World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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services. Program staff recruit potential clients and of family planning services, and medical staff may<br />

offer information on proper use of methods. The give priority to curative rather than preventive<br />

mass media can be used to inform people of the services. Multipurpose workers who are overbenefits<br />

of small families and how to obtain contra- loaded with responsibilities will do none of their<br />

ceptive methods. Instruction on human reproduc- tasks well. If an integrated delivery system<br />

tion, family planning, responsible parenthood, employs single-purpose workers, friction may<br />

and problems of rapid population growth as part arise over differences in training, seniority, salaof<br />

school curricula can inform young people before ries, and promotion. For example, in addition to<br />

they marry; such instruction can also be offered their salaries, family planning workers have somethrough<br />

nonformal education, such as adult liter- times received incentive payments based on the<br />

acy programs. These efforts complement other number of acceptors they recruit, whereas health<br />

economic and social policies, discussed in Chapter workers receive only salaries. In Kenya family<br />

6, to create demand for smaller families. health field educators (with family planning<br />

Because of the need for medical services for pro- responsibilities) were paid more than the enrolled<br />

vision or follow-up of many contraceptive meth- community nurses to whom they were to report.<br />

ods, most family planning programs are linked to These personnel issues can seriously affect worker<br />

the public health system. The nature of these links morale and performance.<br />

varies among countries and has often changed. In Although family planning programs need some<br />

some programs, family planning workers provide link with health systems, family planning services<br />

services through clinics administered by the minis- need not be confined to them. When services are<br />

try of health, but are responsible to some other provided through a maternal and child health probody.<br />

In Pakistan primary responsibility for family gram, important client groups may be overlooked:<br />

planning lies with the Population Welfare Division men, adolescents, unmarried women, and nonof<br />

the Ministry of Planning and <strong>Development</strong>, pregnant women. Ministries of health may be<br />

using the division's own specialized facilities and poorly equipped to organize social marketing<br />

workers. Elsewhere family planning is directly schemes (for subsidized commercial distribution of<br />

administered by the ministry of health, through a contraceptives, discussed below), to develop mass<br />

special department of family planning (as in media programs, or to coordinate public, private,<br />

Egypt) or as part of preventive or maternal and nongovernmental, and commercial activities.<br />

child health services (as in Botswana, Kenya, and Some of these responsibilities are often delegated,<br />

Malawi). Staff may specialize in family planning for example, to information or education minis-<br />

(that is, as "single-purpose" workers), as in Kenya, tries. Many programs have boards within or out-<br />

Pakistan, and Indonesia; or they may be responsi- side a ministry to coordinate the wide range of<br />

ble for general health or maternal and child health family planning activities. In Mexico the semiservices<br />

in addition to family planning (that is, as autonomous Coordinacion General del Programa<br />

"multipurpose" workers), as in Bangladesh, Bot- Nacional de Planificacion Familiar monitors and<br />

swana, and India. coordinates all family planning activities; it is<br />

There have been obvious advantages in integrat- located within the Ministry of Health but has direct<br />

ing health and family planning in the delivery of access to the president and works closely with the<br />

* services. The health benefits for mothers and chil- National Population Council (CONAPO), a sepadren<br />

of spacing and limiting births clearly establish rate body responsible for population policy. In<br />

family planning as a valuable component of mater- Indonesia the National Family Planning Coordinal<br />

and child health services. For both services the nating Board (BKKBN) is an autonomous body<br />

main target group-married women of childbear- that collects data, produces information and edu-<br />

- ing age-is the same. Joint delivery can reduce unit cation programs, coordinates activities, and has its<br />

costs, and in countries where family planning is own fieldworkers who promote family planning,<br />

controversial, integrated services make the pro- refer clients, and set up community distribution<br />

gram more acceptable. points. In some countries these family planning<br />

But integrated services also present difficulties. boards are also responsible for overall population<br />

Health ministries are often understaffed and policy-a role discussed more fully in Chapter 8.<br />

underfunded; they cannot always mobilize the In conclusion, there is no simple formula for the<br />

political and administrative wherewithal to imple- best organization of family planning programs.<br />

ment an effective family planning program. Heavy Programs that differ widely in structure can be<br />

demands for health care may eclipse the provision equally successful. Workers in India deliver both<br />


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