World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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tion is increasing (or decreasing) in a given year tria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France,<br />

due to natural increase and net migration, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherexpressed<br />

as a percentage of the base population. lands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Switzer-<br />

Population momentum. The tendency for population land, United Kingdom, United States, and Comgrowth<br />

to continue beyond the time that replace- mission of the European Communities.<br />

ment-level fertility has been achieved because of EC The European Communities comprise<br />

the large and increasing size of cohorts of child- Belgium, Denmark, France, Federal Republic of<br />

bearing age and younger, resulting from higher Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,<br />

fertility and/or falling mortality in preceding years. Netherlands, and United Kingdom.<br />

Postpartum. Refers to the time immediately after FAO Food and Agriculture Organization.<br />

childbirth. GATT General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs.<br />

Rate of natural increase. The rate at which a popula- IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and<br />

tion is increasing (or decreasing) in a given year <strong>Development</strong>.<br />

due to a surplus (or deficit) of births over deaths. IDA International <strong>Development</strong> Association.<br />

The rate of natural increase equals the crude birth<br />

rate minus the crude death rate per 100 people. It IMF International Monetarynd.<br />

also equals the population growth rate minus emi- IPPF International Planned Parenthood Federagration.<br />

ton.<br />

Replacement-level fertility. The level of fertility at NGO Nongovernmental organization.<br />

which a cohort of women on the average is having ODA Official <strong>Development</strong> Assistance.<br />

only enough daughters to "replace" itself in the OECD The Organisation for Economic Co-operapopulation.<br />

By definition, replacement level is tion and <strong>Development</strong> members are Australia,<br />

equal to a net reproduction rate (see above defini- Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland,<br />

tion) of 1.00. Replacement-level fertility can also be France, Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Iceexpressed<br />

in terms of the total fertility rate. In the land, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Nether-<br />

United States today a total fertility rate of 2.12 is lands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain,<br />

considered to be replacement level; it is higher Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom,<br />

than 2 because of mortality and because of a sex and United States.<br />

ratio greater than 1 at birth. The higher mortality OPEC The Organization of Petroleum Exporting<br />

is, the higher is replacement-level fertility. Countries comprises Algeria, Ecuador, Gabon,<br />

Total fertility rate. The average number of children Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq,<br />

that would be born alive to a woman (or group of Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia,<br />

women) during her lifetime if during her child- United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.<br />

bearing years she were to bear children at each age UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade<br />

in accord with prevailing age-specific fertility rates. and <strong>Development</strong>.<br />

Urbanization. Growth in the proportion of the pop- UNDP United Nations <strong>Development</strong> Proulation<br />

living in urban areas. gramme.<br />

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific,<br />

Acronyms and initials and Cultural Organization.<br />

UNFPA United Nations Fund for Population<br />

CPS Contraceptive Prevalence Survey. Assistance.<br />

DAC The <strong>Development</strong> Assistance Committee of WFS <strong>World</strong> Fertility Survey.<br />

the OECD (see below) comprises Australia, Aus- WHO <strong>World</strong> Health Organization.<br />


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