A Closer Look At The Rapture

Bill Britton Bill Britton


http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm Much more could be said about God's fifty. But space is so limited. Let us look at what man has done to the precious anointing. Now there's nothing at all wrong with the anointing, but the way man has defiled it is terrible. Turn to Joshua 7:21. The sin of Achan has been uncovered and he is now making confession..listen.. "When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of GOLD of FIFTY shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid IN THE EARTH in the midst of MY tent, and the silver under it." Here was a member of the generation, that, as a child, had been delivered out of Egypt and its idolatry, now bringing the garment of Babylon right into the camp of Israel. He had his feet in the promised land, was part of the Army that had conquered Jericho and seen its walls fall flat. Yet he couldn't stay away from Babylon. Notice the wedge was of gold. Divine, from God. Fifty shekels weight. That is a picture of the anointing. Pentecost. But what did he do with it? He hid it in the earth, in his tent. And so it has been. The precious power of Pentecost, the divine anointing of the Spirit hid, unseen, covered over by the fleshly manifestations and ambitions of the carnal man. "If you want it - come to MY tent, join MY denomination or fellowship. Get your hands dirty in MY earth, and you can have the divine anointing." Well, I tell you what they did with that mess...they took the whole caboodle down to the valley of Achor (which means "trouble") and buried it all under a huge pile of stones (including Achan, the fellow who defiled the camp as well as all who dwelled in his house). His sons, daughters, cattle and sheep. If you are a son of Achan, or a sheep in his denomination, you'd better change pastures quick. You'll end up in Achor. The precious anointing is for us, but not to be buried in man's earth, under his tent. Amen. http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm (15 of 74) [06.03.02 09:43:47]

http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm "SELF EXALTATION BY FIFTIES" Here is a story of two of David's sons - sons of the king. But they both died a violent and shameful death. They both had two things in common...they rebelled against the will of the King, and they had FIFTY men to run before them as a mark of their greatness. "And it came to pass after this, that Absalom prepared him chariots and horses, and FIFTY men to run before him." (II Samuel 15:1) "Then Adonijah the son of Haggith (his mother) exalted himself, saying I will be a king: and he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and FIFTY men to run before him." (I Kings 1:5) These two stories of rebellion and death are too lengthy to go into. The thing I want you to see is that they are a picture of those who have rebelled against God and are using the divine anointing of Pentecost to exalt themselves and draw attention to how great they are. "See my great gifts of the Spirit.. look at my supernatural ministry...support this tremendous work that is turning the world upside down!" (All they really want to turn upside down is your pocketbook or billfold.) But they are using the precious gifts of God, the divine anointing to exalt themselves. "Look at our great denomination which we have built on the pentecostal doctrine of tongues." "See our beautiful buildings, our thousands of preachers, our many Bible schools, our great organization which has been brought about by the power of God." Is it the real power of God? Yes. Absalom actually had FIFTY men to run before him. This speaks of the Real Pentecost. But God judged him severely for his misuse of them. "FIFTY AND THE PROPHETIC MINISTRY" There is a story in II Kings that is lengthy, but too important http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm (16 of 74) [06.03.02 09:43:47]

http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm<br />

Much more could be said about God's fifty. But space is so<br />

limited. Let us look at what man has done to the precious<br />

anointing. Now there's nothing at all wrong with the<br />

anointing, but the way man has defiled it is terrible. Turn to<br />

Joshua 7:21. <strong>The</strong> sin of Achan has been uncovered and he is<br />

now making confession..listen..<br />

"When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment,<br />

and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of GOLD of<br />

FIFTY shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them;<br />

and, behold, they are hid IN THE EARTH in the midst of MY<br />

tent, and the silver under it."<br />

Here was a member of the generation, that, as a child, had<br />

been delivered out of Egypt and its idolatry, now bringing the<br />

garment of Babylon right into the camp of Israel. He had his<br />

feet in the promised land, was part of the Army that had<br />

conquered Jericho and seen its walls fall flat. Yet he couldn't<br />

stay away from Babylon.<br />

Notice the wedge was of gold. Divine, from God. Fifty shekels<br />

weight. That is a picture of the anointing. Pentecost. But<br />

what did he do with it? He hid it in the earth, in his tent. And<br />

so it has been. <strong>The</strong> precious power of Pentecost, the divine<br />

anointing of the Spirit hid, unseen, covered over by the<br />

fleshly manifestations and ambitions of the carnal man. "If<br />

you want it - come to MY tent, join MY denomination or<br />

fellowship. Get your hands dirty in MY earth, and you can<br />

have the divine anointing." Well, I tell you what they did with<br />

that mess...they took the whole caboodle down to the valley<br />

of Achor (which means "trouble") and buried it all under a<br />

huge pile of stones (including Achan, the fellow who defiled<br />

the camp as well as all who dwelled in his house). His sons,<br />

daughters, cattle and sheep. If you are a son of Achan, or a<br />

sheep in his denomination, you'd better change pastures<br />

quick. You'll end up in Achor. <strong>The</strong> precious anointing is for<br />

us, but not to be buried in man's earth, under his tent.<br />

Amen.<br />

http://www.kingdomlife.com/kingdom/britton-rapture.htm (15 of 74) [06.03.02 09:43:47]

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