World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984

World Development Report 1984


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Box 5.3 Food supplies for agrowing worid population<br />

Th- t.itid cri;i- Cii 1072-74 cr.Kied an iden in the d,.ct.iping ciuntrie- par- n cilirnal priduttw n but bec.,U5C it<br />

atflii epher..- it inipirndirg di - nJ 31 titularlt be-au-c a-t Ccini-inuc.j rapid. hi;hv2r r. od prwi'r I. hzch thi ciencit<br />

rt ne;"d intrtr-et in \lalthosin pic o- grii.-;h ini pipuLttion rind mn,nic- Cr-,n- atticrd ir beczu4e It inadequjate ar-arr.e~-<br />

nirtrm Mort recent %iv~ poitnt ro the trailk plann,,.d ecoinomie, ma% aso.I twn- men;- i. r markic'ing ta~d PT.1;i dio; tI,ll<br />

;uCc-:-, c-i teichno 'kgic:al h.n in ariz- tinue to hate .r5~i 'Fritali Pritduiiicn In rnpr .-.e tink v hE r tineir *nea e<br />

- 1rlurt, and iti- he connLIutiin that the th, indu'trial tiorid i- prot,iectx ti rise nlirmic -t it, dcc-,<br />

t-irlda-na vh-ic N c3pa1:Ie ti producin, aletnlieettI hantninhe pa~-t %hile ~ ,mt re'i-ardi i-n ;hr gibkal tood --itua-<br />

-nough ti'iod tor tuture g-:neratioin~ ,eit the grit', th in its demand is projected to tnor ha' loi--ked -,'rl bet nd the cnd -it<br />

- inn the ne' t ci'ntur\. rhr main i54ut I, level .Olt thie ceniur% [SLr iard Cilland to; ,sarni-<br />

no-i th,_ i-r irtdide at ail 0 bti;s o'i liod On a national anid ho usehltId ha- is the pi.: teirnrair th-~ matiniLiun gli hdl 'tlt-<br />

but the capakrt itt nation; grtiups outl..1,k is etn mocre 'aid -N number pa tt ) . rP;oii)rnilIh,.n itin~ griin-<br />

iiitin n.m"in- and ind iduals ti. *.bur. 'it indu4trial countries di' ni it pri 'ductu -quit aleni Iiti A, . ear Thi; tigur. it<br />

tnt ujgh rt -od ii;ra health, diet cmn'ugh grain or tcu'd I' satiisi d4 inei,tc i-btaine'10 k Mulitphittn a reai, i<br />

ln mist ciuntri..- pairtic:ulciri;t li.. dtnnand But their national t,.-.d se-Aictri,% ii u' M tc e htaI, tr.n;<br />

-i -mit - orc; Kb 'tapit ic-.d ic crrcil , Ci i' a-ured ,..m, -iia, ttw i.aiue ot their nn.m the prtc;inn .tt3cra ot _' toee pi:r hiechirt<br />

-iiatgri thee -iiiour.i tir about halt t....Ii icx.-rt'i, i~uu-u ciii more than adc_ tbs i 5- billion hectaric -cdi:.-. ing ii; a<br />

i-t rural t-,.d rniiiun-ipti.n in de'%l-ping; quate iio tinance ;i'id lmprri, These 4Iigbt in:rra~,r .-tr r ht -imit'.it'd 1 4 bit-<br />

-ii'ntri,- lit-; the pa-I thirtt -ir, oiiintrir-s at.. ha,.tr ettecti, erthod4 ne it ion heci ire- '.t 1and iarrt. il, is ;;<br />

i.ohat grain priidu-.t;iin has doubt~d distributitng ;ioid. iho'ugh their piiri rdprorductin- An idditonal tt tit'<br />

m.d acii-.rding it- the FA') reptiri 1 ;fliii- F'itpk maI bt- uiier ilt [tir rmn tf nr %a' added i.;r r ingtLnan and mn ire<br />

I It ' I-, :IIL "I) cJiutd U tible again bi 'he din eliping iiluntrit' the -it uatn is priductsiln rr.:-t ntIs era,s ci m<br />

hbe ti-ar 2iA3i 'n Nnirican ~tud. 1ir. 1I. '-i ure F:itnai, M bt'he F tCO -.ug- ti,r. oi plan; tn 5rgtz ti; aiil purpi;-z4-<br />

Iii11Oiiia :1l r1f it7.t ii tin flu r(in..:oiitl ag re- gtst thatin in: iictar iliui1.l trtnit%-rnin tiid --ed ~nd ainimraliedrnc<br />

,i.ith ' ahl i-?esn men; - dicuhtintz Cit dnc.%-lI -ping c ninire' rnt-t br- unabir- to trom 3iiiciri;prpe,ilper da% in<br />

iii rid grain priduoctio'n oiier i-.e nit teed them-iel. e- trom their s.-.n land ,.auth Asia t.. FB1liii calorie- In ii n,rh<br />

ear- ineiunt~ it ~ii k'an annintit gr-n. th aitih input; ii ltertdlizer x LEtl-J anti t. Anic r,ai \tstratia Nc%. Zealand mnd<br />

rate .It cit'ut 3 pericini i,n at InI intermeudiate let el it tte.hn,ii. Fm Inc.:i iin-anuop;iiri ~.t rneat ral;v-<br />

