertility. Also responsible are cultural, in 1966 in Morocco. According to recent surveys,<br />

religious, and legal pressures that confine women 24 percent of married women of childbearing age<br />

to the home and restrict their property rights, in Egypt, 38 percent in Turkey, and 41 percent in<br />

rights within marriage, and ability to seek work Tunisia are practicing contraception. Later maroutside<br />

the home. riage has also contributed to fertility decline. The<br />

Three countries in Figure 8.2-Egypt, Tunisia, change has been most dramatic in Tunisia, where<br />

-and Turkey-have had a marked fall in fertility in the proportion of women aged fifteen to nineteen<br />

the past decade; in all three, fertility is now below who are married fell from 42 percent in 1956 to 6<br />

what would be expected for their income levels. In percent in 1975. In Egypt the proportion fell from<br />

Morocco, fertility has declined more modestly. 32 percent in 1960-61 to 21 percent fifteen years<br />

*Unlike most other countries in the region, these later; in Turkey, the decline was from 33 percent to<br />

four have policies to reduce population growth. 22 percent.<br />

Box 8.6 Teenage pregnancy<br />

Te,i- rae- p.r~crian.- ,.,trr.n in- hch *h* -.. rii B.., - I pr 'ip .f-n.r Ar 'nc r, -ai-r h-.-1-1i1. ' ad thn:, arc<br />

It l..pcd ... ariA A-: t .:i.p. unitt- b,irh un,til hi-.~ a;~ _it i.-r.% .r _.idcr mri rti c.L rlv.r-.3 ; t., It) .. ih,tiAre<br />

.i'lhizrc-r X0AhirI' ii, I; pat,onr ul icntr.anrii, redraci. n-.arnrriai and ~ J. lIr -Id tIl c iccn r<br />

hi ,rrh; . r id.,j d-% An - .,a rh3 i j rrd rt ac,E wintr. nac.-rtal.t . raic- Tn.. r nar.t irb . re<br />

rh, pw.t.M 'inc.C nanjr tEin.ir-I prc,- . c..iina r-ginc-.-pari..A- ,<br />

Vi hcr. I a r-ru, ia',.-rr *: are: o.<br />

nanca..i4rr. trmmrnhinrcd h. tctrd, riler,- 1,ri . . hi-nt ..ur'd n -irria2i---ndin k-m.nd a. Tie maternal nrd lhdd hx,Ni-h<br />

4.11 tectau~eci-urI., ab.-.'r.:n 3 l di-r eli .* ah*. 'it n Ii p.-i.:.ri . irtib.el Jirn,i n prn-...er.ln; i nt*_rn-arr..n :h *' t.ani11<br />

'4~ c *uinirre tcrnd r. . nc-rv, earlier ni, -it I. hiihl, rr4~ * rind ma.. r.IP.i,r Iltutra. ror- c, rinni r c- r ar<br />

ui-riae prrŽ~riant .I- iri , artria ,e Jrn 'ititt NEari .11 ii :ct n' an,.e . fl--Men -.h, 3l'~, cd- ba-, *:hid,reri. Ti.<br />

icr -I, li-cl Lit C~flhti.-~ ti' r Ccc ti precnaii:ri:r in the Lnuic 3i,t- i-ndcd b-. a an in'wr.a: f t.flac pre4nan-..<br />

nicirn-rdc.-. urritir ri-. rI. 4 pr cn.ri .t pr,criinabirriri in, It?> *[uJp-.p - rh.id. 'hrih<br />

outi U'i nrri.ai.:c~ Inr i" it r u fr'.,n anc-. c,rict ch.-idl-.rrl- dizrriar di-r.r nrc,I rod ten-3i,. in rd -n ci<br />

c'imp-Ic iInt.,t tt-rh.trd, i i.e i-rrrhz bric tdLuairi-r, and aerip.i'rii;C! .ha--, i.'h rcr.- hcd Faimil. lLre<br />

r. jrrn-,rthan iccitaZi-r7 -c,rc toi un-. -d 1. *c-ren i rc iT- n.ace ,rn..i th r-I ir . Iedui:ric. ira.iUd,n hun;.iif rp-ri *di.jc-<br />

i-i2r-%r r the ac.t at nrair.a.t r,-t and jUcir111 J.d- r- t Ci.iiTpi,ri. prinlTer., *r 3CC: r.or a.nt I . piarnrin ar-c rrrpKn.ibi.<br />

rt,-I.iairir C- it -IAlI ectu., rh,'hr i..: i t-iridr,nnir.-Ai r-mtrir ihtIr *.urrnr-n D-.mi,nitarn [Rcputh. Cha r -, kt<br />

d,l i.e it prenr-.inr I if -jg , rc :n inca ni.npl-.rnreritp- tlii hbib: htrnid ci:. d Ihr [hilippirir K.'n.a arnd<br />

ira-. tpinc in.rrci.cin curiric,in de. i-~iiaiit.nMtryr ,iii.: i titurteic,C- ,'irrrci Li-. . r. t dt- i-p.nz ;in'i *ir -ir-<br />

.B-)Mh. -hr'3 ra -I rhi- card. IuT~I. 2 rarrninl4 p. tdn.-flfI rioiia R- n'(r3 r ida. and ti-i.. 14iKi . e--,<br />

F-ei- i i rr n -- cin; ,, iti E1ri ,r a I'r. i,rir: * T he ~hi I-Jr,-n i -d It,'ic -t.t itithi, r iare';t car. i.. u-!.d. ii rea-.ih i-urat-.-c..<br />

crc, *un2. ri hire *nrnahii-r I.i hŽ ~ ac itirit.ci[c ._urhPT Fe*cuPtrae<br />

Lag.i iii tii hc nunr*c-r ,I 'c-eflg, it. hie i.c.[ Iri cip-i,t Iuppir flin t hr *, . _-n:-cjtderriic i an i--nrniT.<br />

,jpre nrant- , anti aci.n .ncrt arcd .-hildtc n and1 3inch, tcc ncc t'i uKrr' . Pio,- i,.nz c'niinucd ndu-.ari.m ! .nd<br />

_-r a r.-.cenr tiiie ri-ar p. ,d pcrcani .-%e c-ini it,- II bii: -. i rl. m n' *_npl. , mcn' n, p.rairc, i.i,--<br />

tit K ttcnace '3 .3dn'irre.1 %i crc .ingie~ ibrdin- ditrenr-i. Brira. In i:t. cnrrcr run, t . ith, tan1aicar. kC.. 'nc,<br />

4ti' ii ch-Aai<br />

r.race reenanci - 'itlain itr i.urei.c<br />

- n-i rria2.:-ha; ad. rr c i..n.itiiv:fl t:cr<br />

nan-tcl !,.--1n1,t r. ctiidrcn .:r r-c-r-irirt ti<br />

it--iurh -ha-,- a 'u ic mtih,:r. ~-.hF -r, are<br />

uni-r l ~d .r n iin.i--bl untcnre '!iiud~- .<br />

Mu.r. ;u ['i- le . i.r rd *ia,r.".ri.<br />

-r.r'u.ctr-, t,r pr-~n.nirt--inr<br />

In , el t, v.. r-oi-n . rirt tht - a . t riturn. -<br />

rPt ih-, r~and rhitdreri c c,~i- pij-d

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