World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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impose constraints that cannot be eased at accept- rural Bangladesh-one of the most crowded areas<br />

able costs. in the world-transport, marketing and storage<br />

Higher population density, by permitting econo- facilities, as well as extension services, are all<br />

mies of scale in the provision of infrastructure and inadequate.<br />

services, can sometimes help to induce improve- From one point of view, it is no small achievements<br />

in agriculture. In the United States, for ment to sustain an increase in population on the<br />

instance, rising population densities stimulated scale that has occurred, and continues to occur, in<br />

the development of the transport system during many developing countries. But keeping the prothe<br />

nineteenth century. An improved transport duction of food up with (or even ahead of) growth<br />

system, in turn, greatly facilitated the growth of in population is no guarantee that people have a<br />

agriculture by lowering transport costs and by rais- healthy diet. Where incomes are low and uneing<br />

the farmgate prices of agricultural products. qually distributed, and increases in food produc-<br />

But the potential benefits to be gained from higher tion are just barely ahead of increases in populapopulation<br />

densities are not always realized. In tion size, poor people may not be able to afford the<br />

FIGURE 5.3<br />

Foodgrains and population in India, 1950-83<br />

Population<br />

(millions)<br />

700<br />

Average annual<br />

600 growth rate<br />

2.1pre_<br />

500<br />

400<br />

300<br />

1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980<br />

Production of foodgrains<br />

(nillions of tons)<br />

130 Pr,<br />

110 110<br />

average annual ,k<br />

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.7 pe rate of, rc ~~growth e n<br />

90 i<br />

70<br />

50 - s<br />

1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980<br />

Production of foodgrains<br />

(kg. per capita)<br />

0.20<br />

0.10<br />

/ ..<br />

Al~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />

1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980<br />

Years shown are end years for the agricultural season. Data for 1983-84 are estimates.<br />

Sources: <strong>World</strong> Bank data; adapted from Cassen, 1978.<br />


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