Less restrictive Sundays - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Less restrictive Sundays - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

Less restrictive Sundays - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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CITY 1F0ff>WCITV<br />

<strong>On</strong> Tuesday, March 1. 1977. al a Spec u.,icipal Election held m Ihe <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong>, the public question which lollows was adopted by a maionly vote ol the electorate ol<br />

the <strong>City</strong> ol <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>.<br />

"Shall the Mayor-Council Plan O ol the Optional Municipal<br />

Charter Law, providing lor a division <strong>of</strong> the.<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

•ntoatfaur) Wards, wilh 7 fscvon) Councilmen. one to be elected<br />

Irom each Ward and tnree to be elected at large, be adopted by<br />

tht <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>?" . - - . .<br />

Upon the adoption ol Ihe preceding public question, me provisions ol if.J sv<br />

through 204 became applicable to tne <strong>City</strong> oioce.\n c.tv N : '<br />

.Ward Commissioners, the lour Members <strong>of</strong> the Ca»e M* • -r . „<br />

together with the-Municipai Clerk ol the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> Oceaf <strong>City</strong> Tlterjionv/tiii- foiiow.no<br />

• persons were constituted .as the live ward Commissioned<br />

they haldi which <strong>of</strong>fices follow the names ol said I, ye mdn<br />

Helene C. Mace<br />

ElfredaC Andrea<br />

Lennea A. Plant<br />

Lewis Q.Vinci<br />

. . Member. Cape May Co Bdol Blecinns<br />

Member. Cape M.iy Co BO 01 Elections<br />

> •• Member Cape May Co Brl ol Elections<br />

Member/Cape May Co Bd ol Election-. .<br />

Loretta v> ••« c. ,..••.••.«,, Marshall * Ourx. <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> , "'<br />

""on FrrdayrMarch 4. I977.~at approximately 3 00 p m .the live W\ird Commissioner,<br />

. whose names have been set out m me preceding paraqraph here<strong>of</strong> appeared beiore<br />

Honorable James A. p'Nelil. Judge ol the Cape May County Court, at which lime Honorable<br />

James A O'Neill administered oaths to said Ward Commissioner s-in compliance with me<br />

requirements ol N.J.S. to ItA 111. which oaths nqu.rcd j-ach ol. sa.d ward<br />

Commisnoners to laithlully and impartially perlorm the duties imposed upon them , idividing<br />

the <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> into four wards Written copies <strong>of</strong> said oaths manually<br />

'. signed bv each <strong>of</strong> said Ward Commissioners. wer,> filed will) the Clem <strong>of</strong> me County ol<br />

Cape May upon their execution by each <strong>of</strong> said Ward Commissioners on March 4 nn<br />

Immediately following the admmistcnnq ol oaths lo la.d live Ward Commiiininifi .it<br />

the Cape May County Court House. Cape May Court Mouse New Jersey, (he l.vi Ward<br />

Commissioners retired to the Office <strong>of</strong> 'he Cape May County Board ol Elections Court<br />

House-Village. Ocnmsville Road and Route » Cape May Court House. New Jersey wfu-re<br />

the lirst meeting ol the Ward Commissioners wjs held commencing at approximately<br />

4:30 p.m and concluding al approximately 5 30 p m on Friday March i. l»77 merelor.within<br />

live days following the election at which time vOlers ol the <strong>City</strong> ol <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong><br />

adopted optional plan D. and hence in lotal and complete compliance with me<br />

requirements ol N J.S. 40 69A I9». which statutory section requires the Ward<br />

Commissioners to meet within five days <strong>of</strong> such election The only order ol business at ihr<br />

meeting wtuch was held on Friday. March >. 1977. was 10 re schedule the hrsi meeting ol<br />

the Ward Commissioners lor Thursday eveninq. March 10. 1977 at 7 30 p m<br />

It should be interacted at this point m this report that, but for the first meetmq <strong>of</strong> Ward<br />

Commissioners held on Friday, March J. IV77. ,n compliance with Ihe dictates ol N J S<br />

40:49A-199 all meetings 01 Ihe Ward Commissioners were held m strict and total<br />

compliance with the terms and provisions 01 Chapter ?3l ot the 1975 Laws <strong>of</strong> New Jersey<br />

generally Known as the Sunshine Law. ,n that notice ol each and every meeting held hy the<br />

