multigap pseudospark switch for fair - GSI Helmholtzzentrum für ...

multigap pseudospark switch for fair - GSI Helmholtzzentrum für ...

multigap pseudospark switch for fair - GSI Helmholtzzentrum für ...


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Abstract<br />


K. Frank, I. Petzenhauser*, U. Blell*, B.J. Lee + , and J. Jacoby +<br />

Texas Tech University<br />

Center <strong>for</strong> Pulsed Power and Power Electronics<br />

Box 43102, Lubbock, Tx, 79409-3102, United States<br />

E-mail: klaus.frank@ttu.edu<br />

At the <strong>GSI</strong> <strong>Helmholtzzentrum</strong> fuer Schwerionen<strong>for</strong>schung<br />

GmbH a new accelerator complex, called Facility <strong>for</strong><br />

Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), is under construction.<br />

Its main components are the SIS100 and SIS300 heavy ion<br />

synchrotrons. To operate their injection/extraction kicker<br />

magnet systems, modulators with pulse-<strong>for</strong>ming networks<br />

(PFNs) are necessary. The PFNs will be charged to a high<br />

voltage up to 70 kV and discharged via a high-voltage<br />

<strong>switch</strong>. The <strong>switch</strong> has to handle currents up to 6 kA, pulse<br />

durations up to 7 microseconds with an overall lifetime<br />

exceeding 10 8 shots. The repetition rate is about 4 Hz and a<br />

current rise rate of at least 4 . 10 10 A/s is required. The only<br />

commercially available <strong>switch</strong> in this parameter range is<br />

actually a multi-gap thyratron. As an alternative, a three-gap<br />

<strong>pseudospark</strong> <strong>switch</strong> is under development at <strong>GSI</strong>. It<br />

combines the major advantages of the thyratron with its low<br />

stand-by power as a cold-cathode device, as well as its<br />

insensitivity to large current reversal.<br />

Like <strong>for</strong> the thyratron, the maximum hold-off voltage of a<br />

single gap <strong>pseudospark</strong> <strong>switch</strong> is limited to about 35 kV.<br />

For a reliable hold-off voltage of 70 kV, a three-gap system<br />

was designed. Test results with a first sealed-off prototype<br />

<strong>switch</strong> of this design are reported. The prototype has<br />

demonstrated a voltage hold-off capability of more than 80<br />

kV. The circuit of capacitive and resistive voltage dividers<br />

was optimized to improve the <strong>switch</strong> control, the delay and<br />

the jitter values.<br />

As trigger unit, a conventional high-dielectric trigger is<br />

used. With such a trigger unit a crucial issue <strong>for</strong> minimum<br />

delay breakdown still remains the plasma coupling between<br />

the different gaps by drift-spaces. Those drift spaces have to<br />

be designed carefully in order to minimize the internal<br />

delay of breakdown. An additional major issue is that the<br />

<strong>switch</strong> suffers from losses, which principally limit the<br />

lifetime of low-pressure gas discharge <strong>switch</strong>es. At high<br />

repetition rates a common way to minimize losses by anode<br />

dissipation is to integrate a so-called anode inductor.<br />

Whether this will be true, too, with a cold-cathode <strong>switch</strong> at<br />

low repetition rates, and much larger pulse lengths,<br />

preliminary tests with an anode inductor were per<strong>for</strong>med.<br />


The "Facility <strong>for</strong> Antiproton and Ion Research" (FAIR) is a<br />

new, international accelerator complex that will be built in<br />

Darmstadt, Germany [1]. The project started officially in<br />

November 2007. One of the main components of this<br />

complex will be the SIS100/300 double ring facility with a<br />

circumference of 1100 m. SIS indicates the type of the<br />

machine "Schwer-Ionen-Synchrotron" which is the German<br />

word <strong>for</strong> heavy ion synchrotron and the numbers<br />

correspond to the maximum beam rigidity of 100 Tm and<br />

300 Tm, respectively.<br />

Kicker magnets are fast pulsed devices used <strong>for</strong> the<br />

injection and ejection of particle beams of such circular<br />

accelerators. Frequently the space available in the<br />

accelerator lattice <strong>for</strong> these magnets is strictly limited,<br />

