World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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Box 7.5 Family planning fieidworkers<br />

C'itrr-- a,dI I ee,ni-- u ;ir. T Id- id.-rl,,cr; health cirrirmzittcs ti, pr,-~idJr pill; ca-n- z,Tnial, %tiunri-er -mnciudinA ;atistied<br />

ha-3. h t, , ki- T. . : %_. ; ; In , t Ja)n-~ arnd rhcr ba; h.-aitP ¾ ' Ie - i-nt'~ 1:arb-r. andti t,ahers-t,i)nixirm<br />

narri,.n ii anl plann.Trnl, pr--cr3mni- -lac~ i \iIner are -tler -a ha O.upl.- about a-. ilablE serict" reach<br />

r- nfl r th icTr elan-n I .. - t -I it-It. t paid .-ri-r, aiiid -- I.: F-3itaii rh.rn Th.i ad-. nta,-c c:i itamil . plann-tnns<br />

-'tian-iid -- ~ :-- cn- aLntractpir' Co.-igtr e pr.. ,i f-:n-:~ has nc:-'ura:e hr.-atit ding~ and c:hiidspa<br />

ra.:~pi i. u-:- I-..t br inging 'el '-3 r h,djl- 2's p,-reent c,-mnpar-d i.iith rare ing diisrithu nltiiilinical .-ncth,.d, andi<br />

J dric,ri.. r-. h,-r,ri.,ari,- F - in - 1'percent In lth rest ot thte c-untr. ret-jr c:I...-ta r. ramil. -ilittI cente-r, ic,r<br />

dirt..r, ni t-urittir- rllu, tr.tre~ a di'. er'. Full-tnme Faid iamil, plan. ,- he r ni, rt-i.d ThE olunt-aer, art<br />

* hpprliTLh t-hi tra-rine Ju ad r n"-tic -ld1.rr - ua mid.t irained and upc~r'.-d tC. n-n male aind<br />

- . iji *i tie I lii.- race 1 -rk-:r-<br />

* ir F.rnid planning ~.: r ice- at-<br />

~~and nr-t ,r<br />

~ub- ni, r-<br />

de,-aru a, ,gned iu h,aith<br />

it, -m v.%hich the, -p['td at<br />

onr lrmale -i srkcr at The lanmik<br />

center<br />

-.altar..<br />

,.,I -b rtdj hi mialt and in rle d muiLJtipu.r 1,-a-i tlir,n *iaa-, ach mnnrth niak'rir * Plhi-Ii'p'?. lit-_ut 3 iii .u -tr-a.ah<br />

p.>c Femak . ni-i-i, ni~~~rI~er. r'~ .i ide in-rm, . sir. arind orzanc_in,z g~-'ap mee -. r,r n: ie -e. 2h1legiN iau.<br />

pr..- an-i p<br />

~pr-i d 1,amil<br />

-ia ic ri-c._<br />

p-l.inn.r.g, fl.<br />

rN' fluiherfai-<br />

iIi<br />

in.-rIt'. drii .:gh. c.ui- fh1K alir.ribur,.<br />

cundint-~ eind p11'~ and ret.: r<br />

pe<br />

imp.hiov-.c<br />

t.-i.a ull-iimt vzi-.rnnienl<br />

£a~ ac- IC-rk-r rec,ruit, train,<br />

Ir bthi , -n.lc.ni - ,r.ij dIv. :r b-.bi.- fi i,- ILr riand ;t,.rd.Iz: an-n cli,nt~ T- i. d, 'ig - nd-~ur-r r-. i., aklut ,'.ertr Ci -mmur'ith<br />

IT.,rr, rit has r,-..r. tI-, -ai ri.n,-dr- .r: i-. planiii., .'-raz. cilK .liit---h- r-i. itrati t-.<br />

li- triOur ,IT it ,c-i ml -.-. 'r,ra-epi,~t. I..- Li.pra.'i.:ied-.rir -*.11i mat- cOupir- suppla .'nim aid pill, In<br />

inial',-kr-i rIir- 3tiirain-,d iT., i nl.ni "-rouc-.ae atii-n utErrci u,,.r' and moake~ retenral, rc. en -<br />

:dii-,n -i,ii-Ntetranir n and - IMht Lli- r.ai in rural area,-I ionen p.. r ,rnm- n-i health ,lni. I'ME ;i (iih 1,J<br />

,-.i,.h aic.pt-:.r nir-i.t. be rmi, - a 'I-2III ct0F-i- than in, ure.cne ptr Linttier - aln.iz:ii hre~-j.)urler: oii<br />

d..i. r t1hin ihIr,-. n)i.;t, tial,,- irk- r -iii -..uple'i b-au.- t gl-ate,r dis- the natic-n r h,lgbe.t pe The lunar,<br />

ti. trnniair.. -. , n o.r.-nm-roai ta3r..,., in. tnt .1 oI3 'thr .iair'r h preigran I- un-:triain.<br />