Ward Commissioners was delivered, in writing, al least 4a hours m advance ol 'he ac'ua'<br />

time at which said meeting was scheduled to bo held and setting forth ihe nmu dale<br />

location and aqenda ot each such meeting, to the followinq persons or rjusines*<br />

organnafions: '<br />

1. Notice <strong>of</strong> each meeting so scheduled was delivered to The<br />

Atlantic <strong>City</strong> Press<br />

i. Notice ol each meeting so scheduled was delivered to The cape<br />

May County Oaietle.<br />

1. Notice ot each meeting so scheduled was delivered to The<br />

Leader. .<br />

4. Notice ol each meeting to scheduled was delivered to Angela<br />

F. Fulvino. Clerk ol the County ol Cape May.<br />

N.J.S. 40:4?A200 imposes upon Ward commissioners the obligation to lix and<br />

determine the ward boundaries "so that each ward is formed <strong>of</strong> compact and contiguous'<br />

territory" and said statutory lection also imposes, upon ihe Ward Commissioners, the<br />

duty to create. In this case, lour wards which shall "not differ in population, according to<br />

the most recent Federal Census, by more than ten per centum 110%) ol the population ol<br />

the least populous ward created."<br />

The most recent Federal Census being Ihe census taken in W7o. said census figures and<br />

the specifications <strong>of</strong> that census were obtained by the Ward Commissioners Irom the Cape<br />

May County Planning Board. The Federal Census ol 1970 indicates thai there were 10.575<br />

persons who were residents <strong>of</strong> Ihe <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. Since tne obligation imposed upon<br />

the Wand Commissioners was to create lour (4) wards, the first order ot business was to<br />

equallle. by creating an optimum equaiuation figure, the number <strong>of</strong> residents who should<br />

reside in each <strong>of</strong> said lour 14) wards. This was done bv dividing the fotai number ol<br />

.residents <strong>of</strong> tne <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> according to the 1970 Federal Census (10.575) by Ihe<br />

total number ol wards to be established (4) and arriving at an optimum equaiuation<br />

llf ureol 2643.75 residents per ward. See Exhibit "A" annexed hereto where this division is<br />

set fourth in full detail. An additional obligation Imposed upon the Ward Commissioners<br />

by the applicable Slate Statute is to "lorm ihe wards ol compact and contiguous<br />

territory." Therefore, it was decided by tne Ward Commissioners that the dictates ol that<br />

portion <strong>of</strong> the statute could best be complied with by dividing the island which comprises<br />

tho <strong>City</strong> ot <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> into lour (4) wards, each <strong>of</strong> which would run Irom the Atlantic<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> to the Great Egg Harbor Bay, and each ol which would be divided Irom the other by<br />

division lines which would be established in the centeriutes <strong>of</strong> Ihe numbered streets.<br />

Accordingly, the tedious process <strong>of</strong> establishing the number ol persons residing within<br />

each block, commencing at the Northern end <strong>of</strong> Ihe <strong>City</strong> ol <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> and continuing until<br />

Ihe overall .number <strong>of</strong> residents within that area (i.e.. First Ward) approached the<br />

optimum equaiuation figure ol 3643.75. was commenced. At ihe point when the number ol<br />

persons residing in this Mr*a (which was subsequently to be numbered First ward)<br />

reached tne level <strong>of</strong> 1555 residents, an imaginary line was drawn in the centerime ol Third<br />

Street. This logical stopping-place, resulted in the total population m the arta which<br />

subsequently was numbered First Ward being only.sl.75 residents less than ihe optimum<br />

equalisation figure for each wa'rd. The physical description ol the First Ward established<br />

by the Ward Commissioners as herctolore more fully explained now lollows'<br />


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Bounded on me Northeast by Great Egg Harbor inlet, on the<br />

Southeast Dy the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>, on the Southwest by the centerime or Third Street, and on<br />

the Northwest by the Great Egg Harbor Bay.<br />

POPULATION: 1999.<br />

The process used lo establish me First Ward was next repeated.thrice more.<br />

establishing), in repeating said process, the Second ward. Third ward, and Fourth Ward.<br />

Ttse physical descriptions and populations which were achieved in establishing the Second<br />

Ward, Third Ward and Fourth ward are now set-lorth in full and the same follow<br />


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION. Bounded on the Northeast by the centerline ol Third Street.on<br />

the Southeast t>y the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>, on the Southwest by the cenlerlme ol Ninth street,<br />

and on the Northwest by the Great Egg Harbor Bay<br />

POPULATION 2699.<br />


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Bounded on the Northeast by the centerline <strong>of</strong> Ninth street.<br />

on tne soutneast by the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>, on tho Southwest by the centerhne ol 19th Street<br />

and the same extended from iho Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong> to the centerline ol Bay Avenue and the<br />

centerline ol Sunny Harbor and tho same catondt-d Nnrthwe >ft-rly nt the ci-ntcrlino M Bay<br />