resulting in difficulties in simultaneously satisfying the kick<br />

strength and fast rise time requirements. The obvious<br />

solution of further raising the voltage runs into technical<br />

difficulties above 80-100 kV. Fortunately, operating kicker<br />

magnets in the short-circuited rather than the terminated<br />

mode generates double the kick strength from a given space<br />

<strong>for</strong> given operating voltage, characteristic impedance and<br />

rise time.<br />



A. The Pseudospark Discharge<br />

Figure 1. The generalized breakdown curve from<br />

PASCHEN and the modified one <strong>for</strong> the <strong>pseudospark</strong><br />

geometry [2]<br />

*FAIR Synchrotrons, <strong>GSI</strong> <strong>Helmholtzzentrum</strong> fuer Schwerionen<strong>for</strong>schung GmbH, Planckstr.1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany<br />

+ Institute of Applied Physics, Goethe University, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Due to the non-planar geometry (see Figure 1.) of the<br />

<strong>pseudospark</strong>, PASCHEN’s law is difficult to apply. This is<br />

a result of both the non-equilibrium nature of the electron<br />

transport and of the difficulty in defining an effective path<br />

length. Since <strong>pseudospark</strong>s operate on the “near side” of<br />

PASCHEN’s curve (i.e increasing hold-off voltage Ubreak,<br />

with a decreasing product of pressure and distance, p*d),<br />

electrons having longer paths will decrease U, due to their<br />

having more opportunity to avalanche be<strong>for</strong>e reaching the<br />

anode. Since the spatial distribution of the electric field,<br />

both in the gap and in the hollow electrode structures,<br />

depends on parameters such as the electrode separation,<br />

electrode thickness, and electrode hole radii, the breakdown<br />

voltage Ubreak, will also depend on these quantities.<br />

Deviations from PASCHEN’s law resulting in lower holdoff<br />

voltages are caused by penetration of the anode potential<br />

into the hollow cathode making a larger effective value of<br />

p * d. Penetration increases with increasing cathode hole<br />

radius and decreasing cathode thickness, and so the hold-off<br />

voltage decreases. Ionizing collisions occur predominantly<br />

near the central hole by electrons initially emitted from the<br />

inside of the cathode. This behavior is a consequence of the<br />

electrons in the hollow cathode spending a longer time in<br />

the moderate electric fields resulting from potential<br />

penetration into the cathode. They also have a longer<br />

effective path length to the anode resulting in a large p*d. In<br />

the hollow anode case, the majority of electron impact<br />

ionization occurs in the cathode hole and near gap. Once the<br />

electrons get into the high-field region in the gap and<br />

accelerate to energies greater than the peak in the ionization<br />

cross section, the rate of ionization decreases dramatically.<br />

Those electrons become so-called “run-away” electrons,<br />

which start to <strong>for</strong>m an energetic e-beam. This is an<br />

undesired process within low-pressure plasma <strong>switch</strong>es like<br />

thyratrons and <strong>pseudospark</strong>s. The overwhelming part of the<br />

commutation loss is related to this process, as well as major<br />

electrode erosion. That is why the limit in hold-off voltage<br />

is at about 30 kV <strong>for</strong> a two-electrode, low-pressure gap; <strong>for</strong><br />

higher hold-of voltages a stacking of two or more gaps is<br />

mandatory. For a reliable hold-off voltage of 70 kV during<br />

an extended lifetime, a number of at least three gaps are<br />

necessary.<br />

B. Comparison Of Switch Types Considered For<br />

Application With FAIR<br />

The following table summarizes the different types of high<br />

voltage <strong>switch</strong>es that have been discussed. When the project<br />

started 5 years ago, solid-state <strong>switch</strong>es were far from being<br />

an useful alternative. Meanwhile the technology of solidstate<br />

<strong>switch</strong>es is so mature that even <strong>for</strong> high voltages<br />

beyond 50 kV those are serious alternatives to gas-filled<br />

devices. But these <strong>switch</strong>es still suffer from an insufficient<br />

current rise rate.<br />

On the other hand high-voltage, <strong>multigap</strong> thyratrons are still<br />

in wide-spread use in high energy particle accelerators and<br />

are still considered <strong>for</strong> future applications.<br />

Table 1: Comparison of different <strong>switch</strong> types related to the<br />

