A Closer Look At The Rapture

Bill Britton Bill Britton


http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm asked the Lord for mercy in bringing this word through me. For God feels very strongly about what they have done to His precious anointing, and how they have used the very gifts of the Spirit to mislead and scatter His dear sheep. I am here to tell you that when God deals with this thing in strong judgment, it will not be pretty. "HIGH HANGS THE GALLOWS" There are other fifties in the Bible, including Isaiah 3:1-5 where the prophet says that God will strip them of their anointing because of their sin. And in Haggai 2:14-16 where it shows the people coming to church expecting to receive the precious anointing as of old, only to be cheated and receive less than half measure because of sin and uncleanness. But right now I would touch on just one more negative fifty before I tell you of the best news you've ever heard. Turn now to the book of Esther. Here we find Esther coming to the throne, through a wedding. Also we find Haman the Agagite attempting to kill Mordecai and his people. Esther is clearly a type of the Bride of Christ. No one will dispute that. Mordecai is a type of the Sons of God, who were instrumental in preparing Esther for the Throne, and who sustained and protected her through a time of great danger. Haman is a type of the flesh. He was an Agagite. Agag was king of the Amalekites. Amalek has always been recognized as the flesh in the Bible. Saul lost his kingdom when he spared Agag. God had decreed war forever against Amalek, and He will not be satisfied until all flesh is out of the Church. We can't take time for the whole story, but now we find Haman building a gallows to hang Mordecai on. Why? Because Mordecai will not bow to Haman. Praise God, there are Sons being raised up who will not bow to the flesh! They are not submitting to the demands of the flesh! They are not submitting to the demands of the carnal man. So Haman builds a gallows. Read about it in Esther 5:14... Then said Zeresh his wife and all his friends unto him, "Let a http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm (21 of 74) [06.03.02 09:43:47]

http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm gallows be made of FIFTY cubits high, and tomorrow speak thou unto the king that Mordecai may be hanged thereon: then go thou in merrily with the king unto the banquet." And the thing pleased Haman; and he caused the gallows to be made. Did you ever wonder why he made the gallows so high? Fifty cubits is as high as a seven story building. You don't have to go that high to hang a man. Ten cubits would have been plenty. But God is speaking to us here how that the flesh is going to get into Pentecost and try to use the anointing to destroy the Sons of God. Anyone moving in Sonship at this time will tell you that the greatest opposition to this message is not coming from the old line traditional churches. Many of the denominational people are hearing the message of Sonship for the first time and receiving it gladly, for they have not been warned against it, nor their minds poisoned. But in any church that is moving in a higher realm of the Spirit toward Sonship, you will find the pentecostal people staying away by the multitudes. For they have been so indoctrinated with the warnings of "false doctrines", or "deep end", "off brand", "free love", "evil spirits", etc. until they are scared to death to come and see if it really could be God. So the gallows was FIFTY cubits high. And Haman really meant to hang Mordecai thereon. But God... And Harbonah, one of the chamberlains, said before the king, "Behold also, the gallows FIFTY cubits high which Haman has made for Mordecai who has spoken good for the king, standeth in the house of Haman." Then the king said, "Hang him (Haman) thereon." (Esther 7:9) And so it was done. Haman hung on his own gallows. Now let me tell you what God is saying...The flesh may be trying to use the anointing now. And even the leaders of the Pentecostal movement will admit that there is far too much flesh prevalent in Pentecost today. But I see a day approaching when a great Revival sweeps the Pentecostal ranks, and the anointing will get so great, and will get in the right hands and the right channel, that the flesh will hang on the very gallows it built for the Sons. Glory to God! As it was in the days of Elijah, the people of God are going to see that http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm (22 of 74) [06.03.02 09:43:47]

http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm<br />

gallows be made of FIFTY cubits high, and tomorrow speak<br />

thou unto the king that Mordecai may be hanged thereon:<br />

then go thou in merrily with the king unto the banquet." And<br />

the thing pleased Haman; and he caused the gallows to be<br />

made.<br />

Did you ever wonder why he made the gallows so high? Fifty<br />

cubits is as high as a seven story building. You don't have to<br />

go that high to hang a man. Ten cubits would have been<br />

plenty. But God is speaking to us here how that the flesh is<br />

going to get into Pentecost and try to use the anointing to<br />

destroy the Sons of God. Anyone moving in Sonship at this<br />

time will tell you that the greatest opposition to this message<br />

is not coming from the old line traditional churches. Many of<br />

the denominational people are hearing the message of<br />

Sonship for the first time and receiving it gladly, for they<br />

have not been warned against it, nor their minds poisoned.<br />

But in any church that is moving in a higher realm of the<br />

Spirit toward Sonship, you will find the pentecostal people<br />

staying away by the multitudes. For they have been so<br />

indoctrinated with the warnings of "false doctrines", or "deep<br />

end", "off brand", "free love", "evil spirits", etc. until they are<br />

scared to death to come and see if it really could be God. So<br />

the gallows was FIFTY cubits high. And Haman really meant<br />

to hang Mordecai thereon. But God...<br />

And Harbonah, one of the chamberlains, said before the<br />

king, "Behold also, the gallows FIFTY cubits high which<br />

Haman has made for Mordecai who has spoken good for the<br />

king, standeth in the house of Haman." <strong>The</strong>n the king said,<br />

"Hang him (Haman) thereon." (Esther 7:9)<br />

And so it was done. Haman hung on his own gallows. Now let<br />

me tell you what God is saying...<strong>The</strong> flesh may be trying to<br />

use the anointing now. And even the leaders of the<br />

Pentecostal movement will admit that there is far too much<br />

flesh prevalent in Pentecost today. But I see a day<br />

approaching when a great Revival sweeps the Pentecostal<br />

ranks, and the anointing will get so great, and will get in the<br />

right hands and the right channel, that the flesh will hang on<br />

the very gallows it built for the Sons. Glory to God! As it was<br />

in the days of Elijah, the people of God are going to see that<br />

http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm (22 of 74) [06.03.02 09:43:47]

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