Avenue, and on the Northwest by Great Eqg H.trbor H.tv<br />

POPULATION: 710><br />


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Bounded on Ihe Northeast bv the centerline ol 19th Street<br />

and the same extended from the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong> to the centerline ol Bay Avcni/e and the<br />

centerline 01 Sunny Harbor and the same extended Northwesterly ol the ccntorhne <strong>of</strong> Bay<br />

Avenue, en the Southeast bv the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>, on the Southwest by the ceniorline ol S9th<br />

'Street, and on the Northwest by Peck's Bay and Crook Horn CreeM.<br />

POPULATION 2174<br />

The exact population hgureVcontained in the exact blocks scheduled in the 19/0 Federal<br />

Census as block numbers in the <strong>City</strong> ol <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> have been annexed hereto'as exhibits.^<br />

and wilh ripped to me First'ward said exhibit is described as Exhibit "B" with.respect"<br />

to the Second-Ward satd-.exhibit is described as Exhibit "C'.wifh respect, to the Third<br />

• .Ward said'exhibit is described as Exhibit "O" and with respect Jo me Fourth Ward said<br />

exhibit is described ris.EXTiibit -E' . •<br />

Another mandate established by-Ihe provisions ol N J.S 40-69A 200, is that no ward «o<br />

created shall "differ in population, according to the most recent Federal census, by more<br />

than ten percentum lio««l »l tne population ol the least populous ward created ' This,<br />

guideline was scrupulously observed by- the 1 Ward Commissioners in that 'the least,<br />

populous ward created was the First Ward in which 7555 persons' resided 1 according to the .<br />

1970 Federal Census. Ten percent <strong>of</strong> mat amount would bi- 755 5 persons. The largest ward<br />

created was tho Fourth Ward in which 27T6 persons resided according to the 1970 Federal<br />

Census. The. dilference in population, therefore, between the most populous ward and Ihe<br />

least populous ward was the difference hefween the total residents in the Fourth Ward<br />

(2716) and Ihetotal residents in the First ward (255i).. or 161 persons. This margin ol<br />

dillerence Ihcrelore is only m . while Ihe margin ol difference permuted under the<br />

statute is IOS>. Soe Exhibit "F" annexed hereto where this multiplication is set fourth in<br />

lull detail<br />

A map 0' the <strong>City</strong> ot <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> upon wnich the ward boundaries <strong>of</strong> the four vards<br />

designated First Ward. Second Ward, Third ward, and Fourth Ward have been clc.ii/<br />

endorsed and upon which the number(s) <strong>of</strong> residents rosidinq'in First Ward. Second<br />

Ward, Third Ward and Fourth Ward (according to the 1970 Federal Census) have been<br />

clearly scheduled, has been annexed hereto, mado a part here<strong>of</strong> and by ihis reference<br />

thereto, incorporated herein and 'is designated Exhibit "G".<br />


VINCI, and LORETTA C. MARSHALL, collectively comprising the live ward<br />

Commissioners duly appointed by Ihe terms ol N.J.S. 40:49A 198 and duly qualified by the<br />

terms <strong>of</strong> N.J S. 40 69A 199, after having been administered Ihe oaths ol our respective<br />

ollices by Honorable James A O'Neill on March 1. 1977, do hereby submit the foregoing<br />

REPORT as and lor the RE PORT ol tne Ward Commissioners in Ihe matter involvino the<br />

division ol the <strong>City</strong> ol <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. County ol Capo May. into lour wards. Further, each <strong>of</strong><br />

us does hereby accept tho foregoing REPORT as and for our own and said REPORT is.<br />

' therefore, unanimously accepted and endorsed by us. and each <strong>of</strong> us. the undersigned<br />

Ward Commissioners<br />

HeleneG Mace. Ward Commissioner<br />

Etlreda C. Andrea. Ward Commissioner<br />

Lonnea A. Plant. Ward Commissioner<br />

• . Lewis G. Vinci. Ward Commissioner<br />

Loretta C Marshall, ward Commissioner<br />


ss<br />


BE IT REMEMBERED, that on this 26th day Ql March, in the year ol our Lord one<br />

tnousand nine hundred and -seventy seven (1977), bolore mo. the undersigned authority,<br />

personally appeared HELENE G. MACE. ELFREDA C. ANDREA, LENNEA A. PLANT.<br />

LEWIS G VINCI, and LORETTA C MARSHALL, who I am satisfied are the Ward<br />

Commissioners who have been duly qualified as Warn commissioners in the matter<br />

involving the division ot the <strong>City</strong> ol <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, in the County ol Cape May and Slate ol<br />