requirements<br />

Parameter Quantity Thyratron Pseudo- Solid- Spark<br />

spark State Gap<br />

Voltage ≤ 70 kV yes yes yes yes<br />

Current ≤ 6 kA yes yes yes yes<br />

Repetition<br />

rate<br />

≤ 4 Hz yes yes yes yes<br />

Pulse<br />

duration<br />

≤ 7 µs yes yes yes yes<br />

Current rise<br />

time<br />

< 150 ns yes yes yes yes<br />

Current rise >4*10<br />

rate<br />

10 A/s yes yes no yes<br />

Energy /<br />

pulse<br />

~ 1,5 kJ yes yes yes yes<br />

Peak power ~ 210 MW yes yes yes yes<br />

Lifetime >10 8 shots yes yes? yes no<br />

The PSS is comparable in many aspects to the thyratron and<br />

it possesses additional advantages, but it is not yet<br />

commercially available. Spark gaps can not fulfill the<br />

lifetime requirements.<br />

C. Pseudospark Development For FAIR<br />

Figure 2 reflects the progress in brazing technology by the<br />

comparison of the <strong>for</strong>mer two-gap prototype (left) [3,4,5]<br />

with the actual three-gap <strong>pseudospark</strong> <strong>switch</strong> (PSS). A<br />

sketch of the drift space lay-out is shown in the middle.<br />

Figure 2. Former two-gap prototype (left), drift space<br />

geometry (middle), actual three-gap prototype (right)<br />

The external circuitry, that divides the voltage between the<br />

three gaps is of big importance <strong>for</strong> delay and jitter values of<br />

the triggered PSS breakdown. Principally it is important to<br />

provide by an auxiliary glow discharge a fast pre-ionization<br />

of the drift space in order to initiate the next gap’s<br />

breakdown. As important as efficient drift-space preionization<br />

is the primary trigger plasma, which initiates the<br />

breakdown process of the <strong>switch</strong>. It is planned to replace<br />

the actual trigger device, the dielectric surface flashover<br />

trigger, by new unit, which has an additional extraction grid<br />

(see Figure 3). This extraction grid, one hand, protects the<br />

device from the impact of the main discharge, on the other<br />

hand, it allows to apply a pre-trigger pulse to improve the

timing, and the extraction of a higher amount of plasma<br />

electrons.<br />

(a)<br />

(b)<br />

Figure 3. Improved trigger unit with parts (a) and crosssection<br />

(b)<br />

The three-gap PSS was tested up to a hold-off voltage of<br />

80 kV. A further increase was prevented by external<br />

flashover at the auxiliary circuit. The <strong>switch</strong>ed current itself<br />

was below 1 kA with the risk of quenching, which was<br />

observed at low gas pressure (as a function of the reservoir<br />

heater current (see Figure 4)).<br />

Figure 4. Quench phenomenon with the three-gap PSS at<br />

different reservoir heater currents, and the influence of<br />

adding a heavy noble gas (argon).<br />

It is well-known from <strong>for</strong>mer experiments with one-gap<br />

<strong>pseudospark</strong> <strong>switch</strong>es that at discharge currents below 1 kA<br />

the quenching [ ] occurs, and, that quenching can be<br />

suppressed by adding a small amount of a heavy noble gas<br />

to the working gas (usually deuterium). This could be<br />

confirmed by experiments with the three-gap PSS (see<br />

Figure 7).<br />

A. Basics<br />


One of the challenges in all low pressure gas discharge<br />

<strong>switch</strong>es is the reduction of the lifetime due to commutation<br />

losses resulting in anode heating, especially with high<br />

repetition rates. The commutation loss is mainly a result of<br />

the finite <strong>switch</strong>ing time of every <strong>switch</strong>. After the trigger<br />

pulse arrives at the <strong>pseudospark</strong> <strong>switch</strong> (or thyratron), the<br />

gas discharge needs a certain time to fully develop and to<br />

reach a low ohmic resistance. During that commutation<br />

phase, a significant current is already flowing in the <strong>switch</strong>.<br />

