World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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Box 8.2 China's census: counting a billion people<br />

C Ina ,, ri-, ,r, hi-tori. jj p pulat,on st3- 3Th,-tan; .t t \JFF ih. g - r nrnm,ni n1 L-.t ..r. i--' n I'n-.- ii. tip,<br />

t,;ti:; Ii ti e; inr -, i o r ' Inmatt e.p.- to publish *..unllri re Ii r l.- . r rnd d. .. n- ,n taminn ,r, d ran * . rie;<br />

|ir,.,hing back to the Zhou d,r.3;r . I:.-:aid ajmin,-rr.ai.t un,r; b.ir. ilhe .rd bci. rr r-,inn,n, it,n ir,n-,i,.:,r, I....<br />

ih,A., 3nd e,r 5 - b: nore ih.e n ..iI' -onan.,.:.<br />

t*idu'. ,nr, l-C. F;'IIl, had rea"d.d<br />

|U*u' But cenl iu9 iAI.,n dt ri.iratd in I'. ih *u:h : arc. , undtrral inc ;.in, 1-. .A at*t 2 2 in I'" th,hn r..- b, 1I<br />

rhc moderr era There .ai . bead ;!unt .-.npr.ri.-.:- had Ic. bhe mad.:-heet- r . pr..:.rit n IuSI In tha .ear mn.r, than a<br />

U I . t er 4111 minilkn Ch,r.e- in 1'.-, rapidi ,eedlaci. I rc 'ull, and c. : k ih,rd hrn1 1 . .. r, nr .... . u; ncr i-<br />

|D.a tronm Thc I'n .:Ir.;u- r -impl, nlu re.rnri ,- iragt Fo-r<br />

r.it er-I Ji,d.d c.leio.n and rl, de-p.r. .e-.:hi.i p.1k<br />

rJeaI ed .hJ ed a p. pulan.on *1 iu;i not .- r-t 4ien.:.: but A rit. 5 .n. .- J...d ,3n -..er halt -'t .fll birlh . .-rc r n . r<br />

under -iII1 million r,.z Epn'eu .r pic; .- - .. ,rk r.id oth.r h,. F..r .-rdr ThL ;ur e. ih-. J rt,t,.d<br />

In ihe t i... r- . e- .-. I lul- lS2 thr ctraT:ii til I.-.ti,n- a .- 1r;. . r- iti-tac. r. daia le -' -t - .rcbi -.<br />

. uh ih eouit.n .,t<br />

Ihinme- .,: rnment rnr-hllied a r. ree ce lt'.n n.ith. .d A -ub at -,,r. p pu.p. i i -:l*<br />

1niliic.r. ;n'uz taiker- nd th-ir S.'. - tel., *L,L'tC i I ,b-ut I njil- Th, .ibc.%: - ni,nnend hndir.4 r ir.nn<br />

,uper'. r..r.. .:arr.. ur :, n.r. *:nwu; I.... -. M,.r. in... ha, . been rni-. di ihL. tn tlh..- :e u- .r.d rtIe : m r.E ...n-np1renf<br />

tF-, arc-.. e.er an,. here . car;u. count .i.h -i,me.i .*rr..r and .. -- .....1: l ph.:,<br />

h, .. ri mi'l ripid hand-pr.ec-;ng ir. 5-pitniNr 1' k - I h..n th fdhrn.:'. re'<br />

inror t,rew p.'pulai-n. r pc,.:. h<br />

th, !o-.rnnrn p,blrt LI ]h d in.,tal r-Lt M*ultil rtir ,rt. llpr.kFtinF th, .:r- the ........... 11-, lie .,. -al -c 3.-rol ln ctt-..........ri; ;,re r,.nl.rin,reicr<br />

her jir n .n.. .. '<br />

rr . . . ....... .-.. n , t ,cu:E China<br />

ni,".t c.n;uz . -n,.:,t,.:.n- 3r in %Ir... -in.:. pe.:i'.e Ner1i ~U .r .: r -'n, mnil l-- h... h , iri- t-'r Ss of e- p.'rwi.n- that<br />

ouni iin'l. ; r,.t1 p-.-puialion rN..Jd . n.n t..:. p ron, rnm ... i i hn-n -n. -... r1 %r - ..- uTri,. -' i a ;h Ir i.- have in such<br />

tilhnon pers..n; ii, ,';n, ad ancd -, C..ni- n .irJ in rh,r h. ni- h, in-rn. C.'.it tvlri ' ili;i 'ik<br />

p...r-n t. hr.t.'i..z' .uF... pliled1 .. itilt ih Iii., i- t lund rb:. irr,l. rt.;m b. "<br />

and analyzed census data not more than ten years experience of countries shown in Table 8.1 sugold<br />

and other national sample surveys document- gests the importance of institutionalizing two funcing<br />

current fertility, mortality, and contraceptive tions:<br />

use at more frequent intervals (item A in Table 8.1). * Relating demographic targets to the policies<br />

Lack of reliable demographic data has hampered and resources necessary to achieve them. A poputhe<br />

growth of political support for population poli- lation policy should include consideration of the<br />

cies in sub-Saharan Africa. Data collection and demographic benefits of a wide range of social polanalysis<br />

is a continuous process, necessary to icies, in education, health, and social security, as<br />

monitor trends and the effect of policies over time. well as in family planning. It should also consider<br />

the complementarities among these policies. This<br />

POLITICAL COMMITMENT. Support for slowing is fundamentally a planning function, one which<br />

population growth has been expressed in public relates demographic variables and policy alternastatements<br />

by the head of state and other national tives (item C). It is usually the responsibility of a<br />

leaders, and in written statements of national pri- specialized unit within a planning ministry, such<br />

orities, such as a national development plan (item as the Manpower Board of the Ministry of Finance<br />

B). These statements can range from a general and Plan in Ghana, and the Population Planning<br />

commitment to reducing population growth to Section within the Planning Commission in<br />

specific demographic targets (see Box 8.3). Coun- Bangladesh.<br />

tries with strong policies have been able to mobi- * Coordinating and evaluating the implementalize<br />

visible and sustained political commitment, tion of population policy. This may require few<br />

not only at the highest levels of government but new institutional arrangements if the scope of popthroughout<br />

the political and administrative hierar- ulation policy is limited to, say, wider provision of<br />

chy, down to those who are in immediate touch family planning. In this case, the policy coordinatwith<br />

the public. This commitment helps to forge ing body may be the one that also coordinates<br />

cooperation among the numerous sectors and min- multisectoral family planning activities. But as<br />

istries involved in population policy. population policy becomes more complex, it is<br />

likely to involve the joint efforts of other minis-<br />

INSTITUTIONS. The role of institutions is to trans- tries: education (for population education and<br />

late political commitment into effective policy. The female literacy); information (to encourage breast-<br />


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