World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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Box 8.5 Infertility: a challenge to programs in sub-Saharan Africa<br />

5,ur.e%- in the l.'s and 1ialX ti,urid c.ntual lertilit, dechnE rnEr- bting irerr,le in the rentiring 'i"<br />

rhit an t-eragee Ar 12 per.:ent cit i,orren Ur . hat c3ue, h,gh le.ei, ot interrilit% ' Ferccnt .,r cdcE 1%hen the interrilir!<br />

.h,, had pa;Ed their childbeaidng sear Sccu ill, tranmin,tted dcl.a4c- partICu aued u... b:, m' uall trncniirthed di;e3- i,<br />

ir e,ghteen ;ubt -aharan ciuntrie- ..ere lark gcnrrl-rrhea and ;. phdili 3rc malcr , e;-;ential that both partner; e med,<br />

hildle;,: c.mpar,cld 1 ih . rate et 2 t. :ius;e- nIt b-ih pr,m.ir and eo. mdar, All. rtarekd kther cau e, ol Inenr,<br />

r%:rEnr onher. rr de'elvpinc countri-; intert,lr: C,.nnhea it elit untreiled can be pre%enicd b, imprc.'. ing rhe qu3a<br />

Childl -ne - primar inlerrilir - can kLad t! ireteribek bk c a -- thc r t, i cb.:tctr:iclcare a 1`h 1b. 1rain,ng .<br />

a3 grc.ati.t 1' the Cenlral Airic3n lai-pia3n 'jabc in ir rmen and *t the a- rradre.nal rmid, ._ nd * n.:reacric<br />

Reputblic 1 percenti C rmer-. inr l-per. deicren, in men Bcau;,.- the * mptirr.; rhc a.1l-ibnLr, t in trct.,n 'c that<br />

crnt Zaire 21 pttcrrnt I C:.:neŽ: 2'1 per ..Tc nof rcdt, nti,eabl1 in i, cnmen i .1 ,-upl,c can pr-.em un an,cd pr.gn;n<br />

centi ,nd Cabnin ' percrnIi ir par; -1 ma3. g ti:r tral sear; ..,ithciut irrat- :,e h.ht rm,ghi rculi, n airrticn<br />

Za.ire ; ma;nn 3; no per cnt CI o-mnn nicnt -;,tphili; c.au-e- rmi,carr.age 3nd Er_,r arv l*e. ;pcciali-r;r itenirc I -r<br />

a:ed Itt. -ni I c tc -r. -nine . erc child. ,tillb,rth i *bt--erical i<br />

c:,re and unh' . dlair. -- ind rr,atrt-in m. nrrilrn ,n |r<br />

1 hi; ldldkrne'm in ,ciunZer 3ce ieni. alb-rtion arc additinal ca3ue;-t 4Lib,a3haran Mnru.. ,ince riei<br />

.ri.up; 4 I:.' .g-r,m ,n Hpre;unm,abl dJui ncc.ndJr ,nit. NI lnruiitiriir con- lin,c' hi E been ,et up irncniii..n<br />

ni- in-pro. cdmnedical carei but cull higb cittldetcct; gental tuberctulo;i; ind K;en% ,a 1an-3n,ai and Uanda P'r-c.ram<br />

In Lnr,er-.,-n lit prienl .:. % Kie n.i a.d aric-u' uter.ntin a nal rid u;re-r 1 cnt. rihc ;pnicad - ' ir;*<br />

rthi. r.. thiri% I ur 3rc childle;- in the in-ctic-.n- a;! c.ntribure nm,tred d ;ea,c h., e bten niaunched ir lt.h<br />

% .:.ngc- the rigurec ar- 12 t... 13 perceri in TrcaITi,cnt kir intierlii. *. ,- i and cntrral : republi,c rtcan Erhicip,a and<br />

aditrin larg-e number- .t pe-ple ;uttir dtl,cult e .e ri then the mutecn-me - Zannm, Th, Aec.tarn r. r \ilurtar-<br />

Ir.,m ,ec.ndar. niertilir., -the nabil. uncerta,n Dependring irn ithe *3u" ...nl teriiar-i.-n h.a- pro rided a rant; t,.,r<br />

t1, .Krree batncei-. r'h again th-u.lv nte Huarter tU cinehiltr .I c- upie; re -3rch trearnierrt irainin.a publ c<br />