The still high voltage and the current multiply to a huge<br />

power loss (Multiflying the still high voltage by the current<br />

results in a huge power loss). This problem can be solved<br />

by using saturable inductors. Basically these inductors,<br />

connected in series to a <strong>switch</strong>, reduce the current flow to a<br />

negligible value. When the inductors are saturated, the<br />

current can flow freely. There<strong>for</strong>e the current is delayed and<br />

the gas discharge inside the <strong>switch</strong> can fully develop be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

the current arrives. When the current flows, the voltage<br />

across the <strong>switch</strong> is already low, there<strong>for</strong>e the losses can be<br />

significantly reduced.<br />

For many decades [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], this method has<br />

been successfully used <strong>for</strong> thyratrons. In contrast to<br />

thyratrons a PSS is based on a cold cathode electrode. To<br />

reach the low-resistive phase in a PSS, a significant current<br />

flow is necessary to allow self-heating of the cathode. A<br />

useful compromise has to be found to fulfill these opposing<br />

needs.<br />

The voltseconds were judged adequate <strong>for</strong> the reactors to<br />

hold off the voltage during the whole of the PSS<br />

commutation period. They are available without the need<br />

<strong>for</strong> pulsed or d.c. bias of the cores. Commutation losses of a<br />

PSS can be determined principally from accurate<br />

measurement of the current and voltage drop during the<br />

<strong>switch</strong>ing period. A loss coefficient can be obtained <strong>for</strong> any<br />

given tube which allows prediction of the losses under a<br />

wide range of operating conditions. For short pulses of up<br />

to a few hundreds of nanoseconds the conduction losses are<br />

negligible compared to those of the initial commutation, but<br />

not in the case of our application.<br />

In following next figures the data of experiments a<br />

<strong>pseudospark</strong> <strong>switch</strong> (PSS) without and with different anode<br />

inductors are presented. The test setup is shown in Figure 5.<br />

Different saturating inductors are connected in series with<br />

the PSS, on the anode side. Three different designs of the<br />

FINEMET (FT-3H) pulsed power core types were used.<br />

These cores use a thin ceramic insulation to provide a high

eak down voltage. The properties of the tested saturating<br />

inductors are summarized in the next Table 2.<br />

Table 2: Survey on parameters of different anode inductors,<br />

based upon Metglass<br />

Cores A B C<br />

Material Metglass Metglass Metglass<br />

Bmax [T] 1.2 1.23 1.23<br />

Br[T] 0.5 0.5 0.5<br />

∆B = Bs+Br 1.7 1.7 1.7<br />

Hc [A/m] < 3 8 8<br />

µi (or µ) 20000 30000 50000<br />

Core Area (cm 2 ) 0.456 12.5 12.5<br />

OD [mm] 40 120 120<br />

ID [mm] 32 20 20<br />

Thickness 15 25 25<br />

Calculated Ts<br />

For V=10 kV and<br />

∆B = 1.7 T (0.8 T)<br />

62 ns<br />

(29 ns)<br />

213 ns<br />

(100 ns)<br />

213 ns<br />

(100 ns)<br />

The delay time TS is determined by Faraday’s law with a<br />

voltage of 10 kV assuming that the voltage is linear with<br />

time.<br />

Anode<br />

Cathode<br />

Trigger<br />

V<br />

Saturable<br />

Inductors<br />

50<br />

C<br />

V<br />

R<br />

+ HV<br />

Figure 5. Experimental set-up: <strong>pseudospark</strong> <strong>switch</strong> PSS<br />

with anode inductor<br />

B. Experimental Results<br />

There is almost no difference in collapse time between both<br />

figures shown in Figure.6. The significant difference is the<br />

temporarily almost constant voltage during the<br />

commutation phase be<strong>for</strong>e it turns negative. Could this be<br />

explained by the <strong>pseudospark</strong> breakdown phase transition<br />

“superemissive” to “arc” or by “hollow cathode phase” to<br />

“superemissive phase”? This is an open question. During<br />

commutation dissipation of energy in the PSS is reduced as<br />

well as the total energy transfer <strong>for</strong> 5 µs (the energy is<br />

mainly dissipated in the saturating inductors by eddy<br />

currents). In addition, as mentioned be<strong>for</strong>e, the different<br />