-ant -nhUt ,i- .1- pr.. ii.. tanila plaiio I T-. n, ut-aipi-rm pr-.. -,cau.- -a,t-:rnAl lundin: I' Ill t,minate I<br />

nri. n<br />

di,n.<br />

i,,rtinat.in and disiribiate .ioi-<br />

H r..tf' h-nr tII- ire t rptcr,i ~<br />

i-I.-<br />

,,dvt-nt<br />

urr-,,ch -,-r i,thr.ugl-,<br />

irtnr % ni.n a.4-n, I,<br />

ti.ur dii.<br />

TI-, ere -<br />

in iu, 5 rz .,rd 1-cil g.i.--tnmc-tir<br />

1.--,.f.nAit: I,. ii a,--r ii ct<br />

hra%-.. ni-it<br />

,.t tih,<br />

i.. :.,rit 1 Flipulatii.n .-Ii5iiii i 3- Ilii in t,ri:t i-i Hv-aith and.J i-, liar'. tri3, I h,eld.- CItktc ,ar i. as arapidl a<br />

rn h,I I - and tr IbalI ar Ea a tI -i,- u kh in"ITIprkirp-l.: Iwiid-.I,tl,,:t - lit. c -nleer -. ..pecred<br />

Iri,.- nan - iri I t Indi JIa tI I I....lat h cira,t,. mai,nl ..-r- t,if-mil pI-nnIng Tih., a TbaItt.'i L n t II r:,-n,il.. ti-, Tha.<br />

nI, .. t 1',-en ac-,r-. ii lo-cal . -lr.,--..ho- rcri.- 'n-,all na,ii,.-nal pr-otani ha' It-_ r. dmi: ba-ed<br />

6 i111. ii.. a.. i n the I l,,rd .- I Ia. -aard inc-:ni- e pa-. n-tnt- I i --. a -.cutt u -mulipurp.,-t n<br />

ila t3iulth -A unha.lt<br />

ri-.r tI- jt. ..-ut -n; lan-ai<br />

1 , planning tnIttit.t- rut',a pr- -iran- tread Ii i-.a-l i- 'r-in nearla halt di th,. rati,-n .<br />

Ii. ld,-rI-i't T.. ri :-ONit elgiht, cou n, ' rann tradittnil-rinImi.v r'L lg.~i.I ,en rraii-JI I-.. prit tdc<br />

r-',- Th-,- i,ld. rIi' I-,at-. n- riticil. arni It-ithc I-cA uriiutc.rtTi-I prc-i itk antil planning tr-ilirmati,.n arid jalt<br />

--IInhJIr. -Y..hoi -rau-ie - r.-:ruit ni.i ni,--woi atin and -uppbe- i -hag:tot ,atre I--, re..uppl. p-ill and -~-iii<br />

Fl" --- i. Pr d : iYb, niana~-r,,i lml i_rarran Pti mai anrd ti-, N,Jmri-n I 5'. ient- tltr a nt-i,L],: 5t';.lit-Ctii._<br />

ll.<br />

- liii<br />

I--ri-i.-. lacaih .lini. ri ' an.1 prt- ii-T,. tr-nt tI trlu'ttgrai-dl Fani ' e-.-ri.n iii: Tht IJ hid, tpat:ir-4 arni<br />

1<br />

-40lot-r.' Ii.ilrur. illap- and a:-i'- .--- p ij sen.ic-. rhr--rig -urJ.a- Fanail l'Ia'rnin, iuCl.1prsaa<br />

~~t<br />

II -itra- ,~ 1~flt r- -uppl. irt,r--ir-r under III,.- Nirnitta ol H.aith rr.--, d,-i<br />

Itriarici.. ii-'1-r.iiril-h.-i pr-.liid-d1 * P,4 ireu ln l'$is the -timn ni,n-, ..I thb..~r si-'cta a'd ha-j ab,ut 3iuii<br />

ttlI n - paid iiliir-.,In r-,roni r.tv toaiiiid it, pr-niarm ii- nr.lUdr -, tuil-tinme sizer.ip- -utIva, , h .. .--r<br />

- i-il.-it- I~..t hi-. pro4rtiti. rib.- ih, --ihv r r,m .i iiel.li:..kti-,t-,ard ... lmnifnufldt --I .rŽ- ,h. 7upp, ~-ral -nmtr:c..ptii es t<br />

i. land. t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~rite,-r..I-<br />

ir : atler .i ;i,- n ..as b.-a-l d rnaal ilUit-tht-.ughi r-..gular It- 'r -<br />

a N I., Th,- pri- wi,t,, ru.n Ch-p-tn tr-l-r~, -ti p.ttd1 Iiti. i-,rI-t-r' %F hiL it. A~ r, Pt,I-tt i-il train 3rt.)ilttt ;i'.'<br />

ii.d -. ler .. 1 -t -_-,1,Jn h~ 1l-t.-al pr. -irani 1i;-' --all retturi-d n'.I,- arid<br />

wise would; and community-based fieldworkers to maintain the quality of services. They should<br />

are often most aware of local needs. But the exten- concentrate on a few main tasks; additional ressive<br />

use of fieldworkers requires regular, support- ponsibilities must be introduced only gradually.<br />

ive supervision. They must be trained well at the Fieldworkers also require a good medical backup<br />

outset andi must receive periodic refresher courses and referral system so that any side effects that<br />


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