World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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may be delaying a first pregnancy, spacing effects are assured, resupply is convenient, and<br />

between children, or preventing additional preg- the opportunity to switch methods is available.<br />

nancies. Staff must be discreet, sensitive to the Medical backup and referral is critical, as is the<br />

individual needs of clients, and familiar with local capacity to follow up on clients. Managers need<br />

customs and beliefs. This requirement has been information not only on new acceptors but also on<br />

addressed in several ways: by selecting staff from continuing users, dropouts, and nonparticipants<br />

local communities, by training staff in the environ- (see Box 7.4). Indonesia is one country with an<br />

ment in which they will work, and by making spe- effective monitoring system, including acceptor<br />

cial efforts to hire female workers. Special services records, quarterly follow-up surveys of acceptors,<br />

have also been targeted for specific client groups: and periodic sample surveys of households in<br />

adolescents, women who have just given birth, which information on fertility and contraceptive<br />

and mothers with young children. use is collected.<br />

Second, programs must encourage clients not Third, because information about the benefits of<br />

only to accept a method of contraception but also family planning and of small families may not be<br />

to use it effectively and continuously. In societies widespread, programs must create an awareness<br />

in which people marry young, couples who are of services and their benefits, as well as spread<br />

spacing and limiting births may have to use contra- information about the proper use of methods.<br />

ception for twenty years. Prolonged, effective use Information and education activities are necessary<br />

is easier if information and support regarding side both within and outside the system for delivering<br />

138<br />

Box 7.4 Management information systems for improved service delivery<br />

The rTangenmenr. tIr pri iding tamili health and tamil plnning s-erx ic* %tre repcris ton irrded i', prc.gram nianager;<br />

planning s.et lce- in man% *:untrie- are ;pending as muchas il! percent mt their ere replsced t a ,sinlm nmrothk report<br />

plagued b. Iack ;t reliable intormaijon tirre on 3in ti;es not direcil% rtlated tn b, *a-:h riieldschrker a sciln,ic report b,<br />

on- ihich to base m3r3gement dei,ions delering rhtir ser ices keeping rec- each uptriscor an a ;inglc r.eport tr:m<br />

Requiremenis tor data collection are .-rds and 3rtend.n,; mretings %,ere the each primarN health enter F3mil, plan<br />

imposed on .o,rburdened ;t3tl and m *;t common e%traieous actiities ;A ning statf %serc n.ld imrr'edi3te1 hci.<br />

;upErni;ed b% medical or other technical total ot tn *si reilsters t ere mair.. the%i %ere mea;uring IP Wc predetvr-<br />

personnel untrained to mAke u-e cit the tamiied bLs i.te itpes * t elds%orkers r.mine target- T- encourvt- :c.nmpet-<br />

.niormatinrr \Iud tIre .- spent collect- relating tc. a range c1 sublects tamil ion teedtack repc.rtz irom lh d. tric to.<br />

r.g intormation that is ne'. er used planning maternal and child health ihe pnmars health cernters Also ranked<br />

A mn3ragemenrr ntcirm3aion ;sstem immunuiati.n mnalara conirohl :nd %. iuh crnters on rhe ta,-i- .-1 tn indJia3t,r;<br />

,iNll-t an' ;n ztem %%hich l rganizet the c..nsider3ble uuorlap ot the da3t the% ;uch as the rumb,r .I immunia3tion-<br />

,:.'I1,ciicn ind interprrtation )t daia reccrded An 3s'ist.,nt nurse-midi. it and IItIh number it srcr,h3Iiatons 3S a psr-<br />

n dted b% managers Lo ma3e decisions ai-rn, mainrtaind ti ent- iio reiords centage ot annual r3rget-<br />

The rural h,alth .uprrtis.r re% ie%uing 3 and prepartd tssei e rep-rts a month In thre d,ztrictr in ih *tai31 ... t .2nrrhra<br />

ulker; Iteurd 1c1 ds-e-- perttrmance The untu.rrnmuitn 'a.il nni u.ed bh super- Pr-d;7h i htr thi; ., 7ti at s- -rir.-<br />

and the health mini;ter resie ming intor- i ;irs 3nd manager4 nor did ti curkers diced the timt spent .- n re .-eptng<br />

mation on hiring and depl% ment ot statl recei%e ans s%stematic teedhack on the.r and reporting ha,; btrn reduid consid-<br />

are both usingan \11- For a family plan pert,amance compared nith oihers erabls An assistant nure-mtdi tie t.r<br />

ning propgar. an Nllc could include There %sa3 little incenti%e t.. maintain Exarrple rso's spends inlk abL.ut halt an<br />

untorm3tli-n r.n r3rgtt group size and g.-sod records and to. rep-Jrt regOtlarl and h.,ur a da s ith the nes ;s% stem com-<br />

haratl3r3;1ristics ness and continuing on iime p3red us th tsc. hours beo-tre Pe ar<br />

a.:eptor rates ind c:haracteri;tics. numr Follc, ing a re% ie- . thei sem cu-mplcts and are subhmtted on timre i<br />

bers and ispes ot tollcns up jsist birth reccurdkeeping and reporimti is ere ;ther diztrcts reporting is abh.t thre<br />

rStes stattmng patterns. and aailahilNts stre3rilined The number ct registers rronths behind schedultI and managers<br />

-. rupplie FheTe data all,%s managers kept bs ieldsorker. .sas reduced Irom ite retsp:cdin: beCitcr I.- 1.:c31 neWd<br />

tc mak decisucins based on up to-dare to-rtL-u t; sis 3 reg,.ter ot elh,ible .:c!U* ct ps toe.pand the si tem t;-r states.id~<br />

3nd reiiable imtcrnaiion that is colleted ples and children, a maternal and child ine are no%% being taken in indhra<br />

aS a matter o.t outIne health register 3 r-port on blood srmears Pradesh and the g.o%,rnmtErt ot India Is<br />

:'tudiez in ii criarcs in India Karna. r i malaria a birth and death register. a recommending that all 'taies adopt thE<br />

r3,3 and Lrrtar l'r3desh in the mid 1lt!s stock and issue register and a diari ot neis KIP1<br />

sho, ed that tieldcs orkers pros iding dailk acti%.ties The tarious separat,

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