discharge phases with anode inductor indicate, that the<br />

original <strong>pseudospark</strong> discharge evolution, based upon the<br />

the superemissive mode theory [??? ] is not anymore valid.<br />

CM<br />

Rch<br />

This indicates that a new mechanism leads to <strong>pseudospark</strong><br />

breakdown.<br />

Voltage (kV)<br />

Voltage (kV)<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

-10<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

-5<br />

Trigger Voltage<br />

0<br />

Voltage<br />

Trigger Voltage<br />

0<br />

Voltage<br />

Current<br />

Power<br />

Current<br />

0.5<br />

Time (µs)<br />

(a)<br />

0.5<br />

Time (µs)<br />

(b)<br />

Power<br />

Figure 6. Temporal behavior of the voltage, current and<br />

power without a saturable inductor (a) and with a saturable<br />

inductor (b)<br />

Since the impedance of the inducting cores is still large,<br />

after commutation of the <strong>pseudospark</strong> <strong>switch</strong>, most of the<br />

voltage is present across the core until it becomes saturated.<br />

As the core becomes saturated, its impedance decreases<br />

drastically, allowing the discharging current to rise steeply.<br />

In general, by the delayed main current flow, the losses in a<br />

low-pressure gas <strong>switch</strong> are minimized. As can be seen in<br />

Table 2, there is a big difference between the maximum and<br />

the minimum calculated delay. Principally this would be<br />

unacceptable in most applications. The reason <strong>for</strong> the<br />

different values is that the cores were in an undefined state<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e the measurements depending on the previous<br />

experiments. To handle this problem, a reset system is<br />

needed, which pre-magnetizes the cores to a negative flux<br />

density be<strong>for</strong>e the pulse. Such a system was not used in the<br />

presented measurements.<br />

The delay of the current pulses and the decrease in<br />

amplitude, the increase in pulse width, respectively are<br />

1.0<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

-0.1<br />

-0.2<br />

-0.3<br />

-0.4<br />

-0.5<br />

0.5<br />

0.4<br />

0.3<br />

0.2<br />

0.1<br />

0<br />

-0.1<br />

-0.2<br />

-0.3<br />

-0.4<br />

-0.5<br />

Current (kA)<br />

Current (kA)<br />

2.0<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

2.0<br />

1.5<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

Power (MW)<br />

Power (MW)

caused by the higher inductance of the saturating inductors.<br />

The delay time is mainly defined by magnetic swing (∆B)<br />

and cross section area of the inductor. The delay time is<br />

calculated by Faraday’s law using the numbers from the<br />

data sheet.<br />

The decrease in amplitude indicates the slow current rise<br />

rate. Without saturating inductor the rise time is controlled<br />

by the resistive fall time of the PSS and the residual circuit<br />

inductance. When the inductors are added, at first, the<br />

current will be delayed. When the inductor saturates, the<br />

PSS has is already fully conductive, and consequently the<br />

rise time is steeper. However a steeper rise time is observed<br />

only if the circuit is not dominated by the inductance of the<br />

saturable inductor. After saturating, the inductor acts like a<br />

normal inductor. As a result the rise time decreases and the<br />

pulse width becomes wider.<br />

As shown in Figure 7 the commutation losses are reduced<br />

by about a factor six by the right choice of saturating<br />

inductors.<br />

Energy (mJ)<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Without A B C ABC<br />

Saturable inductor types<br />

Figure 7. Energy deposited during commutation by<br />

different types of inductors<br />

C. Summary<br />

In order to improve the lifetime of the <strong>switch</strong> by reducing<br />

commutation losses of a low pressure gas discharge <strong>switch</strong>,<br />

saturating inducting cores have been series integrated to<br />

<strong>pseudospark</strong> <strong>switch</strong> circuit. Two important results are<br />

observed. One is that the saturating inductor can be useful<br />

<strong>for</strong> the PSS in the same way it is useful <strong>for</strong> the thyratron<br />

<strong>switch</strong>. The other one is that in our setup the transition<br />

behaviour between the <strong>pseudospark</strong> discharge phases differs<br />

from its typical behavior published previously [19]. Further<br />

more detailed experiments with time-resolved optical<br />

spectroscopy and precise <strong>for</strong>ward voltage drop<br />

measurements may deliver data <strong>for</strong> a better understanding<br />

of the physical processes, which are on the bottom of the<br />

<strong>pseudospark</strong> discharge. To investigate those physical<br />

phenomena more carefully, with fast shutter photography<br />

and line emission spectroscopy will be required.<br />


The recent experiments with a three-gap <strong>pseudospark</strong><br />

<strong>switch</strong> confirmed that it is a promising alternative to<br />

comparative thyratrons. It combines comparable or even<br />

better <strong>switch</strong>ing characteristics with a cost-effective option<br />