New Jersey, into tour wards, and I hereby certily that each 01 said Ward Commissioners<br />

signed, sealed and delivered the loregoing report as his or her own act and deed.<br />


Attorney At Law ol N.J.<br />



VINCI, and LORETTA C MARSHALL, collectively comprising the live Ward<br />

Commissioners duly appointed by the terms ol N.J.S. 40:69A )9fl and duly qualilied by the<br />

terms at N.J.S. 40:69AI99. alter having been administered the oaths ol our respective<br />

<strong>of</strong>fices by ,Honorable James A. O'Neill on March 4. 1977, do hereby certify that the ie divisive division<br />

which we have made ol the Cily ol <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>. County ol Cape May, into lour wan' ards ii\[s /<br />

follows, and we do hereby further certily that the population 01 each 01 said lour v<br />

.as contained therein, according to the 1970 Federal Census. 'Further, each ol us does<br />

hereby unanimously endorse the within Cerfilicafion:<br />



PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Bounded on the Northeast by Great Egg Harbor Inlet, on the<br />

Southeast by the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>, on the Southwest by the centerline ol Third Street, and'on<br />

the Northwest by the Great Egg harbor Bay.<br />

POPULATION: 2555<br />


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION BoundoO'on the Northeast by.the centerline ol Third Street,<br />

on the Southeast by the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>, on the Southwest by the cenlerlme ol Ninth Street<br />

and on the Northwest by the Great Egg Harbor Bay •<br />

POPULATION: 2699<br />


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Bounded on the Northeast by the centerline 01 Ninth Street,<br />

on the Southeast bv the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>, on the Southwest by the centcrhno ol 19th Street<br />

and the same extended, from the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong> to tho eenterlme ol Bay Avenue and the<br />

centerline ot Sunny Harbor and the same extended Northwesterly ol the centerline ol Bay<br />

Avenue, and on the Northwest bv.Great Egg Harbor Bay.<br />

POPULATION 2605<br />


PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Bounded on Ihe Northeast by the centerline ol 19th Street<br />

and Ihe same extended from the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong> to Ihe centerline <strong>of</strong> Bay Avenue and the<br />

centerime ol Sunny Harbor and Ihe same extended Northwesterly <strong>of</strong> IheTenterline ol Bay<br />

Avenue, on Ihe Southeast by the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>, on Ihe Southwest by the centerline ol 59th<br />

Street, and on Ihe Northwest bv Pecks Bay and Crook Horn Creek.<br />

POPULATION: 2716<br />

HelencG Mace, Ward Commissioner<br />

Ellreda C Andrea, ward commissioner<br />

Lennea A. Plant, Ward Commissioner<br />

Lewis G. Vinci, Ward Commissioner<br />

Loretta C. Marshall, Ward Commissioner<br />


ss<br />

COUNTY OF <br />

i L<br />

lt_ £<br />

45712<br />

501-41<br />

501-17<br />

501-17<br />

504-24<br />

501-44<br />

504-0<br />

507- II<br />

506-17<br />

509-1)<br />

510-14<br />

511-81<br />

512 3<br />

5130<br />

;. \-;V---ri**r~<br />

511-40<br />

937-14<br />

326-5<br />

519-42<br />

530-27<br />

531 43<br />

531-10<br />

51119<br />

914-10<br />

51510<br />

111-18<br />

51719<br />

516-19<br />

539 30<br />

415 11<br />

414 9<br />

417-10<br />

418 14<br />

419-40<br />

420 40<br />

421-49<br />

43>4I<br />

42118<br />

434-10<br />

425-19<br />

414' 18<br />

441 43<br />

446 40<br />

447 11<br />

441-3 .<br />

449 11<br />

4500<br />

431 31<br />

492 30<br />

451-6<br />

15445<br />

45125<br />


514 74<br />

SlS-17<br />

514 4<br />

917-22<br />

516 0<br />

519-0<br />

520 0<br />

521-34<br />

5310<br />

523-30<br />

534 14<br />

. " 525-3<br />

5401<br />

54120<br />

542 1<br />

5410<br />

541-11<br />

547-1]<br />

550-11<br />

55111<br />

554-15<br />

599-35<br />

551-1<br />

55734<br />

55142<br />

559:103<br />

Total 3.405<br />

EKhlbif'O" • . . ' .<br />

FOURTH WARD; ' -.<br />

' PHYSICAL DesCRIPTION: Bounded on me Northeast by the cenlerline ol 19th Street<br />

and the same extended from Ihe Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong> lo Ihe ccntorline <strong>of</strong> Bay Avenue and the<br />

cenlirllne <strong>of</strong> Sunny Harbor and the same ealehded Northwesterly oljhe centerline <strong>of</strong> Bay<br />

