Before Jerusalem Fell

by Kenneth L. Gentry by Kenneth L. Gentry


Irenaeus, Bishop of Lpn.s 59 rule.’ “5 5 Is it not remarkable that in the same breath Irenaeus can mention “those who have seen John face to face” and “all the good and ancient copies [of Revelation]”? It would seem that the “ancient” (cip~doz5) character of the “copies” (&my@~ozq) would suggest something more ancient than the “end of Domitian’s reign,” which Irenaeus speaks of as “almost in our own generation.” It is difficult to see why the A.D. 130ff Irenaeus would have referred (as he did) to “ancient copies” (rather than simply to “copies”) – tithe original autograph had itself been written on~ “towards the end of Domitian’s rule.” . . . For then, the first “ancient copies” would and could only have been made after A.D. 96 — whereas Irenaeus implies that those ancient copies were made before that date! Moreover, even if the copies comemed were made only after A.D. 96 – they could hardly have been called “ancient” by the time of Irenaeus (born 130 A.D.). Still less could such first copies then (at a date only after 96 A. D.) appropriately have been described by Irenaeus as “the most approved and ancient copies.” Surely the compilation of many copies would thereafter require even further time. And the further determination of such of those approved and ancient copies as Irenaeus refers to as the “most approved and ancient copies” of the original, would need a further long time to take place.56 If Revelation were written pre-A.D. 70, then its date would be about three decades older still. The Weight of Irenaeus’s Statement Few early church fathers stand above Irenaeus in importance as an early, reliable witness to ancient Church history. Williston Walker notes that he was “the earliest theological leader of distinction in the rising Catholic Church. “5 7 Schaff agrees with Walker’s assessment and speaks highly of Irenaeus: “Irenaeus is the leading representative of catholic Christianity in the last quarter of the second century, the champion of orthodoxy against Gnostic heresy, and the mediator between the Eastern and Western churches. He united a learned Greek education and philosophical penetration with practical wis- 55. Francis Nigel Lee, “Revelation and Jerusalem” (Brisbane, Australia by the author, 1985), $36. 56. Ibid., $37. 57. Williston Walker, A Histoty of the Christian Church, 3rd ed. (New York: Scribners, 1970), p. 62.

60 BEFORE JERUSALEM FELL dom and moderation. He is neither very original nor brilliant, but eminently sound and judicious. “5 8 He is an extremely helpful witness to many matters of historical significance for the understanding of early Church history. Unfortunately, however, “Second-century traditions about the apostles are demonstrably unreliable.”5 9 And although generally reliable, Irenaeus’s writings are not without imperfection in matters historical. Indeed, some very fine and reputable scholars of renown discount his testimony that is so relevant to our debate. Robinson notes that “despite this [the testimony of Irenaeus to a late date], Hort, together with Lightfbot and Westcott, none of whom can be accused of setting light to ancient tradition, still rejected a Domitianic date in favour of one between the death of Nero in 68 and the fall of Jerusalem in 70. It is indeed a little known fact that this was what. Hort calls ‘the general tendency of criticism for most of the nineteenth century,’ and Peake cites the remarkable consensus of ‘both advanced and conservative scholars’ who backed it .“6° The Oxford University classical historian B. W. Henderson agrees, and adds that Irenaeus, the earliest extant authority, dates the [Revelation] under Domitian. His date, however, is c. 180 A. D., and if the Apocalypse enjoyed strange vicissitudes of neglect and esteem immediately after Irenaeus, as with Caius, Hippolytus, and the author of the Muratorian fragment, it not improbably did before, especially when years passed. . . . Irenaeus’ testimony to its authorship is perhaps more valuable than to its date. He abandons the task of interpretation in despair and with it the internal evidence which here on the question of date is more valuable than one piece of external evidence, not ‘a generation’ only later but a century.Gl Farrar, speaking of Papias’s statement regarding the fertility of the vines in the millennium that is recorded by Irenaeus,b2 makes a relevant and noteworthy observation: Experience shows that a story told second-hand, even by an honest 58. Scha~ Histoy 2:750. 59. G. B. Caird, A Comrnmtq on h Revelation of St. John the Divine (New York Harper & ROW, 1966), p. 4. 60. Robinson, Redating, pp. 224-225. 61. Henderson, Nero, p. 442. 62. Irenaeus, Against Here& 5:33:3.


dom and moderation. He is neither very original nor brilliant, but<br />

eminently sound and judicious. “5 8<br />

He is an extremely helpful witness<br />

to many matters of historical significance for the understanding of<br />

early Church history.<br />

Unfortunately, however, “Second-century traditions about the<br />

apostles are demonstrably unreliable.”5 9<br />

And although generally reliable,<br />

Irenaeus’s writings are not without imperfection in matters<br />

historical. Indeed, some very fine and reputable scholars of renown<br />

discount his testimony that is so relevant to our debate. Robinson<br />

notes that “despite this [the testimony of Irenaeus to a late date],<br />

Hort, together with Lightfbot and Westcott, none of whom can be<br />

accused of setting light to ancient tradition, still rejected a Domitianic<br />

date in favour of one between the death of Nero in 68 and the fall of<br />

<strong>Jerusalem</strong> in 70. It is indeed a little known fact that this was what.<br />

Hort calls ‘the general tendency of criticism for most of the nineteenth<br />

century,’ and Peake cites the remarkable consensus of ‘both advanced<br />

and conservative scholars’ who backed it .“6° The Oxford University<br />

classical historian B. W. Henderson agrees, and adds that<br />

Irenaeus, the earliest extant authority, dates the [Revelation] under<br />

Domitian. His date, however, is c. 180 A. D., and if the Apocalypse<br />

enjoyed strange vicissitudes of neglect and esteem immediately after<br />

Irenaeus, as with Caius, Hippolytus, and the author of the Muratorian<br />

fragment, it not improbably did before, especially when years<br />

passed. . . . Irenaeus’ testimony to its authorship is perhaps more<br />

valuable than to its date. He abandons the task of interpretation in<br />

despair and with it the internal evidence which here on the question<br />

of date is more valuable than one piece of external evidence, not ‘a<br />

generation’ only later but a century.Gl<br />

Farrar, speaking of Papias’s statement regarding the fertility of<br />

the vines in the millennium that is recorded by Irenaeus,b2 makes a<br />

relevant and noteworthy observation:<br />

Experience shows that a story told second-hand, even by an honest<br />

58. Scha~ Histoy 2:750.<br />

59. G. B. Caird, A Comrnmtq on h Revelation of St. John the Divine (New York Harper<br />

& ROW, 1966), p. 4.<br />

60. Robinson, Redating, pp. 224-225.<br />

61. Henderson, Nero, p. 442.<br />

62. Irenaeus, Against Here& 5:33:3.

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