<strong>for</strong> extended applications, too.<br />

To further reduce the quenching of the <strong>switch</strong> different<br />

mixtures of deuterium and argon will be tested. An increase<br />

of the initial trigger plasma density may contribute to a<br />

reduction of quenching probability, too. It is planned to<br />

replace the actual simple design by a pulsed dielectric<br />

trigger unit with an additional grid <strong>for</strong> enhanced plasma<br />

extraction and pre-pulsing, respectively. In order to get a<br />

better understanding of the loss mechanisms, the<br />

commutation and conduction losses have to be determined<br />

individually <strong>for</strong> all gaps. Another option to study the loss<br />

mechanisms is to detect time-resolved the X-ray emission<br />

with and without anode inductor. In addition, further<br />

detailed studies of magnetic materials <strong>for</strong> the saturable<br />

inductor are necessary. Based upon those data an<br />

experimental design with minimization of the stray<br />

capacitance of the inductor and its housing will be made. Of<br />

more scientific interest is the problem whether a saturable<br />

inductor acts similar with a cold-cathode device as with a<br />

hot cathode <strong>switch</strong>. Time-resolved optical spectroscopy<br />

with and without the saturable inductor are planned to study<br />

the breakdown processes during commutation. In a near–<br />

future experiment the actual prototype has to be operated<br />

repetitively with fully applied voltage and current to get an<br />

estimation of the overall power dissipation, to derive the<br />

expected lifetime of the <strong>switch</strong>, including the trigger and the<br />

reservoir units. Finally the recovery process of the <strong>switch</strong><br />

after conduction has to be studied in order to determine the<br />

feedback.<br />


Acknowledgements<br />

The authors would like to thank the <strong>GSI</strong> <strong>Helmholtzzentrum</strong><br />

fuer Schwerionen<strong>for</strong>schung GmbH <strong>for</strong> the support. We<br />

would like to thank especially the people at the workshops<br />

at <strong>GSI</strong> and the university of Frankfurt who helped realise<br />

the <strong>switch</strong>.<br />

[1] <strong>GSI</strong> <strong>Helmholtzzentrum</strong> fuer Schwerionen<strong>for</strong>schung<br />

GmbH,http://www.gsi.de/<strong>fair</strong>/overview/accelerator/index_e.<br />

html<br />

[1] J. Urban and K. Frank, "Time Resolved Spectroscopic<br />

Characterization of the Plasma of a Pseudospark<br />

Discharge", IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Vol.<br />

32 (1), Part II: Special Issue on Pseudospark Physics and<br />

Applications, Guest Editors: Professor Martin Gundersen

(University of Southern Cali<strong>for</strong>nia, Los Angeles CA, USA)<br />

and Dr. Werner Hartmann (SIEMENS AG – Corporate<br />

Technology – Erlangen, Germany), pp. 227-232, 2004<br />

[2] <strong>GSI</strong> <strong>Helmholtzzentrum</strong> fuer Schwerionen<strong>for</strong>schung<br />

GmbH,http://www.gsi.de/<strong>fair</strong>/overview/accelerator/index_e.<br />

html<br />

[3] K. Frank, I. Petzenhauser, U. Blell, „Multigap<br />

Pseudospark Switches <strong>for</strong> High Voltage Applications“,<br />

Conference record of the 2006 Twenty-Seventh<br />

International Power Modulator Symposium 2006,<br />

Washington D.C., pp. 445-448<br />

[4] K. Frank, I. Petzenhauser, U. Blell, „Multi-gap<br />

Pseudospark Switches <strong>for</strong> High Voltage Applications“,<br />

IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation<br />

Vol. 14 (4), pp. 968-975 (2007)<br />

[5] K. Frank, I. Petzenhauser, B. Lee, U. Blell,<br />

“Development of Multigap Pseudospark Switch <strong>for</strong><br />

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