Avenue, on Ihe Southeast by the Atlantic <strong>Ocean</strong>, on the Southwest by The Centerline ol 59th<br />

Street, and oh the Northwest by Peck's Bay and Ciook Horn Creek.<br />

BLOCKS.AND POPULATION: Bldck numbers are census block numbers - not <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

<strong>City</strong> Tan Block numbers.<br />

544-5<br />

94913<br />

541 11<br />

949-11<br />

592-32<br />

5930<br />

540-15<br />

541-34<br />

101-71<br />

103-137<br />

403 0<br />

4040<br />

405 O<br />

4040<br />

1070<br />

40134<br />

409-97<br />

110-29<br />

111 0<br />

1120<br />

6110<br />

114-0<br />

1190<br />

1140<br />

1170<br />

6110<br />

119-19<br />

420-17<br />

111-1<br />

4130<br />

133-121<br />

424 25<br />

415-49<br />

126-30<br />

137-3)<br />

131-39<br />

439 11<br />

430 54<br />

611-11<br />

61216<br />

611-13<br />

614-16<br />

6157<br />

616-31<br />

617 19<br />

61624<br />

119-12<br />

140-7<br />

64114<br />

643-11<br />

64] 12<br />

644 (1<br />

645-21<br />

6460<br />

647 14<br />

646-5<br />

649-21<br />

650-9<br />

651-4<br />

453-1 '<br />

151-11<br />

654-1<br />

155-1<br />

454 7<br />

1574<br />

6586<br />

699-9<br />

701-13<br />

702-13<br />

701-30<br />

704 30<br />

70510<br />

706-8<br />

707-8<br />

708-11<br />

709-1!<br />

710 IS<br />

711-11<br />

• 71212<br />

7130<br />

71411<br />

715-9<br />

716-4<br />

7170<br />

718-33<br />

71931<br />

73013<br />

721 0<br />

722 10<br />

723-7<br />

73411<br />

7150<br />

736-19<br />

737-6<br />

738-7<br />

739-60<br />

7300<br />

731-46<br />

713 23<br />

711-0<br />

714-24<br />

715-44<br />

714 135<br />

717-5<br />

718-11<br />

739-9<br />

74011<br />

741-3<br />

743 17<br />

743-6<br />

744-14<br />

Exhibit "E"<br />

1.101169<br />

355.5/16I000O0OOO0<br />

15310<br />

. 7700<br />

7665<br />

1500<br />

3555<br />

9450<br />

7615<br />

. 17650<br />

15)10<br />

Exhibit "F"<br />

25200 -<br />

22995<br />

74911<br />

7460<br />

747-4<br />

748 8<br />

749 10<br />

750-10<br />

751 0<br />

7-53-0<br />

753-3<br />

754-0<br />

7550<br />

756-2<br />

757-26<br />

801-11<br />

602-4<br />

801-7<br />

804 2<br />

605 4<br />

806-5<br />

807]<br />

8080<br />

6090<br />

8100<br />

611-0<br />

812 0<br />

811-7<br />

614-1<br />

815 1<br />

616-13<br />

817-11<br />

618-6<br />

61911<br />

S20O<br />

821-9<br />

822 11<br />

81)11<br />

614-5<br />



S3J6<br />

626-19<br />

627-11 •<br />

818-6<br />

81918<br />

• 810-17<br />

81111<br />

812-10<br />

811 14<br />

6)4 IS<br />

63515<br />

836-0<br />

8379<br />

616-10<br />

819-6 ,<br />

640-4 " r .<br />

641 11 ,<br />

84117<br />

641-0<br />

644-9<br />

645-0<br />

646-11<br />

6470<br />

646-116<br />

849-0<br />

650-1<br />

851-0<br />

65111<br />

851-16<br />

854-10<br />

659-1<br />

6510<br />

6570<br />

896-38<br />

859-0<br />

640-3<br />

111 2<br />

861-0<br />

Total 2,714<br />

PREPARED BY Charles Henry James. Attorney Al Law. 4401 New Jersey Avenue,<br />

Wildwood. New Jersey 01240<br />

4-7, IT. P.F. (1140.00<br />

] Q:J czn czn cm L<br />





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OCEAN CITY (0) S<br />

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