World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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FIGURE 71 88 in Romania (1979). Resort to both legal and ille-<br />

Trends in contraceptive prevalence in 197043, gal abortion often results from lack of information<br />

selected countries about, and access to, safe and effective contracep-<br />

Percentage of married women aged 15-49 using contraception tive methods.<br />

60<br />

hailand'<br />

Unmet need<br />

50 _Clmi<br />

50 olombia In the surveys from which data on contraceptive<br />

KoTea' 7use have been drawn women were also asked<br />

40 / / wMexico whether they would like to have more children.<br />

Forty to 75 percent of married women of childbear-<br />

30 ing age in East and South Asian countries and in<br />

Latin American and Caribbean countries want no<br />

/ Egypt more children. In a few countries women were<br />

20 also asked whether they wished to delay their next<br />

Banglades pregnancy for a year or more. Nineteen percent of<br />

10<br />

Kena_ Nepal<br />

women of. childbearing age in Bangladesh and<br />

Thailand, 25 percent in El Salvador, and 32 percent<br />

Pakistan in Guatemala said yes. In countries where both<br />

0<br />

1970 1975 1980 1983<br />

a. Wife aged fifteen to forty-four.<br />

b. Ever-married women.<br />

Sourres: For Egypt, Kenya, and Pakistan, UN 1983; for others, CPS and<br />

WFS data.<br />

questions have been asked, from 50 to 90 percent<br />

of women want either to limit or to space births.<br />

In virtually all countries surveyed, the number of<br />

women of childbearing age who want no more<br />

children exceeds the number using some kind of<br />

contraception. Some of the women who want no<br />

more children or who wish to delay a pregnancy<br />

are not using a method because they are currently<br />

rhythm or withdrawal had an unwanted preg- pregnant or because they have been breastfeeding<br />

nancy within three years after a birth, compared for less than one year and therefore are afforded<br />

with only 29 percent of women who used the pill, some (but not total) protection. Others are unable<br />

the IUD, or injectable contraceptives. The 1978 to conceive, or their husbands are away. These<br />

Philippines Fertility Survey found that 36 percent women are not "exposed" to the risk of pregof<br />

married women of reproductive age used some nancy, so they do not need contraception, at least<br />

method, but only 16 percent used an efficient not immediately.<br />

method. In contrast, in the Dominican Republic in The remaining women-those who would like to<br />

1975, contraceptive use was 32 percent for all space or to limit births, who are not using contramethods<br />

and 26 percent for efficient methods. ception, and who are exposed to the risk of preg-<br />

Contraception is not the only method of birth nancy-are said to have "unmet need'" for contracontrol.<br />

Induced abortion is widespread, even ception. By this definition, 6 to 12 percent of<br />

where it is illegal. There may be as many as 30 women of childbearing age in Egypt, Kenya, and<br />

million to 50 million induced abortions performed the Philippines have unmet need for contraception<br />

annually worldwide; this wide range is due to to limit births (see Figure 7.2, low estimate). In<br />

uncertainty about the number of illegal abortions. Bangladesh, Korea, and Peru, where both limiting<br />

Illegal abortion carries with it a high risk of compli- and spacing questions were asked, 16 to 33 percent<br />

cations and death and can affect future fertility. In of women of childbearing age have unmet need for<br />

many developing countries abortion is illegal contraception. If women who are breastfeeding<br />

under any circumstances or is permitted only to and those using inefficient methods of contracepsave<br />

the life of the mother; China and India are tion are also considered to have unmet need, more<br />

major exceptions. Elsewhere legal abortion is an than 40 percent of women in Bangladesh and Peru<br />

important method of birth control-in Cuba, have unmet need for limiting and spacing births;<br />

Japan, Korea, the USSR, and eastern Europe. 22 percent of women in Egypt, 10 percent in<br />

Legal abortion rates per thousand women of child- Kenya, and 29 percent in the Philippines have<br />

bearing age range from 11 in Canada (1981) and 25 unmet need for contraception only to limit births<br />

in the United States (1980) to 84 in Japan (1975) and (Figure 7.2, high estimate). Estimates for other<br />


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