World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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selves to birth control. Rates of contraceptive use an incentive, yet they cannot be stopped from<br />

have risen to as high as 80 percent in some villages claiming it; and they may be those least in need of<br />

that receive, or hope to receive, the benefits of this an incentive. Disincentives that work through tax<br />

program. Qualifiers have been given credits for and benefits systems affect only a few people, yet<br />

livestock, feed, and construction materials, and broader disincentives might unfairly burden the<br />

have been offered lower prices for fertilizer, seed, poor, who gain most from children. Disincentives<br />

garlic, dressmaking, hairdressing, and medical tied to school admissions may affect children who<br />

treatment. Some communities have also been have no control over parental decisions. Verificaallowed<br />

to use a "family planning bull" for servic- tion (was a child born and not reported?) can be<br />

ing their cattle. The scheme also offers pig-rearing administratively difficult, and the money to<br />

contracts: a woman acceptor gets a piglet to fatten reward compliance may be improperly used. Payover<br />

a period of eight to nine months and is given ments for sterilization have little impact on fertility<br />

a share of the profits. Should she become preg- if families have already had four or more children.<br />

nant, the pig is not taken away, but she may lose The cost of incentives is also a consideration in<br />

the opportunity to get another one in the future. judging their effectiveness. From a national<br />

In the past decade, a few countries have started accounting point of view, incentives are transfer<br />

offering small-family incentives to communities. payments and in themselves do not use up<br />

The Indonesian program gives prizes and popular resources. Their economic impact will depend on<br />

recognition for meeting fertility targets or for per- the savings and consumption patterns of those<br />

forming better than other communities. In Thai- who are taxed and those who receive payments.<br />

land the government rewards villages that achieve The principal question is likely to be a budgetary<br />

certain targets with anything from a biogas plant to one for the government: is money available and<br />

a cooperative store. Community incentives work might it be better spent in other ways? If convenwhere<br />

there is a well-organized, community- tional incentive schemes absorb funds that might<br />

based family planning system and where the vil- better go to investments, the cost to an economy in<br />

lage or hamlet is an important social or political terms of long-run investment and growth may also<br />

unit. matter. This is clearly a problem in China, where<br />

Several other countries, including Bangladesh, incentives large enough to ensure one-child fami-<br />

India, and Sri Lanka, have offered rewards to peo- lies would become a heavy burden on the econple<br />

who volunteer to be sterilized, primarily to omy, unless those who received them in turn used<br />

compensate them for the cost of travel and loss of the incentives for saving, say, for their own old<br />

work time. These programs are easier to adminis- age.<br />

ter than incentive systems tied directly to lower<br />

family size. In most cases, volunteers have been Deferred incentives<br />

carefully screened to avoid any possibility of coercion<br />

or of changing their minds when it is too late. Deferred incentive schemes overcome some,<br />

In Sri Lanka, for example, the couple must have at though not all, of the difficulties of conventional<br />

least two children, the youngest at least a year old. incentives. They have not been tried on a national<br />

These facts must be certified by the village head level, but two local experiments demonstrate their<br />

and reviewed by a medical officer at the clinic feasibility. A township in China began a deferred<br />

where the operation will be performed. The volun- bonus scheme in 1971, offering to pay the highteer<br />

must sign a statement of consent; he or she school education of children of two-child families.<br />

receives the equivalent of $20. At their peak in No specific family planning service was involved,<br />

1980-81, sterilization payments cost an amount but parents had to show that they agreed with the<br />

equal to 3 percent of total government spending on terms of the entitlement when their children were<br />

health; that much could easily have been saved in ready to enter high school. Two-thirds of families<br />

the costs associated with abortion and unwanted enrolled in the program; its effects on fertility<br />

births. could not, however, be differentiated from a general<br />

decline in fertility.<br />

Unresolved issues A no-birth bonus scheme developed on three tea<br />

estates in India also provided a deferred payment.<br />

Payments and penalties raise a host of issues not Each woman worker had an extra day's pay credyet<br />

resolved. Some people may be willing to defer ited to an account for every month she was not<br />

pregnancy or to have fewer children even without pregnant. Her benefits were suspended for a year

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