On [he demnand side t-rlmr [oIsc. 0 'gt ia ba,mct package .it terrjhmzer;.. c-iin:um pt i. n iii ptaot n,rnen. becau,iŽ<br />

lcon indicated that drmand in .ert-1; mm[rinpro d cd arid irnrple C nt.-r% ;itiini th.: ci'nti-r- iin -it i,at-n to' nn ai thri.ugh<br />

aind griin' tir b.-ith human tone2uniption nie-asiure-; Mans, i-I h;hc si- untries- ar- ti--ding ~tl -tIck intitii,ni ti-ni-<br />

,intlvi-to-,~i~ teed ii. i.utd teev ai bet'- -tn irn -Atnicci.- ,here te hnottt-gt i pri'hbitb partil .,ith d;t-act c i:-ncanptiton .i tgrtnIt<br />

iii and 3 1 perct-ni d itar, de-pti-nding i-n bhciii il-i inte-rnirdiate ii- ci I lii 1c d-d,.tc cmtset sa -<br />

.is-timpiiiri tcir pi-pulatiinm and lnc''me [Si- itS 41 Outside Atrica the~ group ior% %tcragt dait pt-r cap;;; alit'.' ance<br />

grsor,;h P.ire rtttni pri -iv-tion - ~uig-~ - incluti- .\fghani;;an Bangladesh. 1-t It `4 in i attires -It ptan;r -sner,<br />

a Cr ninth-tnt. ii. ih iit gloal i tltr md Sa' idcrHaiti and licrdan iliniplting 5 ink~m5 at i.nsuniptioni ian-i<br />

I-ar ic anipts the 1nitr rrIiaiinat t hr-at tnrc-igdti,ti rd tiirittiU 'nud-tht eeahi -i-.c patit~<br />

Cotuncil ; ~cc.:nt Lon. -Ten-i Lldiit iluiiii4 .~ no,t the iir.I; -niutiiin Nfim'. dvetettp- it. upport -ibcut billion [r.opie Thie<br />

put- ,tibai c:-rti1 dt-nannti up 5- ps~rcrni inz .iunititz i-.iih a chr-ni- ti-d dlrhci; [[Ut huh"l i. Ill prb.kl:..I he i:ai licd II-<br />

.s 21il tIiC -luInalt nt 1-ia ricOt aboiui 2 ha.l -A he r ,pipur -. the- main tnt hng ihc- ii.d -. Id ti h~ ce~ entuts<br />

[itecteni a tar3 repiirt puHi- hed bt th.Ž- iii nmra4-si ec t[itrt, it in-minti t gu--d, ~-' On , sit per CUF-iti alil-itt du .It i-u iii 11<br />

t'~ Oepartmeiit o t<br />

A-c7riciuItute taint tii a~ to tuna,nie,- t',od imnpout Fur the-t i-ii ir- i plant ..nriirg -the: -urre:ni<br />

siniolar cii, luitIOns Pith cit iThe-c a-~e- - ciuntriv. -a ih tran Siti r,Icii delicii ; a oirid at ra4t -the * arih %,.,.u,d be cip i-<br />

nit-ru:m. inclu1ded pritta-tioni ot rcnthat LL'ntbiriatii'n iit mnirt, ti\pirt- arid E,.t-ti, bt~ it suppirlitucib lb't It 4 bdhlin p,rr<br />

iiiuld hii ted i' annimate AItt ',rid l 5 ,n[, arran4.:mintnis; ti i~ itning tuicd wai b.- -i n, fit nunmh,, nI ri ugh Fit -ta i<br />

- Ldt piiiit-a ira.gtiiinl- the- 3n~tter Fir s. -ni, cta-ntr- in Aticva rht procie.ted i-. i rid siati mrart iiua<br />

,Jr-min ii'r grail; iii ab-ut 2 i' pcrct ri a oi ieni a iticd crlil; ,ill riaqiirt ettrrnat lion tCulti.ai,-d lirid Ci oLld ble incr. ae 1<br />

tair rid-ti, itnancr t-ici imporit ir. iF. 'hirt niirt- and land--a-. rIng uihigc at<br />

[hi- .-tirtnimeni tir il-it glihal -liua;ii in run ind i- et r-And in. ;inre,nt in d~ : nce- -specuall.-dn o in,, in i.net-c<br />

-tandsu In ~harp tciitras;t ttu ihe-a'-~ ping lugrun pctcntiai tii to-.d ind rngine-ting -uld tran-ttirni th, -ut-<br />

ment, 1-In grIup; Cit ciorntr`c-' mdi%i dual nntidprtiidu,tiiin . alloviiing; iiir better dirt' i;a<br />

c:iuntrie. anti lieu -,hi d, karti-u;eui iu lltinmalel% ii is r. i c-untrit blat irndi- p. pualiti..tn !ri ii- ,BLut there ar- ~14.<br />

'e~ -u ;-a hge t ths- gap tirt. cnn dint-- - ecida.id, u.;, hi utte r l ram a. sh.iriagr Cit di n,d i,i it- ile , trcp iat- -ii i<br />

tic: uppl. anti den-and te pri 1--ied io ii-d -nit Vi;cau- -. ict lua.u cliiiin ini en--n and .-lunate ichInpin

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