,n, an carlter hirth 5uudiem in Ken a treated m,i ;ubceq.uenis ha e a I,.e ,du-:icn n in . n \,icera 5K-tn<br />

h.a,e .h.-- .n rbir prim3ri 3nd ;econdar. t[,rrh Three malnir cau,.-;-e ual. d Lear-c anld budanr,<br />

rnerirliti, Occur i rh appro\.n,iaielt irin;rmired dr-ca'., pi)-r c-betrical Re-ource; arc necded i.r revearch u,.<br />

cjulji trcquenc: . h,le rn imuch ! L\esr -arc and ilegtl abortion-can be pre rhe cau;' anid treatment c-I nilert,itl. a;<br />

itrica 4eciindar. intertilt acccunts; Tor \ented ar le-; cc;i Public carnmpain; an .ell a; i-r better d3ta .in ,r- pre\i aenc;<br />

up 1k. -trdlr0ol di3gno;ved a;e;. inlcrm couple;o hecauce; c-iutintwrilit Al-kui 94 r,llion oIi a total 41 in m,ltwin<br />

i)ridri inittrr,lt, arrlici, 14 iT... 3,- ptrcc nI ihc ;,rnpt-mr ii ;e-.uall. Iran 'mnwted ;perir bi th public qector Kr. .- ,r,ert,lt<br />

c.i .-.K.men i gzd tateer. c la.rs in ditrtrent d-ctae tic prc .enti,:n thrKouigh linliting re-earch i- .rld . -ide in Ps1i tnt cri<br />

reon; ci I a3metnr-in .e\ual parrner; and ue :Il bNrrier meth r;e t 3rch inr . urinapla,ned cau-; t -.<br />

The cc.n;e-rquence; it unrlenrilrti are3 p3r . d; .- ,I cc-nira:epiin lenpecuall c:n- inerlilir thc bulL 1rh,-. -irk a c.-.cn.<br />

:iularls ;e. re lor %ornicn V. hicr mas be dim 4i and rbe a. abilt i.t tra3rmt nt uctedL- b, the rinter iKr Ponpulai ii r<br />

-cra c ized 3binj.ned ir. n d iir cd Fear The;- irli.rmari,,nal ettori; r-ned to be Re>i. arch in the Unit- l i tre Tlitjal<br />

.-. t ,nernilt, mace' o-cuple; rtluctant I., drrtcid tr mer in partiular ;ince th, endin. t c:n intetlri.h re;atch b- 'he<br />

pract ,e modern c-nirt racepticin Thu arc rr.i.rc rcluciani ti:. utbmit t. inierTliht i.'rldl h Uran,ii ,1.a. ,iealr in<br />

although hi.,h ntertillr\ kecp; Iertdio. ie;i' anrd 'rearneni Thougth in-men arE .Ph, rl:fi I i!iil The i. nir-i rati-%n; De-<br />

tI.er th3n ,r then .,ie o ,uld be-e% tr. u-uall, htd rn^pon;,Lile Idr childles- . c-pmnten Pr.uFrjarnrrn,e ha; pru.p:irc<br />

-rctni rin-.rcrmnent r, hildle ;;ne-;<br />

rducte -total lertilil bn atout 1-ut 3kS<br />

nc-n iln t;.c Ihc i ccount tiir abour 4iJ<br />

percent c: interrilitt c:3e; 't lnr account<br />

increac,ng thi; 3mn:iunr r.:. 1-4 rnli-in 3<br />

%ar ~.rer 'he nce\t le t r -ci en -. tar;<br />

,nhibir; cicntracepn. e u c and 'Ic-u i.- r an..rh,r 4i1 pe r:ernr .ith t-oth prt-<br />

are quite diverse, ranging from one of the world's percent a year; the total fertility rate in 1982 was<br />

poorest (Afghanistan) to five of the wealthiest 5.4. Migration is common, both into and out of the'<br />

(Kuwait, Libya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the region and among countries within it.<br />

United Arab Emirates). But 90 percent of its 260 In most countries fertility is higher than would<br />

million people live in thirteen middle-income be expected given per capita income (see Figure<br />

countries. All share a common cultural heritage 8.2). Five high-income oil exporters, with per capand<br />

are predominantly Islamic. Countries in the ita incomes of $14,820, had a fertility rate of 6.9 in<br />

Middle East and North Africa have the second 1982. In the past decade incomes in Jordan, Syria,<br />

highest rates of population growth and fertility in and Algeria have risen strongly but total fertility<br />

the world, after sub-Saharan Africa. Between 1970 has remained at more than 7. Income growth in<br />

and 1982 their population grew at an average 2.9 these countries is recent and social development<br />


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